SAT Solvers Entry: SAT / SMT Date: Sat Aug 4 13:35:06 EDT 2018 SAT First: how to specify a problem? Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF). ^ of | of (-)x_i Main question: is it possible to put opaque boolean functions in there? I guess the whole idea is to be able to use the structure of the function to perform the search, so likely not. That means the problem needs to be translated into CNF. E.g. a+b=c To encode it, implement an adder? Let's try this: a+b=2, for a,b 2-bit values "Many research papers have been written about the efficient encoding of specific constraints and other gadgets" - Uses one-hot encoding. - SMT vs. SAT: SMT-solvers are frontends to SAT solvers (bit blasting) - SMT vs. SAT is like high level PL vs. assembly language. The latter can be much more efficient, but it’s hard to program in it. - z3 is used in the notes. - SMT-LIB spec language is s-expressions Entry: How to use a SMT, SAT solver? Date: Sun Sep 16 11:29:07 EDT 2018 - The model is the bridge between a solution of the SAT,SMT problem, and the actual problem you're facing. Building this model is everything, and it seems this requires a whole new set of intuitions. - Just sitting down and writing down constraints and variables exposes a lot of "variables" that do not vary at all, e.g. they are just extra constraints, or can disappear completely into implicit properties of the encoding. Gradually, your problem translates into something that resembles a SAT/SMT problem. - Similarly, sometimes the problem is "triangular". There are a couple of constraints, but they can be solved sequentially, similar to solving triangular linear systems. This allows a part of the problem to be solved by hand, allowing a problem transformation to reduce the parameter/constraint set. - There seems to be a sweet spot, trading off a more complex encoding vs. a simpler encoding with some more constraints. Even if further reduction of the description is possible, the time to do so is longer than encoding and running the solver for the larger problem.