-module(gdbstub_hub). -export([start_link/1, dev/2, devs/1, %% Some high level calls info/2, find_uid/2, uids/1, ping/1, call/3, parse_syslog_ttyACM/1, tag_u32/1, %% Internal, for reloads ignore/2, print_etf/2, dev_start/1, dev_handle/2, hub_handle/2, default_handle_packet/2, encode_packet/3, decode_packet/3, decode_info/2, test/1 ]). -include("slip.hrl"). %% This module is a hub for uc_tools gdbstub-based devices. See also %% gdbstub.erl for GDB RSP protocol code. %% Singal flow: %% - gdbstub_hub board gets enumerated on some host %% - hosts's udev config connects to exo_notify %% - gdbstub_hub hub gets an 'add_tty' message %% - dev_start/1 will start a process for this device %% - this process starts a GDB server process for GDBRSP over TCP %% - the server supports multiple connections %% See /etc/net/udev/notify-tty.sh which currently delegates to %% zoe:/etc/net/udev/tty/zoe_usb_9-2.sh %% The script sends a line to the exo_notify daemon: %% bluepill add zoe /dev/ttyACM1 /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:16.0/usb9/9-2/9-2.4/9-2.4:1.0/tty/ttyACM1 %% The host name + devpath is enough to uniquely identify the location %% of the device. start_link(Config) -> HubHandle = maps:get(hub_handle, Config, fun gdbstub_hub:hub_handle/2), {ok, serv:start( {handler, fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Config end, HubHandle})}. %% Udev events will eventuall propagate to here. %% Add a TTY device, most likely USB. DevPath is used to uniquely %% identify the device, based on the physical USB port location. It %% is assumed the device is still in gdbstub mode (app not running). hub_handle({add_tty,Host,TTYDev,DevPath}, State) -> hub_handle({add_tty,Host,TTYDev,DevPath, false, %% App is not running fun(_Pid) -> ok end}, %% No notification State); hub_handle({add_tty,HostSpec,TTYDev,DevPath,AppRunning,RegisterPid}=_Msg, State) when is_binary(TTYDev) and is_binary(DevPath) -> log:info("~p~n", [_Msg]), %% Host is abstract, and is only used to pass to SpawnPort to %% connect to the board. The spawn_spec is required to have a %% host field. SpawnSpec = case HostSpec of _ when is_binary(HostSpec) -> #{ host => binary_to_atom(HostSpec, utf8) }; #{ host := _ } -> HostSpec end, log:info("SpawnSpec = ~999p~n", [SpawnSpec]), Hub = self(), <> = crypto:hash( sha, term_to_binary({HostSpec,DevPath})), TcpPort = 10000 + Offset, Pid = ?MODULE:dev_start( #{ hub => Hub, spawn_port => maps:get(spawn_port, State), spawn_spec => SpawnSpec, host => maps:get(host, SpawnSpec), log => fun gdbstub_hub:ignore/2, %% log => fun(Msg,S) -> log:info("~p~n",[Msg]),S end, tty => TTYDev, devpath => DevPath, tcp_port => TcpPort, app => AppRunning, line_buf => <<>>}), %% This is mainly for syncrhonous starts (e.g. bluepill:need/1) %% where caller wants to handle failed starts properly. RegisterPid(Pid), _Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), maps:put({dev,Pid}, true, State); hub_handle({up, Pid}, State) when is_pid(Pid) -> %% Ignore here. Useful for Handle override. State; hub_handle({'DOWN',_,_,Pid,_}=_Msg, State) -> log:info("~999p~n", [_Msg]), hub_remove_pid(Pid, State); hub_handle({'EXIT',_Pid,__Reason}=_Msg,State) -> %% Monitor handles children. %% log:info("~p~n", [_Msg]), %% hub_remove_pid(Pid, State); State; hub_handle({Pid, {dev_pid, ID}}, State) -> obj:reply(Pid, maps:find(ID, State)), State; %% Delegate