Javascript, HTML, SVG, and generic web development techniques Entry: jQuery Date: Mon Mar 15 17:16:27 CET 2010 As a first dive into the world of javascript and jquery, I'm reading [1]. First conclusion: callbacks and proper lambdas ;) Question: what is the significance of the '$' character? Is it just a function? It's the jQuery constructor, an alias for the jQuery method. Moving on to [2]. Passing by [3] to find out about the $ sign. That page also mentions Note that CSS stylesheets come before the jQuery file, and the jQuery file comes before your custom script. So it seems jQuery is mostly about iterating over filtered parts of Moving on to [2] the document, i.e. document queries. Makes sense. Question: what does the `this' object point to in an anonymous function? Maybe the object it is pasted into? [1] [2] [3] [4] Entry: jQuery.each() Date: Thu Mar 18 15:12:06 CET 2010 From [1]: A generic iterator function, which can be used to seamlessly iterate over both objects and arrays. Arrays and array-like objects with a length property (such as a function's arguments object) are iterated by numeric index, from 0 to length-1. Other objects are iterated via their named properties. [1] Entry: Rhino (just JavaScript) Date: Thu Mar 18 15:33:58 CET 2010 java -classpath ~/sw/bin/js.jar // lambda: abstraction and application js> (function(a){return 1+a;})(1) 2 // objects js> function Test() { = 123; } js> new Test() [object Object] js> (new Test()).constructor js> (new Test()).bar js> (new Test()).foo 123 js> (new Test()).bar == false false js> (new Test()).bar == undefined true // It seems that capitalized constructors is just a convention. js> function foo() { = 123; } js> new foo() [object Object] // The global object (namespace). js> this [object global] js> (function() {return this;})() [object global] // Each object is a separate namespace. js> function foo() { = 123; = function() {return this;}} js> (new foo()).foo() [object Object] // Prototypes: add a .prototype object in the constructor js> foo.prototype [object Object] js> = 1 1 js> (new foo()).abc 1 // Reflection: list properties. Iteration over an object (associative // array) returns a collection of strings representing slot names. js> for (att in new foo()) { print (att); } bar foo abc // I.e. cfr arrays: js> for (att in ["1","2","3"]) { print (att); } 0 1 2 // Data definition: JSON js> var a = {"foo" : 123, "bar" : 345} // Object (associative array) indexing js> for (it in a) { print(it,a[it]); } foo 123 bar 345 // Quotes are optional js> var a = {foo : 123, bar : 345} // Applying functions (methods) to objects. Can use call or apply. js> obj = new Object() [object Object] js> obj.x = 123 123 js> send = function(obj,msg) { return; } function (obj, msg) { return; } js> send(obj, function() {return this.x;}) 123 js> send2 = function(obj,msg) { return msg.apply(obj,[]); } function (obj, msg) { return msg.apply(obj, []); } js> send2(obj, function() {return this.x;}) 123 Entry: The DOM Date: Thu Mar 18 17:27:38 CET 2010 In the DOM, the root object is the window. The window.document represents the currently viewed document. How do you get to the clients of a node? In XML there are two sub-containers of a node: attributes and child elements. The lowest level representation in the DOM chains these together using the following properties: .attributes an array of NamedNodeMap objects .childNodes an array of nodes Attributes can also be accessed using the .getAttribute() method. Also see [1]. In general it is simpler to use iterator and query functions to access parts of the DOM. [1] Entry: jQuery Date: Fri Mar 19 10:17:47 CET 2010 The following is in the Firebug console. The prototypical use of jQuery is to iterate over a collection. >>> $("a").map(function(indx, el) {return this.getAttribute("href");}) [""] The $ here is an alias for the jQuery constructor. $("a") constructs a query which abstracts a collection of all nodes in the document. Query objects supports the `each' method which applies each object in the query to a function. Also supported is the `map' method which additionally collects function results in a list. That particular example is simpler to do as: >>> $("a").attr("href") "" which returns the attribute for the first element in the selection. Most of the API seems to be imperative; methods modify the state of the document. To set the text of a collection of nodes, use: >>> $("a").text("SIPRI") [a] The syntax that's used in the string passed to to the $() constructor has elements of XPath. [1] Entry: Crash course JavaScript + DOM + jQuery Date: Fri Mar 19 11:04:26 CET 2010 1. Play with JavaScript independently from the DOM on the console using Rhino. Download Rhino from here[1]. Unpack + compile. The product is the "js.jar" file. Invoke using java -classpath ~/sw/bin/js.jar Make sure you understand: OBJECT: An object is an associative array (maps string -> object) FIELD: Object fields do not need to be declared. A field fld in object obj can be retrieved as: obj.fld obj["fld"] Both styles can be used to read _and_ assign values. FUNCTIONS: functions are objects: they can be assigned to fields and passed as arguments to functions CONSTRUCTORS: functions serve as constructors: new myFun() assigns a new object to the "this" object used in the function. PROTOTYPES: what I said above is wrong. Objects are initialized from a ``prototype object''. The default prototype object is the empty object. new myFun() assigns a copy of the myFun.prototype object to the "this" object used in the function. THIS: Refers to the current object = the object the current function was invoked on. If a function is not invoked on an object, the "this" object is the global object (containing global variables). In the DOM the global object is window. JSON: The JSON syntax is the syntax for initializing JavaScript objects. (JavaScript Object Notation). 2. Get to know the Document Object Model (DOM) a bit using Firebug[2]. The DOM is a representation of everything there is to know about a web page and is context, represented as a hierarchy of JavaScript objects and functions (i.e. iterators). A very useful part in Firebug is the JavaScript console. This is essentially the same as Rhino above, but with extra functionality (objects & functions). Learn that the DOM is a mess, and that abstractions on top of it are necessary. But, as with all abstractions, it is useful to know the low-level substrate on which they are built. 3. jQuery[3] essentially provides a way to "walk the DOM", i.e. to query structures inside the DOM and iterate over them. [1] [2] [3] Entry: Ajax Date: Thu Mar 25 13:28:03 CET 2010 In order to make Ajax work in firefox, all the files need to come from the same domain. Apparently this doesn't work with file:/// urls. A quick workaround is to set up a web server using: cd python -m SimpleHTTPServer which makes the directory available on port 8000. A basic asynchronous request looks like[1]: $.ajax({ url: "consumption.json", dataType: "json", success: function(data){ z.json = data; }}); This returns an XMLHttpRequest object, which is not very useful. In order to get to the data you need to set a callback. Here we just store it in a global variable. For JSON data this wrapper is defined: $.getJSON("consumption.json", function(data) { ... })) What about XML? Same story. The data passed to the callback is a DOM representation of an XML document. $.ajax({ url: "console.xml", dataType: "xml", success: function(data){ z.xml = data; }}); [1] Entry: React design principles Date: Tue Sep 1 18:03:12 CEST 2015 Main questions seems to be: prop or state? Current take: state is that which the model doesn't need to know about. State tracks user's view navigation, e.g. intermediate states before some action can be submitted to the model. Before continuing, a syntax is needed for message passing. Could use the one from Prgramming Erlang: Entry: PureScript Date: Wed Sep 2 17:00:24 CEST 2015 As I move into JavaScript land interrupting a Haskell journey, I'm feeling the PureScript lure... [1] Entry: react context menues Date: Thu Sep 3 01:10:04 CEST 2015 Entry: React data upload Date: Sat Sep 5 20:34:30 CEST 2015 // browsing to get filename
// reading data FileReader.readAsBinaryString FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer // then send over websocket [1] [2] Entry: Radium: ditch CSS in React Date: Mon Sep 7 18:34:51 CEST 2015 CSS: cascade was never a good idea. Entry: javascript news Date: Mon Sep 7 18:58:51 CEST 2015 Entry: firefox extensions Date: Sat Jan 16 20:58:22 EST 2016 Entry: React Native Date: Sat Feb 27 14:48:42 EST 2016 Entry: CPS Date: Wed Apr 6 19:29:25 EDT 2016 Entry: installing purescript Date: Wed Apr 6 19:31:02 EDT 2016 apt-get install npm nodejs-legacy mkdir ~/.npm-global npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global' export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH npm install -g purescript npm install -g pulp bower Entry: new