#lang scheme/base (require "../pic18.ss") (provide (all-defined-out)) ;; Bypass the Forth syntax. ;; The code below is a valid Staapl module. ;; This uses the label^ sig which defines the wrappers. ;; It can also use functions directly from code.ss ;; Macros can be defined directly as: (define macro/s-simple-macro (macro: 1 2 3)) ;; The following supports nested macros with ';' in the middle of the ;; word, used in Forth syntax to make it easier to switch between ;; called and inlined words. It requires the word to be terminated by ;; ';'. (define macro/s-macro (label:wrap-macro 's-macro #f (macro: 1 2 3 |;|))) ;; Target words have a couple of components: (define-values ( target/s-word ;; target word structure macro/s-word ;; call macro postponed/s-word) ;; postponed code (label:wrap-word 's-word #f (macro: 4 5 6 |;|))) (label:append! postponed/s-word) ;; Instantiate all postponed code. (compile!)