to the task_queue mixin. hub_handle(Msg={_Pid,{task, _}}, State) -> task_queue:handle(Msg, State); hub_handle(Msg=task_next, State) -> task_queue:handle(Msg, State); hub_handle(Msg={task_done,_Rv}, State) -> task_queue:handle(Msg, State); hub_handle(Msg, State) -> obj:handle(Msg, State). hub_remove_pid(Pid, State) -> maps:remove({dev, Pid}, State). %% Start a process as a companion to the device, communicating over %% serial port. If app is not running, the wire protcol is RSP. If %% app is running it can have its own protocol. The common case is %% SLIP supporting wrapped RSP. dev_start(#{ tty := Dev, host := Host, spawn_spec := SpawnSpec, hub := Hub, spawn_port := SpawnPort, app := AppRunning } = Init0) -> %% When app is running we need to make an assumption about the %% application's serial port framing protocol. SLIP is a good %% standard. It is also assumed that the packet level supports %% the 2-byte tags. Init = case AppRunning of false -> Init0; true -> maps:merge( Init0, #{ decode => decoder(slip), encode => encoder(slip) }) end, serv:start( {handler, fun() -> log:set_info_name({Host,Dev}), log:info("connecting...~n"), %% The tools:spawn_port/1 API is used to allow starting %% of remote binary code in an abstract manner. Port = tools:apply( SpawnPort, [maps:merge( SpawnSpec, #{ cmd => "gdbstub_connect", args => [Dev], opts => [use_stdio, binary, exit_status] })]), log:info("connected ~p~n",[Port]), Gdb = gdb_start(maps:merge(Init, #{ pid => self() })), Pid = self(), spawn_link( fun() -> log:set_info_name({get_meta_info,{Host,Dev}}), log:info("getting meta info~n"), %% This needs to be a separate process %% because it interacts with the device's %% main process before finalizing some %% information. try obj:call(Pid, {set_meta, gdbstub:uid(Pid), gdbstub:protocol(Pid), gdbstub:protocol2(Pid)}, 6001) catch C:E -> log:info("error getting meta info~n~p~n", [{C,E}]) end, log:info("got meta info~n"), Hub ! {up, Pid} end), maps:merge( Init, #{ gdb => Gdb, port => Port }) end, fun ?MODULE:dev_handle/2}). dev_handle(Msg,State) -> %% Tap point %% log:info("~p~n",[{Msg,State}]), dev_handle_(Msg,State). dev_handle_(Msg={_,dump},State) -> obj:handle(Msg, State); dev_handle_({Pid,{set_meta, UID, Proto, Proto2_}}, State) -> obj:reply(Pid, ok), Proto2 = case Proto2_ of unknown -> Proto; P2 -> P2 end, %% Pick a decoder for Proto2 maps:merge( State, #{ uid => UID, decode => decoder(Proto2), encode => encoder(Proto), proto => Proto, proto2 => Proto2 }); dev_handle_({set_peer, Peer}, State) -> link(Peer), maps:put(peer, Peer, State); dev_handle_({set_forward, Handle}, State) -> maps:put(forward, Handle, State); dev_handle_({set_name, Name}, State) -> maps:put(name, Name, State); %% This only works in boot loader mode. Once app is started, a %% different mechanism is needed. dev_handle_({Pid, {rsp_call, Request}}, #{ port := Port, app := false } = State) -> %% log:info("rsp_call: ~p~n", [Request]), true = port_command(Port, Request), obj:reply( Pid, case Request of "+" -> ""; _ -> rsp:recv_port(Port, 6004) end), State; %% For now, assume TAG_GDB 0xFFFD tagging. dev_handle_({CallerPid, {rsp_call, Request}}, #{ app := true } = State) -> %% Spawn a process for each request. That's