purescript project Date: Wed Apr 6 19:49:57 EDT 2016 cd prj pulp init pulp build pulp test Broken... > 123 Error found: in module $PSCI.Support at line 3, column 1 - line 4, column 1 Unknown module Prelude Entry: WebExtensions Firefox add-ons Date: Sat Jul 9 13:28:54 EDT 2016 Entry: PureScript Date: Mon Aug 1 22:43:28 EDT 2016 Entry: PureScript again Date: Wed Sep 7 22:19:51 EDT 2016 Following the explanation on the main site worked for me: apt-get install npm nodejs-legacy tom@tp:~$ cat .npmrc prefix = ~/.npm-global Entry: mvc dead Date: Fri Nov 11 13:06:41 EST 2016 Entry: auth through ssh Date: Wed Dec 14 22:41:58 EST 2016 Entry: page scripts vs. content scripts Date: Tue Jan 3 00:40:21 EST 2017 trying to write a youtube greasemonkey script, but can't get at: var p = document.getElementById("movie_player"); var u = p.getVideoUrl(); "By default, content scripts loaded by add-ons and scripts loaded by web pages are insulated from each other." Entry: CPS vs. react-style Date: Sun Feb 5 19:46:34 EST 2017 Trying to build a web application in Erlang and Javascript, I find it useful to use CPS for calls initiated by Erlang. Can the same be done in Javascript? And what would be the difference from a react style "update the world on reply" approach? Essentially: should my GUI - call into the server and get a reply (xmlrpc) - send a single-ended message, and interpret update messages So how is react different from rest? In react, actions can flow up. What does that mean? Entry: Background vs. content script Date: Fri Feb 10 17:07:35 EST 2017 Entry: React model, and DIY approximations Date: Fri Feb 10 17:15:34 EST 2017 Worked with react, find it very slow with a lot of red tape. Is there a way to just do this kind of stuff server side? It seems that the problem react solves is to avoid notification spaghetti. Something happens, and as a consequence the view changes completely. Then React's contribution is to do a full re-render in an optimal way. Entry: @ppk talk on web Date: Fri Feb 10 19:27:22 EST 2017 via @adrianholovaty Entry: Framework bashing Date: Fri Feb 10 21:15:57 EST 2017 Maybe I can actually learn something here... - learn DOM and browsers - keep it simple Entry: SPA design Date: Sat Feb 11 10:44:43 EST 2017 So this is really bugging me. What I've seen from the web page bits is that it is very hard to simplify the ideas. The main thing that keeps coming back is the elimination of circular dependencies by introducing hierarchy. Really, what this is about is "relaxation": changing a tiny bit of the whole has effect on the whole. Recomputing the whole seems to be the only sane way to do this, unless all updates are local, in which case only the local bit can be updated. So I wonder, is there a way to convert such a circular dependency into a tree effect directly? E.g. suppose that a naive propagation would cause cycles, so define a canonical way to resolve those. The result of that is a set of updates. Maybe the correct paradigm for guis isn't reactive programming, it's constraint programming. Entry: Clickable SVG Date: Tue Feb 14 21:49:13 EST 2017 "It's very easy to do clickable regions in svg itself, just add some
elements around the shapes you want to have clickable." Entry: True rest Date: Wed Feb 15 11:34:10 EST 2017 Absorbing a lot of this, and also trying to figure out what "local state" really means. A good example is a REST website with a dropdown box. The options: - dropdown box + submit button - submit (refresh) on option change The former has local state, the latter doesn't. Is abolishing this kind of local state a good idea or not? Problem is that the latter needs javascript. I would like to avoid javascript in "static" pages. In this case it seems simpler to generate a list of links instead of using a dropbox. Entry: Simple text screen Date: Wed Feb 15 15:18:05 EST 2017 What I really want is to have a plain and simple text grid that spans the entire width of the browser. Something I can "draw on" similar to curses. Entry: React vs. the React idea Date: Tue Feb 21 16:23:25 EST 2017 So the basic premise is: 1. It's too hard to update the structure of the web page incrementally, so recompute the whole thing. 