#lang racket/base ;; Test module linking control unit to jump^ implemented in terms of ;; flat assembler output, and stack^ with partial evaluation only. (require "../sig.ss" "../tools.ss" "2stack.ss" "../macro.ss" ;; the unit we want to test "control-unit.ss" ;; stub units for testing "../coma/stack-test-unit.ss" "jump-test-unit.ss" "cjump-test-unit.ss" "../forth/forth-lex.ss") (define/invoke (stack^ jump^ control^ cjump^) (control@ stack-test@ cjump-test@ jump-test@)) ;; For testing Coma+Control macros using the 'macro>' Scheme macro ;; with only 2stack state (not the full compiler state). This uses ;; [label ...] and [jw/if ...] pseudo ops. See comp.ss for the real ;; work. (define-syntax-rule (macro> . code) (state-print-code ((macro: . code) (state:2stack)))) ;; Use the lexer on top to use command line interface to the compiler. (define-syntax-rule (forth-compile str) (forth-lex-string/cps macro> str))