going to be a lot %% simpler than trying to manage state machines here. FIXME: this %% no longer handles mutual exclusion. It will just fail. case maps:find(rsp_call_waiting, State) of {ok, PrevRspCall} -> exit({already_have_rsp_call_waiting, PrevRspCall}); _ -> BinReq = iolist_to_binary(Request), MainPid = self(), WaiterPid = spawn_link( fun() -> %% log:info("to_gdbstub: ~p~n", [BinReq]), MainPid ! {send_packet, <>}, Reply = case Request of "+" -> ""; _ -> rsp:recv_data(6005) end, MainPid ! {rsp_call_reply, Reply} end), maps:put(rsp_call_waiting, {WaiterPid, CallerPid}, State) end; dev_handle_({rsp_call_reply, Reply}, #{ rsp_call_waiting := {_,CallerPid} } = State) -> obj:reply(CallerPid, Reply), maps:remove(rsp_call_waiting, State); %% Initially, ports speak GDB RSP. Once we send something else, the %% gdbstub connects the application. dev_handle_({send, RawData}, #{ port := Port } = State) -> true = port_command(Port, RawData), maps:put(app, true, State); dev_handle_({send_packet, Packet}, #{ encode := {EncodePacket,Type} } = State) when is_binary(Packet) -> Encoded = EncodePacket(Type,Packet,[]), %% log:info("~nPacket=~p,~nEncoded=~p,~nEncodePacket=~p,~nType=~p~n",[Packet,Encoded,EncodePacket,Type]), dev_handle({send, Encoded}, State); dev_handle_({send_packet, IOList}, State) -> dev_handle_({send_packet, iolist_to_binary(IOList)}, State); dev_handle_({send_u32, U32List}, State) -> %% TAG_U32 format dev_handle({send_packet, tag_u32(U32List)}, State); dev_handle_({send_term, Term}, #{ port := Port } = State) -> %% sm_etf uses {packet,4} wrapping Bin = term_to_binary(Term), Size = size(Bin), true = port_command(Port, [<>,Bin]), State; %% Generic RPC call. See also ?TAG_REPLY case below. %% %% This encodes a continuation (here represented by just the pid for %% now) and appends it to the message. The other end expects the %% encoded continuation and will echo it back in a TAG_REPLY message. %% Then default_handle_packet/2 will handle the generic TAG_REPLY, and %% send the response via obj:reply to the Pid. dev_handle_({Pid, {call, Packet}}, State) -> {Continuation, State1} = pid_to_continuation(Pid, State), dev_handle_({send_packet, [Packet, Continuation]}, State1); dev_handle_({Pid, {call_u32, U32List}}, State) -> {Continuation, State1} = pid_to_continuation(Pid, State), dev_handle_({send_packet, [tag_u32(U32List), Continuation]}, State1); %% For GDB RSP, all {data,_} messages should arrive in the %% {rsp_call,_} handler. %% If the application sends something back, it is assumed to be a %% protocol understood by erlang:decode_packet. dev_handle_({Port, Msg}, #{ port := Port} = State) -> %% log:info("Msg=~p~n", [Msg]), case Msg of {data, Bin} -> decode_and_handle_packet(Bin, State); _ -> log:info("ERROR: ~p~n",[Msg]), exit(Msg) end; %% Other ports have ad-hoc routing. dev_handle_({Port, _}=Msg, State) when is_port(Port) -> Handle = maps:get({handle,Port}, State), Handle(Msg, State); %% Any other message gets passed to the "driver", which originally %% only handled incoming binary messages, but can just as well be %% repurposed to also handle messages sent to the proxy process. This %% isn't pretty as we're mixing two protocols, but it is terribly %% convenient. dev_handle_(Msg, #{ forward := Forward } = State) -> Forward(Msg, State). ignore(_Msg, State) -> State. %% This