-module(reverse_tunnel). -export([start/2,info/1,forward_handle/2]). %% Create a reverse TCP tunnel. %% This was originally written to be able to forward SSH connections %% without an ssh client on the target. If you have an ssh client and %% key infrastructure setup, it is probably better to use that %% instead. %% The server implemented here on the other end of a client: %% socat tcp-connect:localhost:22 tcp-connect:$SERVER_IP:22001 %% %% Note the 2 'tcp-connect' ends. At the server end we need to %% connect two listening sockets. %% %% A way to do that with socat is to put in /etc/inetd.conf: %% 22001 stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/bin/socat /usr/bin/socat - tcp-listen:22002,reuseaddr %% %% This way, when a client connects to 22001, a new listeneing socket %% is created on 22002, which can then be used to log into the %% client's forwarded port 22. %% %% The socat solution only allows one connection. The code below is a %% generalization to multiple connections. %% A key element in the implementation is to provide the mechanism of %% a single-shot listening socket. There are some subtleties in %% getting that to work right. %% %% For the main incoming server the client's socat will connect to we %% just use a serv_tcp instance. info(F,A) -> log:info(F,A). -define(OPTS,[binary, {packet, 0}, {active, true}, {reuseaddr, true}]). %% Main TCP server. Clients will connect here to set up reverse tunnel. start(Incoming, {Start,Endx}=PortRange) -> serv:start( {handler, fun() -> Registry = self(), serv_tcp:init( [Incoming], {handler, fun(TunnelSock, _) -> Count = obj:call(Registry, get_connection_id), PortSpec = #{ range => {Start,Endx-Start,Count} }, forward_init(PortSpec, TunnelSock, Registry) end, fun reverse_tunnel:forward_handle/2}, %% Handle other incoming messages fun ({'EXIT',_Pid,_Reason}=Msg, State) -> log:info("~p~n",[Msg]), State; ({Pid, get_connection_id}, State = #{connection_count := ID}) -> obj:reply(Pid, ID), maps:put(connection_count, 1 + ID, State); (Msg, State) -> obj:handle(Msg,State) end, %% State for messages. Mostly for debugging. #{ port_range => PortRange, connection_count => 0 }, %% Socket options ?OPTS) end, %% Use default handler fun serv_tcp:handle/2}). forward_init(PortSpec, TunnelSock, Registry) -> %% TunnelSock is an accepted incoming connection. Create a new %% single-shot listening socket. Tunnel = self(), log:info("incoming: ~p~n",[inet:peername(TunnelSock)]), SingleShot = singleshot( %% The code that sets up the corresponding listener picks a %% port from the port range that is not busy. PortSpec, %% Once the listening port is opened, this gets called so we %% can save the port number for later use by info/1. fun(ListenPort) -> obj:set(Tunnel, state, {port, ListenPort}) end, %% When anything goes wrong, we close up. fun() -> Tunnel ! close end, %% Once the local listening port is connected to, the %% processes associated to the two sockets are associated %% such that they can forward TCP traffic between them. {handler, fun(LocalSock) -> link(Registry), Tunnel ! {set_connected, self()}, obj:set(Tunnel, state, {connected, {Tunnel, self()}}), #{ sock => LocalSock, buffer => [], other => {connected, Tunnel} } end, fun reverse_tunnel:forward_handle/2}), #{ sock => TunnelSock, buffer => [], other => {waiting, SingleShot} }. %% A tunnel conists of two processes, one for each end. Each of those %% processes is associated to an accepted incoming socket: one comes %% from the main incoming TCP. server, the other is from the local %% one-shot TCP server. Once the two processes are associated, %% behavior is symmetric, so they use the same message handling method. forward_handle(Msg, State) -> %% Debugging tap %% log:info("~p~n", [Msg]), fw_handle(Msg, State). fw_handle({tcp, _, Data}, #{ other := Other } = State) -> case Other of {waiting, _} -> log:info("banner: ~p~n", [Data]); _ -> ok end, queue(Data, State); fw_handle({send, Data}, #{ sock := Sock}=State) -> ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, Data), State; fw_handle({tcp_closed,_}, #{ other := {waiting, SingleShot} }) -> SingleShot ! close, exit(self(), normal); fw_handle({tcp_closed,_}, #{ other := {connected, Other} }) -> Other ! close, exit(self(), normal); fw_handle(close, #{ sock := Sock}) -> gen_tcp:close(Sock), exit(self(), normal); fw_handle({set_connected, Other}, State) -> %% Once other end is there, flush dump the buffer (e.g. contains SSH banner). State1 = maps:put(other, {connected, Other}, State), flush(State1); fw_handle(Msg, State) -> obj:handle(Msg, State). queue(Data, #{ buffer := Buffer } = State) -> State1 = maps:put(buffer, [Data|Buffer], State), flush(State1). flush(#{ other := {waiting, _}, buffer := _Buffer } = State) -> State; flush(#{ other := {connected, Other}, buffer := Buffer} = State) -> lists:foreach( fun(Data) -> Other ! {send, Data} end, lists:reverse(Buffer)), maps:put(buffer, [], State). %% socat tcp-connect:localhost:22 tcp-connect: %% Try to open a listening socket from a specification of a port %% range. If it fails, retry until the range is exhausted. %% For the main loop, just use a list. %% Translate spec to list here. listen(#{ range := {Start, WindowSize, Count} }) -> listen(#{ ports => [Start + tools:p_rem(N, WindowSize) || N <- lists:seq(Count, Count + WindowSize - 1)] }); listen(#{ ports := []}) -> {error, none_ok}; listen(#{ ports := [Port|RemainingPorts] }) -> case gen_tcp:listen(Port, ?OPTS) of {ok, Rv} -> {ok, {Port, Rv}}; _Error -> %% log:info("until_ok: ~p~n", [{Start,_Error}]), listen(#{ ports => RemainingPorts }) end. %% Listen, then stop listening once a connection is established. singleshot(PortSpec, HavePort, OnError, {handler, Init, Handle}) -> serv:start( {body, fun() -> Listener = self(), case listen(PortSpec) of {error, none_ok} -> info("no free ports: ~p~n", [PortSpec]), OnError(); {ok, {ListenPort, ListenSock}} = OK -> info("listening: ~p~n", [ListenPort]), HavePort(ListenPort), serv:start( {handler, fun() -> case gen_tcp:accept(ListenSock) of {error, Reason} -> info("accept error: ~p~n", [{ListenPort,Reason}]), exit(Reason); {ok, ConnSock} -> %% Need to wait until socket is accepted Listener ! close, info("accepted: ~p~n", [{ListenPort,ConnSock}]), Init(ConnSock) end end, Handle}), receive close -> ok end, info("closing listener: ~p~n", [ListenPort]), gen_tcp:close(ListenSock), OK end end}). info(Server) -> Here = self(), Ref = make_ref(), Server ! {apply, fun(Pids) -> Here ! {Ref, Pids} end}, receive {Ref, Pids} -> [begin {obj:get(P, state), %% {listening,Port} or {connected,_} inet:peername(obj:get(P, sock)),%% Incoming tunnel connection obj:get(P, buffer)} %% Forwarded server's TCP banner end || P <- Pids] end.