#lang scheme/base ;; Tools for accessing the code stack useful for macro evaluation. (require "../op.ss" "../ns.ss" "../scat.ss" "../target/rep.ss" "op.ss" scheme/match) (provide state->value state->code asm-pop state-pop insert state-print-code tag-stack macro-list->state state->macro-list macro->target-word macro-target-word? ) ;; Evaluate macro to expose the target word call it wraps. Will raise ;; 'invalid-argument when it's not a wrapping macro. (define (macro->target-word x) (unless (word? x) (error 'macro->target-word "~s" x)) (let ((v (state->value (x (state:stack)) (ns (op ? cw))))) v)) (define (macro-target-word? m) (with-handlers ((void (lambda _ #f))) (macro->target-word m) #t)) (define (state-print-code state) (for ((ins (map instruction->string (reverse (stack-list state))))) (display ins) (newline))) ;; *** COMPILATION TOOLS **** (define (tag-stack s tag) (map (lambda (v) (list tag v)) s)) (define state->code stack-list) ;; Obtain single tagged value from state. Used in macro evaluation. (define (state->value state tag?) (let-values (((asm vals) (asm-pop (stack-list state) 1 tag?))) (unless (null? asm) (error 'multiple-asm-values "~s" asm)) (car vals))) ;; State construction is abstracted, in case there are macros operate ;; on extended state. ;(define macro-eval-init-state ; (make-parameter ; (lambda ([s '()]) (make-state:stack s)))) ;; POP & UNQUOTE ;; access tagged values on the stack ;; nvals = negative -> pop all (define (asm-pop in-instructions nvals tag? [trouble #f]) (let loop ((ins in-instructions) (n nvals) (vals '())) (if (or (zero? n) (and (< n 0) (null? ins))) (values ins vals) (begin (when (null? ins) (if trouble (trouble) (error 'asm-pop-stack-underflow "~s: ~s" nvals in-instructions))) (let ((op (car ins))) (unless (and (pair? op) (tag? (car op)) (pair? (cdr op))) (if trouble (trouble) (error 'invalid-argument "~a" (cons (asm-name (car op)) (cdr op))))) (loop (cdr ins) (- n 1) (cons (cadr op) vals))))))) (define (state-pop state nvals tag?) ;; The abstract state update machanism has no way to split data off ;; state, so use local (single) assignment. (define popped-values #f) (define state+ ((state-lambda stack (asm) (update (let-values (((asm+ vals) (asm-pop asm nvals tag?))) (set! popped-values vals) asm+))) state)) (values state+ popped-values)) (define (insert instructions) (make-word (state-lambda stack (asm) (update (append (reverse instructions) asm))))) ;; Convert a list of macros to a state by running them one by one. (define (macro-list->state macro-list make-state) (foldl (lambda (macro state) (macro state)) (make-state) macro-list)) ;; Convert a state (a list of instructions) to a list of macros that ;; produce the instructions one by one). (define (state->macro-list state) (map (lambda (x) (scat: ',x)) ;; quote the whole instruction (reverse (state->code state))))