is stateful. See also ?TAG_REPLY where the registered pid is %% removed from State. pid_to_continuation(Pid, State) -> {Wait, State1} = wait(Pid, State), %% log:info("wait: ~p~n",[{Wait,Pid}]), Ack = term_to_binary(Wait), %% log:info("Packet1 = ~p~n",[Packet1]), {[size(Ack),Ack], State1}. %% Because port is in raw mode, we don't have proper segmentation. Do %% that here. DecodePacket use the API of erlang:decode_packet/3. decode_and_handle_packet(NewBin, State = #{ decode := {DecodePacket, Type} }) -> PrevBin = maps:get(rest, State, <<>>), Bin = iolist_to_binary([PrevBin, NewBin]), case DecodePacket(Type,Bin,[]) of {more, _} -> maps:put(rest, Bin, State); {ok, Msg, RestBin} -> State1 = handle_packet(Msg, State), decode_and_handle_packet(<<>>, maps:put(rest, RestBin, State1)); {error,_}=E -> log:info("~p~n",[{E,Bin}]), maps:put(rest, <<>>, State) end. %% Empty messages are side effects of the transport encoding, and do %% not have any in-band meaning. handle_packet(<<>>, State) -> State; %% After frameing, the first option is to send the packets to some %% specified destination. handle_packet(Msg, State) -> %% log:info("handle_packet: ~p~n", [Msg]), case {maps:find(peer, State), maps:find(forward, State)} of {_,{ok, Forward}} -> %% log:info("forward: ~p ~p~n", [Forward, Msg]), Forward(Msg, State); {{ok, Pid}, _} -> %% log:info("to peer: ~p: ~p~n", [Pid, Msg]), %% Size = size(Msg), %% Pid ! {send, <>}, Pid ! {send, Msg}, State; %% Nowhere to go. Use default, which is mostly just a %% print-to-console endpoint. _ -> default_handle_packet(Msg, State) end. %% To print, assume first that the message supports the 2-byte type %% tags which are used to transport generic system-level messages. default_handle_packet(<>, State) -> case maps:find(rsp_call_waiting, State) of {ok, {WaiterPid,_}} -> %% There is a waiting RSP call. Pass all the chunks %% there. The waiter will finish once a complete message %% has arrived. WaiterPid ! {data, binary_to_list(Msg)}; _ -> %% No actual RSP call waiting. log:info("from_gdbstub: ~p~n", [Msg]), ok end, State; default_handle_packet(<>, State) -> decode_info(Msg, State); %% See {call,_} case in dev_handle_/2 default_handle_packet(<>=Msg, State) -> %% log:info("TAG_REPLY: ~p~n", [Msg]), %% log:info("ack: ~p~n",[Ack]), try Wait = binary_to_term(Ack, [safe]), %% log:info("wait: ~p~n",[Wait]), {Pid, State1} = unwait(Wait, State), Rpl = binary:part(Ack, L, size(Ack)-L), %% log:info("reply: ~p~n",[Rpl]), obj:reply(Pid, Rpl), State1 catch _:_ -> %% This case is for acks that are generated outside of %% the {call,Packet} mechanism above. log:info("bad ack in TAG_REPLY message: ~p~n",[Msg]), State end; %% For anything else, we're just guessing. default_handle_packet(<>=Msg, State) -> case Tag of 131 -> print_etf(Msg, State); _ -> print_packet(Msg, State) end. print_packet(Msg, State) -> log:info("packet: ~p~n", [Msg]), State. print_etf(Msg, State) -> try Term = binary_to_term(Msg), %% Assume this is from uc_lib/gdb/sm_etf.c case Term of [{123,LogData}] -> log:info("term: ~s", [LogData]); _ -> log:info("term decode failed: ~p~n", [Term]) end catch _C:_E -> log:info("~p~n",[{_C,_E}]) %% print(Msg, State) end, State. decode_info(Msg, State = #{ line_buf := Buf }) -> Msg1 = iolist_to_binary([Buf,Msg]), case