-module(emacs). -export([revert/1, message/1, send_lisp/1, send_lisp_sync/2, %% Internals lisp/1, connect/0, hop_node/0, emacsclient_send_lisp/1, distel_send_lisp/1, distel_node/0, start_link/0, handle/2, test/1 ]). %% Unidirectional send. %% send_lisp(Lisp) -> %% There are two main ways to send stuff to emacs: %% - emacsclient -e %% - distel %% %% The default here is to use distel, as it is better contained, %% and we don't have to serialize s-expressions to textual form. %% distel_send_lisp(Lisp), %% emacsclient_send_lisp(Lisp). ok. %% FIXME: Use proper rpc? %% FIXME: this only acks, doesn't return a value. send_lisp_sync(Lisp, Timeout) -> Ref = erlang:make_ref(), Pid = self(), send_lisp( ['progn', Lisp, ['erl-send',Pid,Ref]]), receive Ref -> ok after Timeout -> {error, timeout} end. message(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> send_lisp(['message', Bin]); message(Term) -> message(tools:format_binary("~p",[Term])). revert(File) -> send_lisp( ['save-current-buffer', ['set-buffer', ['get-buffer', iolist_to_binary(File)]], ['revert-buffer', t, t]]). -define(DEVNODE,'exo@'). %%%% DISTEL %% Naming scheme is distel_@ %% So we see someting like distel_995@panda distel_node() -> distel_node(nodes(hidden)). distel_node([]) -> error; distel_node([N|Ns]) -> case lists:sublist(atom_to_list(N),1,6) of "distel" -> {ok,N}; _ -> distel_node(Ns) end. distel_send_lisp(Lisp) -> %% log:info("elisp: ~999p~n", [Lisp]), distel_send({eval, Lisp}). distel_send(Msg) -> case {distel_node(), node()} of {{ok, Node}, _} -> {exo_handle, Node} ! Msg; {error, ?DEVNODE} -> exit('no_distel_on_29'); {error, _} -> case connect() of {ok, Node} -> {exo_handle, Node} ! Msg; error -> error end end. connect() -> case distel_node() of error -> %% Attempt to set up a connection via another node that is %% connected. case hop_node() of error -> error; {ok, HopNode} -> rpc:call(HopNode, emacs, distel_send_lisp, [['erl-connect', ['quote', node()]]]), wait_connect(50,100) end; Ok -> Ok end. wait_connect(0,_) -> error; wait_connect(N,T) -> case distel_node() of error -> timer:sleep(T), wait_connect(N-1,T); Ok -> Ok end. hop_node() -> hop_node(nodes()). hop_node([]) -> error; hop_node([Node|Nodes]) -> case rpc:call(Node, emacs, distel_node, []) of {ok, _} -> {ok, Node}; _Error -> hop_node(Nodes) end. %% exo_handle proxy. It seemms simpler to do it this way, since the %% emacs node is hidden, and we can re-establish connection if one of %% the other nodes has it. start_link() -> {ok, serv:start( {handler, fun() -> #{} end, fun ?MODULE:handle/2})}. handle({_,dump}=Msg, State) -> obj:handle(Msg, State); handle(Msg, State) -> {ok, Node} = distel_node(), {exo_handle, Node} ! Msg, State. %% E.g. emacs:distel_send_lisp([message, [format, "%s", self()]]). %%%% EMACSCLIENT %% Emacsclient requires serialization to textual form. emacsclient_send_lisp(Lisp) -> %% FIXME: Emacsclient is only assumed to run on the dev node case node() of ?DEVNODE -> Cmd = tools:format("emacsclient -e '~s'", [lisp(Lisp)]), %% log:info("emacs: ~s~n",[Cmd]), os:cmd(Cmd); _ -> rpc:call(?DEVNODE,emacs,emacsclient_send_lisp,[Lisp]) end. %% This is an approximate mapping. lisp([]) -> "()"; lisp([A]) -> [$(,lisp(A),$)]; lisp([A0|As]) -> [$(,lisp(A0), [[32,lisp(A)] || A <- As], $)]; lisp(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> io_lib:format("~s", [atom_to_list(Atom)]); lisp(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> io_lib:format("~p", [binary_to_list(Bin)]); lisp(Any) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Any]). test(Spec) -> throw(Spec).