/* -*- ld-script -*- */ /* ****************************************************************************************************** */ /* ld_flash.cmd LINKER SCRIPT */ /* */ /* */ /* The Linker Script defines how the code and data emitted by the GNU C compiler and assembler are */ /* to be loaded into memory (code goes into FLASH, variables go into RAM). */ /* */ /* Any symbols defined in the Linker Script are automatically global and available to the rest of the */ /* program. */ /* */ /* To force the linker to use this LINKER SCRIPT, just add the -T ld_flash.cmd */ /* directive to the linker flags in the Makefile. For example, */ /* */ /* LFLAGS = -Map main.map -nostartfiles -T ld_flash.cmd */ /* */ /* */ /* The order that the object files are listed in the makefile determines what .text section is */ /* placed first. */ /* */ /* For example: $(LD) $(LFLAGS) -o main.out crt.o main.o lowlevelinit.o */ /* */ /* crt.o is first in the list of objects, so it will be placed at address 0x00000000 */ /* */ /* */ /* The top of the stack (_stack_end) is (last_byte_of_ram +1) - 4 */ /* */ /* Therefore (for an AT91SAM72256 with 64kb of RAM): */ /* */ /* _stack_end = (0x00020FFFF + 1) - 4 = 0x00021000 - 4 = 0x0020FFFC */ /* */ /* Note that this symbol (_stack_end) is automatically GLOBAL and will be used by the crt.s */ /* startup assembler routine to specify all stacks for the various ARM modes. */ /* */ /* MEMORY MAP (AT91SAM7S256) */ /* | | */ /* .-------->|---------------------------------|0x00210000 */ /* . | |0x0020FFFC <---------- _stack_end */ /* . | UDF Stack 16 bytes | */ /* . | | */ /* . |---------------------------------|0x0020FFEC */ /* . | | */ /* . | ABT Stack 16 bytes | */ /* . | | */ /* . |---------------------------------|0x0020FFDC */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* . | FIQ Stack 128 bytes | */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* RAM |---------------------------------|0x0020FF5C */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* . | IRQ Stack 128 bytes | */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* . |---------------------------------|0x0020FEDC */ /* . | | */ /* . | SVC Stack 16 bytes | */ /* . | | */ /* . |---------------------------------|0x0020FECC */ /* . | | */ /* . | stack area for user program | */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* . | free ram | */ /* . | | */ /* . |.................................|0x002006D8 <---------- _bss_end */ /* . | | */ /* . | .bss uninitialized variables | */ /* . |.................................|0x002006D0 <---------- _bss_start, _edata */ /* . | | */ /* . | .data initialized variables | */ /* . | | */ /* .-------->|_________________________________|0x00200000 */ /* */ /* */ /* .-------->|---------------------------------|0x00100000 */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* . | free flash | */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* . |.................................|0x000006D0 <---------- _bss_start, _edata */ /* . | | */ /* . | .data initialized variables | */ /* . | | */ /* . |---------------------------------|0x000006C4 <----------- _etext */ /* . | | */ /* . | C code | */ /* . | | */ /* . | | */ /* . |---------------------------------|0x00000118 main() */ /* . | | */ /* . | Startup Code (crt.s) | */ /* . | (assembler) | */ /* . | | */ /* . |---------------------------------|0x00000020 */ /* . | | */ /* . | Interrupt Vector Table | */ /* . | 32 bytes | */ /* .-------->|---------------------------------|0x00000000 _vec_reset */ /* */ /* */ /* Author: James P. Lynch */ /* */ /* ****************************************************************************************************** */ #define JUST_LINKER_DEFS /* Don't include C stuff like typedefs. */ #include TARGET_H /* Identify the entry point (_vec_reset is defined in file crt.s). */ ENTRY(_reset0) /* Specify the memory areas for AT91SAM7S256: */ MEMORY { flash : ORIGIN = FLASH_START, LENGTH = FLASH_SIZE /* FLASH EPROM */ ram : ORIGIN = RAM_START, LENGTH = RAM_SIZE /* static RAM area */ } /* Reserve 4k for stacks, the rest is heap. See also _sbrk() */ _stack_end = STACK_END; _stack_begin = STACK_BEGIN; /* Now define the output sections. */ SECTIONS { . = 0; /* set location counter to address zero */ .vectors : { KEEP(*(.vectors)); /* Fixed addresses must come first. */ } >flash .text : /* collect all sections that should go into FLASH after startup */ { *(.text*) /* all .text.* sections from -ffunction-sections */ *(.rodata*) /* all .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */ *(.glue_7) /* all .glue_7 sections (no idea what these are) */ *(.glue_7t) /* all .glue_7t sections (no idea what these are) */ _etext = .; /* define a global symbol _etext just after the last code byte */ } >flash /* put all the above into FLASH */ .data : /* collect all initialized .data sections that go into RAM */ { _data = .; /* create a global symbol marking the start of the .data section */ *(.data*) /* all .data sections -ffdata-sections */ _edata = .; /* define a global symbol marking the end of the .data section */ } >ram AT >flash /* put all the above into RAM (but load the LMA initializer copy into FLASH) */ .bss : /* collect all uninitialized .bss sections that go into RAM */ { _bss_start = .; /* define a global symbol marking the start of the .bss section */ *(.bss*) /* all .bss sections -ffdata-sections */ } >ram /* put all the above in RAM (it will be cleared in the startup code */ . = ALIGN(4); /* advance location counter to the next 32-bit boundary */ _bss_end = . ; /* define a global symbol marking the end of the .bss section */ } _end = .; /* define a global symbol marking the end of application RAM */