erlang:decode_packet(line, Msg1, []) of {ok, Line, Buf1} -> log:info("info: ~s", [Line]), decode_info(<<>>, maps:put(line_buf, Buf1, State)); {more, _} -> maps:put(line_buf, Msg1, State) end. %% One of the ad-hoc protocols that is easy to decode on the uc for %% low level code. %%tag_u32({U32List,BinaryTail}) -> %% [tag_u32(U32List), BinaryTail]; tag_u32(U32List) -> N = length(U32List), [<<16#FFF5:16, N:16>> | [<> || W<-U32List]]. %% GDB RSP server. gdb_start(#{ tty := Dev, host := Host, tcp_port := TCPPort, pid := DevPid } = Init) -> serv:start( {handler, fun() -> %% FIXME: Why does the process survive? erlang:monitor(process, DevPid), log:set_info_name({gdb_serv,{Dev,Host}}), log:info("GDB remote access on TCP port ~p~n",[TCPPort]), serv_tcp:init( [TCPPort], %% loop/2 uses blocking code (rsp:recv/1) {body, fun(Sock, _) -> log:set_info_name({gdb_conn,{Dev,Host}}), log:info("connection from ~999p~n", [inet:peername(Sock)]), %% log:info("new connection~n"), gdb_loop(maps:put(sock, Sock, Init)) end}) end, fun serv_tcp:handle/2}). %% GDB session is coupled to name, not to device instance. This allows %% device restarts while keeping gdb conn open. gdb_loop(State = #{ sock := Sock, log := Log }) -> Request = rsp:recv(Sock), _ = Log({request,Request}, State), case gdb_dispatch(State, Request) of "" -> ignore; Reply -> _ = Log({reply, Reply}, State), ok = rsp:send(Sock, Reply) end, gdb_loop(State). gdb_dispatch(#{ pid := Pid}, Request) -> obj:call(Pid, {rsp_call, Request}, 16002). %% It might be convenient. But maybe best not expose a naked Erlang %% console on a TCP port without any form of authentication. %% gdb_dispatch(#{ pid := Pid}, Request) -> %% %% By default, Send the the GDB command to the device. %% Forward = fun() -> obj:call(Pid, {rsp_call, Request}) end, %% %% Except when it is a monitor command... %% case rsp:qRcmd(Request) of %% false -> Forward(); %% "" -> Forward(); %% Cmd -> %% case lists:last(Cmd) of %% 46 -> %% %% ... and it ends with a dot. Then interpret it %% %% as an erlang command where 'Dev' variable is bound. %% Env = [{'Dev',Pid}], %% Reply = tools:read_eval_print(Cmd, Env), %% rsp:wrap(tools:hex(lists:flatten(Reply))); %% _ -> %% Forward() %% end %% end. %% FIXME: Resolution isn't done very well. send(Hub, Msg) -> Hub ! Msg. call(Hub, Msg) -> obj:call(Hub, Msg, 6003). dev(Hub, Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid; dev(Hub, ID) -> {ok, Pid} = call(Hub, {dev_pid, ID}), Pid. info(Hub, ID) -> case call(Hub, {dev_pid,ID}) of {ok, Pid} -> obj:dump(Pid); E -> E end. find_uid(Hub, UID) -> maps:find(UID, uids(Hub)). devs(Hub) -> [Pid || {{dev,Pid},_} <- maps:to_list(obj:dump(Hub))]. uids(Hub) -> lists:foldl( fun(Pid, Map) -> case obj:dump(Pid) of #{ uid := UID} -> maps:put(UID,Pid,Map); _ -> Map end end, #{}, devs(Hub)). %% PROTOCOLS %% The protocol that runs over the virtual serial port can be %% anything. What we need is a way for the board to specify how it %% wants to be hooked up. Note that input and output prococols can be %% different. %% %% - raw %% - {packet,N} %% - {etf,N} ETF wrapped in {packet,N} %% - eterm Printed Erlang terms %% - sexp s-expressions %% - {driver,M,P} Packet protocol P with some driver module M decoder({packet,N}) -> {fun erlang:decode_packet/3, N}; decoder(raw) -> {fun