-module(ftdi). -export([start_link/1, handle/2, push_bin/2, push_bin/3, test/1]). %% We are started by ftdi_hub. It will provide the correct config to %% start the ftdi_connect.elf binary driver. start_link(Config) -> {ok, serv:start( {handler, fun() -> Port = tools:spawn_port( Config, {"ftdi_connect.elf", ["i:0x0403:0x6010"]}, [use_stdio, binary, exit_status, {packet,4}]), State = maps:merge( Config, #{ port => Port }), %% Just make sure driver is there. This gives a clear %% failure point if it isn't. handle(ping_port, State) end, fun ?MODULE:handle/2})}. handle(ping_port, State = #{port := Port}) -> Port ! {self(), {command, [<<3,0,0,0>>]}}, wait_ack(Port), State; handle({Pid, {send_spi, Bin}}, State = #{port := Port}) -> Port ! {self(), {command, [<<1,0,0,0>>, Bin]}}, wait_ack(Port), obj:reply(Pid, ok), State; handle({Pid, {send_ice40, Bin}}, State = #{port := Port}) -> Port ! {self(), {command, [<<2,0,0,0>>, Bin]}}, wait_ack(Port), obj:reply(Pid, ok), State; handle({Port, _}=Msg, #{ port := Port}) -> exit(Msg); handle(Msg, State) -> obj:handle(Msg, State). wait_ack(Port) -> receive {Port, _Msg} -> log:info("ack: ~p~n", [_Msg]) end. %% FIXME: This is a "router" for .ram.bin and .ice40.bin files %% Change the extensions to reflect only the necessary information. push_bin(Pid,Path,File) -> log:info("ftdi: push_bin: ~999p~n", [{Path,File}]), Load = fun() -> F = tools:format("~s/~s", [Path, File]), {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(F), Bin end, case lists:reverse(re:split(File,"\\.")) of [<<"bin">>,<<"ram">>|_] -> obj:call(Pid, {send_spi, Load()}, 3000); [<<"bin">>,<<"ice40">>|_] -> obj:call(Pid, {send_ice40, Load()}, 3000); Unknown -> log:info("ftdi:push_bin: unknown: ~p~n", [Unknown]) end. push_bin(Path, File) -> %% FIXME: Caller needs to find hub. try Hub = rpc:call('exo@',exo,need,[ftdi_hub]), [Pid|_] = ftdi_hub:pids(Hub), push_bin(Pid, Path, File) catch C:E -> log:info("ftdi: push_bin: ~p~n",[{Path,File,C,E}]) end. test(core) -> push_bin("/home/tom/exo/ghcid/fpga", "f_soc.breakout.ice40.bin"); %% After programming core, the first prog3 fails. Second is ok. What %% also works: core, restart ftdi, prog3. test(prog3) -> push_bin("/home/tom/exo/ghcid/fpga", "f_soc.prog3.ram.bin"); test(prog4) -> push_bin("/home/tom/exo/ghcid/fpga", "f_soc.prog4.ram.bin").