2. Given the new structure, compute the diff to limit redraws While this is a great idea, the diffing doesn't have to happen in the browser. Why use virtual dom if it is possible to do the diffing on a much simpler internal data structure, and translate that into a sequence of updates. The important part here is that if it makes sense to go to full tree recomputation, it might make sense to go to tree diffing for rendering updates, but it might as well be just fine. Also in many cases it is possible an even easier to compute the diff directly. So what about making this explicit? Entry: SVG pathelement and animation Date: Wed Feb 22 17:25:30 EST 2017 EDIT: requestAnimationFrame Entry: Binary data on websocket Date: Wed Feb 22 18:56:48 EST 2017 The appropriate two types of frames that a server can send are text frames and binary frames (5.2). The ws.binaryType allows you to define in which format you'd like to obtain the binary data. Entry: Storing data in DOM Date: Thu Feb 23 19:30:23 EST 2017 Entry: webassembly Date: Thu Jun 1 17:28:49 EDT 2017 Entry: CommonJS Date: Tue Jun 13 13:29:38 EDT 2017 Purescript produces CommonJS. How to run that in a browser? So my misconception: node and npm are server-side tools. Running this all in the browser is a whole different thing. I think I need to start this bottom up. "pulp browserify", so probably use browserify from npm also Entry: purescript Date: Tue Jun 13 13:51:58 EDT 2017 pulp browserify --standalone myBundle --to myBundle.js Entry: Getting started with node Date: Wed Jun 14 09:15:07 EDT 2017 Main ideas: - node can be used to debug javascript library code interactively or with a test suite - browserify can be used to bundle a CommonJS module structure into a single file To test code interactively in the node shell, it needs to be wrapped in a module: Entry: expose modules into the global namespace Date: Fri Jun 16 14:53:01 EDT 2017 browserify main.js --standalone app -o bundle.js main.js: = require('./app'); app.js: exports.start = function() ... why is there this double wrapping? Ok, so the arg to --standalone is the object that contains all the exports from the main module. They are not flattened. Entry: UMD Date: Fri Jun 16 16:17:44 EDT 2017 Entry: browserify vs webpack Date: Fri Jun 16 20:08:06 EDT 2017 Entry: dead code elimination Date: Fri Jun 16 22:05:08 EDT 2017 Entry: getAttribute Date: Sat Jun 17 11:05:53 EDT 2017 obj.attr is the same as obj['attr'] but this is different from: obj.getAttribute('attr') e.g. for an svg obj.getAttribute('width') -> 400 obj.width -> SVGLength object EDIT: As I read that, it seems using element.attribute = value is the way to go. But e.g. for svg path 'd' element it doesn't work. I still dont' completely understand this. What are "nonstandard attributes" ? EDIT: I have a element, where I can assign p['data-xyz'] and reference it the same way. However, any 'data-xyz' attribute that is passed in through the xhtml source can only be accessed by getAttribute('data-xyz'). from: getAttribute('a') gets an attribute, while obj.a gets a property of the DOM object, often normalized from the original HTML attribute (which is a string). So they are not the same. Apparently custom attributes are not synced to the DOM, so always needs getAttribute. But then: data-foo -> Didn't work on the path elemnt. Maybe only on HTML, not SVG? Entry: DOM elements as objects Date: Sat Jun 17 11:14:44 EDT 2017 I like the ReactJS component idea. Can this be approximated using actual DOM elements and associated behavior? As an example, take an SVG that needs to be animated somehow. The SVG DOM element can be retrieved by: document.getElementById('my-svg') To use this as the state of an object, some data would need to be stored in it. From browsing the web I learn this is OK apparently, just a little dirty and old school... Bottom line, prefix with "data-" to be HTML5 compliant. To identify an object, the "id" attribute is fine. Entry: browser right-click contextual menus Date: Sat Jun 17 19:35:11 EDT 2017 Only supported in firefox. Entry: addEventListener Date: Mon Jun 19 13:46:19 EDT 2017 Entry: this Date: Mon Jun 19 18:48:08 EDT 2017 a = { foo: function() { return this; } }; -> a var b =; b(); -> global context It seems that the function is not bound to the object. It is just associated to an object at the time of the call. Entry: SVG is very slow Date: Mon Jun 19 19:10:26 EDT 2017 Quite ridiculously slow actually. Maybe give canvas a try instead. Entry: Setting the "d" attribute Date: Mon Jun 19 19:43:38 EDT 2017 There is the path.animatedPathSegList which has a representation of the path. Maybe best to use this instead of going through the string ops. Otoh this is a lot of objects. Might actually be worse than just pushing it into the