-module(serv_ws). -export([start_link/1, defaults/0, handle/2, on_accept/1]). %% Stand-alone minimalistic websocket server. %% FIXME: Not complete. Modified as needed. %% ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); %% ws.send("123"); defaults() -> #{ opts => [binary, {packet, http}, {active, once}, {reuseaddr, true}], headers => #{}, on_accept => fun ?MODULE:on_accept/1, handle => fun ?MODULE:handle/2 }. start_link(#{ port := _} = Spec) -> serv_tcp:start_link( maps:merge(defaults(), Spec)). on_accept(State) -> %% Incoming state is a fork of the listener state. Remove maps:filter( fun(Key,_Val) when is_pid(Key) -> false; (Key,_Val) -> not lists:member( Key, [listen_sock, on_accept, opts, port]) end, State). %% Start the websocket handle({http,Sock,{http_request,'GET',{abs_path,"/ws"}=_Path,{1,1}}}, #{ sock := Sock } = State) -> %% log:info("~p~n", [{inet:peername(Sock),_Path}]), Headers = http:recv_headers(Sock), Key64 = proplists:get_value("Sec-Websocket-Key", Headers), %% Key = base64:decode(Key64), log:info("~p~n",[Key]), Magic = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11", KeyOut = base64:encode(crypto:hash(sha, [Key64,Magic])), Resp = [<<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n", "Upgrade: websocket\r\n", "Connection: Upgrade\r\n", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ">>, KeyOut, <<"\r\n">>, <<"\r\n">>], %% log:info("resp:~n~s", [Resp]), inet:setopts(Sock, [{packet, raw}, {active, true}]), ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, Resp), WsUp = maps:get(ws_up, State, fun(S) -> S end), %% Remove unnecessary members. WsUp( maps:filter( fun(K,_) -> not lists:member( K, [ws_up, headers, req]) end, State)); %% Any other page is delegated to plugin. handle({http,Sock,{http_request,'GET',Path,{1,1}}}, #{ sock := Sock } = State) -> %% log:info("~p~n", [{inet:peername(Sock), Path}]), Headers = http:recv_headers(Sock), Resp = case maps:find(req, State) of {ok, Req} -> {ok, HttpResp} = Req({Path,Headers}, State), %% log:info("HttpResp: ~p~n", [HttpResp]), HttpResp; _ -> [<<"HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n">>] end, ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, Resp), gen_tcp:close(Sock), exit(normal); %% inet:setopts(Sock, [{packet, http},{active,once}]), %% State; %% FIXME: Handle partial frames. handle({tcp,Sock,Data}=_Msg, #{ sock := Sock}=State) -> %% log:info("~p~n", [_Msg]), case parse(Data) of {Decoded = #{ mask := 1, opcode := Opcode, data := _ }, Rest} -> case Opcode of 8 -> exit({ws_connection_close, Opcode}); _ -> self() ! {data, Decoded}, case Rest of <<>> -> State; _ -> handle({tcp,Sock,Rest}, State) end end; Error -> log:info("serv_ws: can't parse~n~p~n~p~n", [Data,Error]), State end; handle({send, Data}, #{ sock := Sock}=State) when is_binary(Data)-> Len = size(Data), %% According to chrome, server must not mask any frames that it %% sends to the client. %% <> = %% crypto:hash(sha, term_to_binary(erlang:timestamp())), %% Key = <>, Fin = 1, Opcode = 1, Mask = 0, {LenCode,ExtraLen} = if Len < 126 -> {Len,[]}; Len < 65535 -> {126,<>}; true -> {127,<>} end, Encoded = [<>, ExtraLen, %% Key, xorkey(Key,0,Data) Data ], gen_tcp:send(Sock, Encoded), State; handle({tcp_closed,_Sock}=Msg, _State) -> exit(Msg); %% For super handle({req,_}=_Msg, State) -> log:info("serv_ws:handle: ~p~n",[_Msg]), State; handle({data,_}, State) -> State; handle({_,dump} = Msg, State) -> obj:handle(Msg, State); handle(Msg, _State) -> E = {serv_ws_bad_request, Msg}, log:info("~p~n", [E]), exit(E). %% Several variants: FIXME: not complete %% https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455 %% Large size message (untested) parse(<>) -> Masked = binary:part(Bin, 0, Len), Rest = binary:part(Bin, Len, size(Bin)-Len), Unmasked = xorkey(<>, 0, Masked), {#{ fin => Fin, opcode => Opcode, mask => Mask, len => Len, data => Unmasked }, Rest}; %% Medium size message parse(<>) -> Masked = binary:part(Bin, 0, Len), Rest = binary:part(Bin, Len, size(Bin)-Len), Unmasked = xorkey(<>, 0, Masked), {#{ fin => Fin, opcode => Opcode, mask => Mask, len => Len, data => Unmasked }, Rest}; %% Remainder case: small message (Len < 126) parse(<>) -> Masked = binary:part(Bin, 0, Len), Rest = binary:part(Bin, Len, size(Bin)-Len), Unmasked = xorkey(<>, 0, Masked), {#{ fin => Fin, opcode => Opcode, mask => Mask, len => Len, data => Unmasked }, Rest}; parse(Data) -> {ws_parse_error, Data}. xorkey(M,N,Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> xorkey(M,N,binary_to_list(Bin)); xorkey(_,_,[]) -> []; xorkey(Mask,N,[B|Bs]) -> M = binary:at(Mask, N rem 4), [B bxor M | xorkey(Mask, N+1, Bs)].