#lang racket/unit (require "sig.rkt" "label-sig.rkt" "ns.rkt" "code.rkt") ;; Translate a bunch of interfaces into one that is used to implement ;; the macros. (import jump^ ;; exit ram^ ;; allot org^ ;; org-begin, org-end instantiate^) ;; wrap-word, wrap-variable (export label^) ;; NOTE: you can't assign the value of an identifier to another one in ;; a module body, as it will be #. I.e. this doesn't ;; always work: ;; (define label:register! code-append-postponed!) ;; I did manage to do this for other variables, so maybe it depends on ;; the order of the units when the variables are finally bound? In ;; any case, wrapping function variables in abstraction (define-syntax-rule (wrap-functions (mf:x label:x) ...) (begin (define (mf:x . args) (apply label:x args)) ...)) (wrap-functions (label:append! code-append-postponed!) (label:wrap-word wrap-word) (label:wrap-variable wrap-variable) (label:wrap-macro wrap-macro)) ;; The signature macros will insert these words in the RPN code. They ;; implement access to the target code graph, which is essentially ;; built from a stream of RPN words. (define-syntax-rule (wrap-macros (l:n n) ...) (begin (define (l:n s) ((ns (macro) n) s)) ...)) (wrap-macros (label:exit exit) (label:allot allot) (label:org-begin org-begin) (label:org-end org-end))