string... createSVGPathSegLinetoRel(1,100) Entry: this Date: Mon Jun 19 22:43:34 EDT 2017 Entry: webgl (See also jsfiddle, codepen) Date: Wed Jun 21 20:21:20 EDT 2017 Entry: CSS specificity Date: Thu Jun 22 08:19:57 EDT 2017 How to determine which rules are overridden? In the firefox stylesheet inspector, overridden rules are crossed out. I guess, beginner mind: Yeah that's not helpful. Apart from Floats, the CSS Specificity is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp in Cascading Stylesheets. Some notes: - for rules of equal importance, the last one overrides Entry: checkbox Date: Sat Jun 24 18:25:18 EDT 2017 Checkbox "checked" attribute doesn't update when setting innerHTML. Actually it seems that "checked" needs to be absent. Entry: == vs === Date: Tue Jun 27 17:27:00 EDT 2017 Entry: Sending queries to web browsers Date: Sun Jul 23 21:36:34 EDT 2017 Background vs. content script. It's not easy to get inside the content script context. Background scripts are there for extensions, but what you want is to get at the page context dom. One possible way to do this is to inject a websocket into pages by modifying content in a proxy. 3 Entry: Distributed programming: server or client side? Date: Thu Aug 3 09:46:39 EDT 2017 It is really not easy to decide what goes server side and what goes client side. If the application is designed well, it will be quite arbitrary. For hatdgw I use the rule: keep it server-side, unless it is too inefficient. We serve only one user, so there are no real performance issues in the server. However, for things that are really only about display, it makes sense to do it on javascript. E.g.: collapse a view. Entry: Button outside of form Date: Thu Aug 3 10:20:13 EDT 2017 Simplest solution: label outside of form. However for SPA it might make sense to not use forms at all, but use individual member updates. Entry: SVG patterns Date: Sat Aug 5 18:39:49 EDT 2017 Entry: more SVG Date: Mon Aug 14 18:30:57 EDT 2017 Entry: SVG drag events Date: Tue Aug 15 10:06:59 EDT 2017 onmousedown="mouseDown(evt)" onmousemove="move(evt)" onmouseup="endMove(evt)" onmouseout="endMove(evt)" Entry: Cells vs. display=none/block Date: Wed Aug 16 20:52:19 EDT 2017 Still mutation, but the code is a lot simpler on the Erlang side because no subtemplates need to be pushed around. Entry: Resize svg Date: Thu Aug 17 10:36:25 EDT 2017 it's about viewBox xMinYMin meet Entry: div nesting Date: Thu Aug 17 17:06:16 EDT 2017 I do not understand how this works... Can't get my SVG to scale properly. Maybe all need to be 100% to have inner be 100%? Entry: scope additions Date: Thu Aug 17 18:05:09 EDT 2017 - set resolution? - hide menu - properly float boxes Entry: Mini react Date: Fri Aug 18 01:56:02 EDT 2017 Basically this would mean moving the template substitution into javascript. I'd be compiling template code to javascript code. There's no point in doing this if the jump to React is not made as well. Basically, I want to compile templates to react code instead of XHTML, and leave the template substitution in there. Entry: SVG doesn't work with appendElement Date: Sun Aug 20 17:37:41 EDT 2017 var svg = document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]; //Get svg element var newElement = document.createElementNS("", 'path'); //Create a path in SVG's namespace newElement.setAttribute("d","M 0 0 L 10 10"); //Set path's data = "#000"; //Set stroke colour = "5px"; //Set stroke width svg.appendChild(newElement); Entry: Better path handling Date: Sun Aug 20 18:57:42 EDT 2017 Resultion using integers is really bad. Using API might be simpler than using float formatting. SVGPathSegMovetoAbs SVGPathSegLinetoRel So how to use this? The path element has the following property: animatedPathSegList how to add to that? temp0.animatedPathSegList.clear() NoModificationAllowedError: Modifications are not allowed for this document p.pathSegList.clear() does work. above is probably coming from some other form of animation p.pathSegList.appendItem() Now, how to create items? SVGPathElement.createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs() Entry: DOM vs. framework Date: Sun Aug 20 19:04:05 EDT 2017 Still thinking it's better to learn the DOM in all its messiness, because it will long outlive the frameworks that try to abstract over it. Entry: React vs. presentation model diffing Date: Tue Aug 29 03:20:38 EDT 2017 Woke up after looping on something about setting attributes. Can't make much sense of it... This is going to sound a