erlang:decode_packet/3, raw}; decoder(slip) -> {fun ?MODULE:decode_packet/3, slip}; decoder({driver,_,P}) -> decoder(P); decoder(_Dec) -> log:info("WARNING: unknown decoder=~p~n", [_Dec]), decoder(raw). decode_packet(slip,Bin,[]) when is_binary(Bin) -> slip_decode(Bin). %% There doesn't seem to be a corresponding erlang:encode_packet, so %% just implement some here. encoder({packet,N}) -> {fun ?MODULE:encode_packet/3, N}; encoder(slip) -> {fun ?MODULE:encode_packet/3, slip}; encoder(raw) -> {fun ?MODULE:encode_packet/3, raw}; encoder({driver,_,P}) -> encoder(P); encoder(_Enc) -> log:info("WARNING: unknown encoder=~p~n", [_Enc]), encoder(raw). encode_packet(slip,Bin,[]) when is_binary(Bin) -> slip_encode(Bin); encode_packet(Type,Bin,[]) when is_binary(Bin) -> Size = size(Bin), case Type of 4 -> [<>, Bin]; raw -> Bin end. %%as_binary(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> %% Bin; %%as_binary(IOList) -> %% iolist_to_binary(IOList). %% Simple registry for pending requests. wait(Term, State) -> wait(Term, State, 0). wait(Term, State, N) -> case maps:find({wait, N}, State) of {ok,_} -> wait(Term, State, N+1); _ -> {N, maps:put({wait, N}, Term, State)} end. unwait(N, State) -> {maps:get({wait, N}, State), maps:remove({wait, N}, State)}. %% Export encode/decode as well. slip_encode(IOList) -> Bin = iolist_to_binary(IOList), %% log:info("Bin ~p~n",[Bin]), Lst = binary_to_list(Bin), %% log:info("List ~p~n",[Lst]), IOList1 = [192,slip_body(Lst),192], %% log:info("IOList1 ~p~n",[IOList1]), Bin1 = iolist_to_binary(IOList1), %% log:info("Bin1 ~p~n",[Bin1]), Bin1. slip_body([]) -> []; slip_body([192|Tail]) -> [219,220|slip_body(Tail)]; slip_body([219|Tail]) -> [219,221|slip_body(Tail)]; slip_body([Head|Tail]) -> [Head|slip_body(Tail)]. slip_decode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> slip_decode(binary_to_list(Bin),[]). slip_decode([192|Rest], Stack) -> {ok, list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Stack)), list_to_binary(Rest)}; slip_decode([219,220|Rest],Stack) -> slip_decode(Rest, [192|Stack]); slip_decode([219,221|Rest],Stack) -> slip_decode(Rest, [219|Stack]); slip_decode([219,_|_]=Msg, Stack) -> %% This seems to happen from time to time: 219,192,... Buffer overflow? log:info("WARNING: ~p~n", [{slip_decode,Msg}]), slip_decode(tl(Msg), Stack); slip_decode([219], _) -> {more, undefined}; slip_decode([], _) -> {more, undefined}; slip_decode([Char|Rest], Stack) -> slip_decode(Rest, [Char|Stack]). %% High level calls ping(Pid) -> <<>> = call(Pid, <>, 6006). call(Pid, Msg, Timeout) -> obj:call(Pid, {call,Msg}, Timeout). %% If udev is not available, do something like this: %% ssh root@$IP tail -n0 -f /tmp/messages %% And watch the output parse_syslog_ttyACM(Line) -> Rv = re:run(Line, "cdc_acm (.*): (ttyACM\\d+): USB ACM device",[{capture,all,binary}]), case Rv of {match,[_,UsbAddr,Dev]} -> {ok, {UsbAddr, Dev}}; _ -> error end. test(messages) -> Line = <<"Oct 6 15:28:44 buildroot kern.info kernel: " "cdc_acm 2-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device">>, test({messages,Line}); test({messages,Line}) -> parse_syslog_ttyACM(Line); test(board) -> run:bash( ".", "ssh root@ cat /tmp/messages", fun({line,Line}) -> case test({messages,Line}) of error -> ok; {ok, Dev} -> log:info("~p~n", [Dev]) end end), ok.