#lang scheme/base (require scheme/unit scheme/match (for-syntax scheme/base)) (provide num^ ;; Number domain signature run^ ;; Analysis signature ;; Snarf expressions from model+domain unit. num-snarf num-run num-runs ;; Abstract number domain instances num-eval@ num-expr@ num-anf@ ) ;; The model is "sandwiched" between the basic domain num^ on which it ;; depends, and the analysis stub which implements basic domain and ;; analysis context. To simplify the code, each model^ exports a ;; signle function `run'. (begin-for-syntax ;; For wrappers used in `define-syntaxes`. Currently these are just ;; used to rename the standard arithmic ops to signature names and to ;; check arity. FIXME: add contracts. The rename is necesessary to ;; be able to use the original bindings to implement compile time ;; evaluation. ;; FIXME: add contracts + multi-arity (define (((op-arity n) id) stx) (syntax-case id () (op-id (syntax-case stx () ((op . args) (unless (= n (length (syntax->list #'args))) (raise-syntax-error #f "arity error" stx)) #`(op-id . args)))))) (define (op-wrappers op stx) (apply values (map op (syntax->list stx))))) ;; Basic domain. The ops are defined such that they map relatively ;; well to what is available on a DSP. (define-signature num^ (with-num ;; setup dynamic evaluation context lit ;; constant representation add sub mul div ;; arithmetic flr ;; unary (define-syntaxes (+ - * / ) ;; standard Scheme name aliases (op-wrappers (op-arity 2) #'(add sub mul div))) (define-syntaxes (floor) (op-wrappers (op-arity 1) #'(flr))) )) ;; Standard analysis interface. (define-signature run^ (run)) ;; Tools (define-syntax-rule (define-ops ops fn) (define-values ops (apply values (map fn 'ops)))) ;; Basic implementations of the sandwich model ;; Straightforward evaluation. (define-unit num-eval@ (import) (export num^) (define (with-num thunk) (thunk)) (define (lit x) x) (define-values (add sub mul div flr) (values + - * / floor)) ) ;; Expression compilation (define ((expr-op sym) . args) (cons sym args)) (define-unit num-expr@ (import) (export num^) (define (with-num thunk) (thunk)) (define (lit x) `(lit ,x)) (define-ops (add sub mul div flr) expr-op) ) ;; ANF compilation. Note that because of the side effects, the result ;; depends on the Scheme evaluation order. (define anf-dict (make-parameter #f)) (define anf-tag (make-parameter #f)) ;; Note that it is OK to update dynamic _bindings_ as is done below. ;; However it is not a good idea to desctructively modify the _values_ ;; these bindings point to, as this messes with the ability to use ;; partial continuations to jump in and out of the context setup by ;; `with-num'. (define (anf-let! expr) (let ((tag (anf-tag))) (anf-dict (cons (cons tag expr) (anf-dict))) (anf-tag (add1 tag)) `(var ,tag))) (define (anf-op sym) (lambda args (let ((expr (cons sym args))) (anf-let! expr)))) (define (anf-print dict) (for ((line (reverse dict))) (printf "~s = ~s\n" (car line) (cdr line)))) (define-unit num-anf@ (import) (export num^) (define-ops (add sub mul div flr) anf-op) (define (lit x) `(lit ,x)) (define (with-num thunk) ;; Setup evaluation context. (parameterize ((anf-dict '()) (anf-tag 0)) ;; Invoke & gather dict. (call-with-values thunk (lambda retvs (values (anf-dict) retvs)))))) ;; Tools for code analysis. ;; Execute a function expression in the context of a model bound to a ;; num^ instance. This uses `with-num' to provide the proper context. ;; This exposes a function interface to be able to abstract the setup ;; of the num^ instance's dynamic context installed by `with-num'. ;; Note that this breaks the outside use of closures created inside ;; this context. Use partial continuations instead. ;; For info on the `link' form see: ;; http://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/firstclassunits.html (define-syntax-rule (num-snarf num@ model@ model^ fn-expr) (let ((snarf@ ;; Define a unit used to fish out an expression. It is kept ;; as the last expression on the `link' line below so its ;; body will be executed last, making up the return value of ;; `invoke-unit'. (unit (import num^ model^) (export) (lambda args (with-num (lambda () (apply fn-expr args))))))) (invoke-unit (compound-unit (import) (export NUM RUN) ;; export-bindings unit import-bindings ;; ---------------------------------------- (link [((NUM : num^)) num@ RUN] [((RUN : model^)) model@ NUM] [() snarf@ NUM RUN]))))) ;; Like `num-snarf' but linked to the run^ signature. (define-syntax-rule (num-run num@ run@) (num-snarf num@ run@ run^ run)) ;; Conveniently create multiple interpretations. (define-syntax-rule (num-runs (@ ...) model@) (list (num-run @ model@) ...))