little confused. This is about full-blown React, vs diffing the presentation model and mapping diffs to imperative widget updates. The model diff doesn't work well for deep structural differences. It is a hack that works as long as layout doesn't change too much, or if the changes are easy to express as method calls. Ether turning things on and off, pushing new inner layout, or having a little more smarts on the javascript side to push a component. React could still be useful there. What is cool about React, is the ability to make components without worrying about how to specify construction imperically. The method I came up with is stricly less powerful in that it strongly relies on being able to push most of the layout initially, and then do simple tweaks on that tree later on. It is still server-side, with React being fully client side. This is a really interesting and seemingly deep subject. I do wonder: in a pure react rendering, there is a mapping of an algebraic data type to layout. The alternatives (sums in the type -- different constructors) lead to different layout. You need a react style if there is any kind of recursion going on, because that needs to be "flattened out" in the document + node switching. The essence of the react approach is that construction is done programmatically. However in practice it seems that this is not needed beyond simple things like lists. Actually lists are a good example of the turning point of complexity. Bottom line: react is about rendering algebraic data types. The other approach does the same initially, but then performs modifications on the tree, possibly re-rendering subtrees. In the tree diff, there are 3 operations: - ins, del, set The approach I used up to now relies on all structural modifications being limited to removing and adding (known) elements to a list. The type is in essence not recursive -- only at initial rendering time, but not at update time. In cases where structure does change, it probably makes sense to push the constructor code into the javascript, and rebuild nodes incrementally. I.e. instead of a constructor, the constructors are encoded differentially as: ins, del, set. It's probably possible to build that translation programmatically as well. Express the component as a pure function (in a sane language) and derive the ins, del, set differential constructors. Entry: Building differential components Date: Tue Aug 29 04:04:35 EDT 2017 Let's stick to the "nested dictionaries" representation in Erlang, which seems simple enough because it has only one kind of constructor (the Erlang map). When order is imposed on the keys, out comes a structure that is very similar to the nested structure of xhtml / xml. Additionally the keys give a way to identify elements for insertion, deletion. Essential operations are: - remove subtree - insert leaf element in subtree - create new subtree (done as iterated construction from inserts) How to specify the constructors such that they are easily translated to this? Note that this is a fairly strong limitation: model "list structure" needs to correspond to XHTML "list structure". React is much more general. But then again, React can probably be modeled by adding a second compilation step that brings it closer to a DOM-like structure, e.g. a second presentation model that brings a first transformation into the xhtml-like representation of keyed nested lists. So the assumption is: it is straightforward to create constructors for leaf nodes. This is the only "real work" left to do. Everything else is composed of generic operations. In the Erlang model, a leaf node is represented by a list or tuple. Entry: alternatives to float-based kludges Date: Thu Sep 7 15:02:48 EDT 2017 Entry: interview questions Date: Mon Feb 12 12:37:32 CET 2018 Also a great collection of "sample points" to learn from. And some remarks about this all being too complicated: Entry: Shorter iteration Date: Mon Mar 19 12:11:40 EDT 2018 Webpack is not that slow, but what I want is to reload a .js file without stopping the application. Even better: include it in an .expect file. Entry: Delete child given ID of parent and child node Date: Thu Apr 19 09:07:49 EDT 2018 p=document.getElementById("[table,row_a]") c=document.getElementById("[table,row_a,col_d]") p.removeChild(c) Entry: CSS library Date: Thu Apr 19 21:21:07 EDT 2018 I just need to try something. Likely it really doesn't matter. Entry: Web design Date: Fri Apr 20 01:29:43 EDT 2018 REST: a