#lang racket/base (require racket/match "tools.rkt" "stream-syntax.rkt" "stream-meta.rkt" ) (provide ai-dual ;; Raw operation on dual numbers ai-deriv ;; (partial) derivative (struct-out dual)) ;; Automatic differentiation transforms an abstract program that ;; computes the value of a function into an abstract program that ;; computes the value of the first derivative. ;; Implemented using abstract interpretation over dual numbers. ;; x + dx e, with e^2 = 0 ;; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_numbers ;; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_differentiation ;; Lift program over dual number domain. (define (ai-dual program) (define (dual-proc parent-semantics . args) ;; Define an operation on dual numbers using pattern matching. ;; FIXME: special-case the binary ops in case the operands are ;; equal -- e.g. (mul x x) -- to avoid loosing ;; symmetry/sharing/partial-eval opportunities. ;; Shorthands for parent primitives. (define @ (ai-delegate-semantics parent-semantics)) (define + (@ ai-sum)) (define - (@ ai-sub)) (define * (@ ai-prod)) (define / (@ ai-div)) (define exp (@ ai-exp)) (define sin (@ ai-sin)) (define cos (@ ai-cos)) (define log (@ ai-log)) (define pow (@ ai-pow)) (define lt (@ ai-lt)) (define lit (@ ai-literal)) (define (lift-constant x) (if (dual? x) x (make-dual x (lit 0)))) (define-syntax op-match (syntax-rules () ((_ ((v d) ...) expr) (lambda args (match (map lift-constant args) ((list sem-ignored (struct dual (v d)) ...) expr)))))) (define-syntax op (syntax-rules () ((_ bindings e-v e-dv) (op-match bindings (make-dual e-v e-dv))))) ;; Note that `pow' is redundant as it can be written in terms of ;; `log' and `exp', but the primitive is there to allow exact math ;; when de = 0 and b is an integer. (define d-pow (op-match ((b db) (e de)) (let ((b^e (pow b e))) ;; maintain sharing (make-dual b^e (+ (* db e (pow b (- e 1))) (* de (log b) b^e de)))))) (define d-lt (op ((a da) (b db) (x dx) (y dy)) (lt a b x y) (lt a b dx dy))) (define ai-dual-semantics ;; Given value, deriv compute value, deriv (make-ai #:add (op ((a da) (b db)) (+ a b) (+ da db)) #:sub (op ((a da) (b db)) (- a b) (- da db)) #:mul (op ((a da) (b db)) (* a b) (+ (* da b) (* a db))) #:div (op ((a da) (b db)) (/ a b) (- (/ da b) (/ (* a db) (* b b)))) #:exp (op ((x dx)) (exp x) (* (exp x) dx)) #:sin (op ((x dx)) (sin x) (* (cos x) dx)) #:cos (op ((x dx)) (cos x) (* -1 (sin x) dx)) #:log (op ((x dx)) (log x) (pow x -1)) #:pow d-pow #:lt d-lt #:literal (op ((x dx)) x dx) )) (apply (ai-function-proc program) ai-dual-semantics args)) ;; Return transformed program. (make-ai-function dual-proc (ai-function-args program))) (define (ai-deriv program [index 0]) (define (derivative-proc parent-semantics . args) (define (literal value) ((ai-function-proc ai-literal) parent-semantics value)) ;; Derivative is computed wrt. function argument at index, so that ;; argument has derivative one. All arguments are constant ;; parameters for the partial derivative, so have derivative 0. (define (arg-deriv i) (literal (if (= i index) 1 0))) (define dual-args (for/list ((a args) (i (in-naturals))) (make-dual a (arg-deriv i)))) (define results (values-list (apply (ai-function-proc (ai-dual program)) parent-semantics dual-args))) (apply values (map dual-dx results))) (make-ai-function derivative-proc (ai-function-args program)))