page is a node in an infinite network of individually addressable pages. each page is rendered one-shot. SPA: a page is a cell that is updated according to a viewmodel diff. the diff is computed in response to a throttled set of events. the events cause changes in a controller state, which is reduced to a viewmodel once all events are processed. the empty cell corresponds to the empty viewmodel. Entry: Eliminate ws.erl / ws.js closures Date: Fri Apr 20 02:06:57 EDT 2018 Serve a generic page with a symbolic app.start() argument. Entry: Selection boxes do not go back to default on page reload Date: Fri Apr 20 14:24:18 EDT 2018 Why is that? Entry: diff approach Date: Fri Apr 20 15:51:25 EDT 2018 The only thing you're doing is to refine the granularity. There is still the tradeoff between updating inside a structure, or re-rendering a larger substructure. It is important to see that this is ARBITRARY. I.e. an OPTIMIZATION. Entry: purescript basic structure Date: Sat Aug 4 08:31:55 EDT 2018 - compiler - compiled library modules, consist of .json interface file and .js code - dependency and build tools Entry: Installing Date: Sat Aug 4 08:36:59 EDT 2018 To install, it seems simplest to have one copy of npm and the deps per project. I don't think there is a way to manage this in nix. EDIT: There is this: I need some approach that's a bit reproducible. Using nix doesn't seem to work for me at this point. Trying debian now. apt-get install npm npm -g install purescript pupl bower npm WARN engine purescript@0.12.0: wanted: {"node":">=8.10.0","npm":">=5.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.8.2","npm":"1.4.21"}) This shit sucks. Do I really want to mess with it? Install it locally in a project. EDIT: see git/purescript_test The bare project contains enough to serve as a template for a make-based build-tree install. Entry: widgets Date: Fri Nov 9 08:19:34 EST 2018 After playing with html for a long time, I still don't find I have a good sense of creating decent layout. How to tackle this problem? One thing that seems to work is to go grid-based, and to resort more to SVG if precise layout is needed. What about using SVG for everything? With CSS grid that might not be necessary. Moving to pixel-perfect design is what's needed. Fonts might help there too. Entry: time to learn this shit Date: Tue Dec 4 19:34:05 EST 2018 - book on CSS - things like youtube download, send to kodi - wasm - purescript - sync: tie all browsers into erlang Entry: Set image data Date: Wed Dec 19 12:51:23 EST 2018 img.src = "..." The post mentions imagedata. I already have a way to deliver binary data over websocket. Can this just be dumped without encoding to base64? Or just do this ArrayBuffer to base64 conversion in the browser? Create a jpg image from ArrayBuffer data: var arrayBufferView = new Uint8Array( this.response ); var blob = new Blob( [ arrayBufferView ], { type: "image/jpeg" } ); var urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL; var imageUrl = urlCreator.createObjectURL( blob ); var img = document.querySelector( "#photo" ); img.src = imageUrl; Entry: Performance Date: Wed Dec 19 20:39:40 EST 2018 The previous approach works, but it seems to create quite large browser resident size. Some collection is going on but over time it leaks. Maybe use a canvas instead? It will still need the url converter.. Anyways, one thing to do is to turn off the stream when not visible: EDIT: It seems to no longer leak with the release call. Entry: example of good ui code, apparently Date: Thu Dec 20 19:13:15 EST 2018 Entry: erl_tools widget: ordered list Date: Fri Dec 21 11:26:53 EST 2018 Essentially: - order is necessary as a display property - names are necessary to index How to solve both problems at the same time. The simplest is just to re-generate the entire list. Why am I not considering that as an option? EDIT: It might be actually impossible to regenerate due to lack of context at the point where the "add" command is generated. So it should look like: - add before first - add after last - add at intermediate point following some protocol Can the latter be avoided? Entry: youtube url Date: Fri Dec 21 20:57:39 EST 2018 ?pl=18 &requiressl=yes &fvip=1&gcr=us &hcs=yes &expire=1545450460 &txp=7301222 &sparams=dur%2Cei%2Cgcr%2Chcs%2Cid%2Cinitcwndbps%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Clmt%2Cmime%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cpl%2Cratebypass%2Crequiressl%2Cshardbypass%2Csource%2Cexpire &id=o-AHsXMZXIftCD-EVzL6ewQZ5tWRHpsh5ip9S_0UY-YBWN &initcwndbps=1981250 &ip= &ei=e18dXPrdN4O4D6Kes5gD &shardbypass=yes &dur=8028.183 &mv=m &mt=1545428720 &ms=au%2Crdu &mn=sn-vgqs7nez%2Csn-vgqs7nez &source=youtube &mm=31%2C29 &c=WEB &ratebypass=yes &signature=0D294F2CCBC6D69B4011544F40FD649E1A9B1306.5E01F07F58E87F6D441414F7A1FC5AEB45D2DA0D &lmt=1545352007845780 &itag=22 &key=yt6&mime=video%2Fmp4 &ipbits=0 The vid is: And doesn't appear. Regarding erl_ducktape kodi module: it seems to make more sense to snarf the call that has the original youtube link, and associate that to what's playing. It doesn't seem to be possible to use a raw file link from one to send to another. Entry: WebExtensions Date: Sat Dec 22 10:53:04 EST 2018 I don't think I want the node dependency. How to tell firefox to reload the extension? about:debugging How to permanently install the extension? Two ways: - developer edition (nightly) with about:config xpinstall.signatures.required = false - let mozilla sign it as unlisted Still, xpi needs to be built: web-ext build EDIT: That builds a .zip file, so what is an .xpi file? Jesus this stuff sucks. Can I use something else? Greasemonkey? What I want to do is to run in page context anyway. Entry: Create some flow Date: Thu Jan 3 21:02:22 CET 2019 html, css -> auto-update html -> ehtml ehtml -> auto-update Entry: CSS book Date: Thu Jan 3 21:17:41 CET 2019 CSS: The Definitive Guide: Visual Presentation for the Web 4th Edition Eric A. Meyer, Estelle Weyl Notes: - html has strict hierarchy between block and inline elements, but CSS can be used to attach any kind of display property. - this is useful for attaching display styles to plain XML documents. - div is block, span is inline Entry: shortcut Date: Fri Jan 4 12:12:26 CET 2019 I clearly do not have time to dig into this deeply. I get most of what I need, except for positioning. I.e. I want something like grid or table layout. So do some explicit grid layout first, e.g. for thermostat? EDIT: All looks straightforward: define a grid col/row dims (px,% or auto), and place elements inside a grid span. Do I need a lot more than this?
How to have separate CSS for mobile? Entry: example pages Date: Sun Feb 10 23:34:22 EST 2019 -> css Entry: CSS Date: Mon Feb 25 08:12:30 EST 2019 Time to go for it. Let's use this post as the place to come back to. - everything must be styled. you cannot rely on defaults - render based on width of the screen, and a global notion of resolution. - width can be handled this way: view-source: @media only screen and (min-width : 600px) and (max-width : 689px) { .comment { max-width: 540px; overflow: auto } pre { max-width: 400px; } } - and relative scaling is done using 'em' units, which are relative to font-size. - people advice against writing raw CSS, and to use a generator. so let's start with raw CSS, and construct a way to generate it. - when using grids, use a couple of cases based on width. - keep it simple and use only two name spaces: the main style of the site + specific classes for each widgets. then for anything that doesn't fit .. use a specific class, e.g. instead of .camera.img use .camera_img, but group it in the same section of the style file. Entry: HTML to PDF? Date: Wed May 15 20:49:25 EDT 2019 I found a tool for this. I can't locate the notes.. It was webkit based. Entry: Entirely SVG? Date: Wed May 29 09:45:26 EDT 2019 I wonder what it would look like to make a page that is entirely SVG, and be done with all this CSS bullshit. Entry: layout example Date: Mon Nov 11 17:16:27 EST 2019 zooming in makes this switch between pc and mobile mode by removing the borders: SVG: simplify: Entry: revisit flat design Date: Thu Nov 21 17:49:03 EST 2019 Thermostat page: I want something really simple: a couple of squares on a page. Display temp of each room. Design-wise: get rid of the "viewmodel" incremental approach? It seems overkill. It seems that if the page is simple, complete updates are going to be ok. Requirements: - look ok on cell phone and web page - do this first with the video page? Entry: viewmodels Date: Thu Nov 21 18:23:11 EST 2019 Are a pain. There has to be a transformation that makes this much easier to deal with. The problem in the end comes from updating multiple inputs, e.g. two sliders, where one needs to be updated to reflect the change. Entry: 8 HTML tags you need to be using (and 5 to avoid) Date: Fri Jan 10 09:28:57 CET 2020 Entry: emscripten wasm C draw to canvas Date: Sat Apr 4 16:21:28 EDT 2020