

October 21, 2007


Purrr is a Forth dialect specifically tailored to flash ROM based microcontrollers. A Forth typically enables direct low–level machine access in a resource–friendly way while providing a solid base for constructing high–level abstractions. Purrr includes a purely functional compositional macro language for meta–programming. The Purrr implementation consists of an optimizing cross–compiler and a live interaction interpreter, both running on a host PC system. Purrr’s live interaction interpreter supports an incremental, bottom up programming, testing and debugging style. The current Purrr implementation supports the 8–bit Microchip PIC18 architecture.

1  Introduction

This manual documents the Purrr macro language and its live interaction system. Purrr is a collection of composable macros implementing a stack machine model as a thin layer atop a concrete machine architecture. The interaction system provides a command console for live machine interaction and incremental compilation of Forth code.

This manual is intended for an audience somewhat familiar with Forth and assembly programming. It is not necessary to be an expert in either. If you are looking for a tutorial, have a look at the Purrr[1] website.

At the moment of writing, Purrr is implemented for the Microchip PIC18 architecture. Purrr is not a standard (ANS) Forth. It is fairly minimal, and takes from Forth just those elements that are essential to build such a proto language: procedure and macro words, stacks, global variables and a couple of control structures. The key differences are the use of 8–bit data words, separate code and data spaces, and the lack of a self–hosting interpreter and compiler.

Purrr supports a reasonable high level of programming while still retaining precise control over the underlying machinery. This is necessary in the intended target domain: microcontrollers often contain a mix of highly specialized low–level code that has to be as efficient as possible, and a bulk of high–level management code that is complicated but often less time critical. Forth stacks enable a referentially transparent programming style resembling functional programming, where a program is factored into a large collection of small functions called words. Such a style promotes reuse, layered abstraction and individual testability. In the spirit of Forth, the Purrr Forth dialect is meant to be extended to a language matching a problem domain. This approach is called bottom up programming.

Purrr aims to be minimal from an on–target kernel perspective: it is a native Forth, not requiring a runtime kernel. Effective boot code is only a couple of bytes to setup the stacks. Purrr extensively uses macros as a building block. Purrr macros are composable, just like functions, and can be used to add language features that cannot be expressed using composition of procedure words alone. Purrr’s macros make up a purely functional compositional stack language language, and exhibit a rich type system that can be used to perform compile time computations.

Considerable effort has been spent on keeping the system interactive, and reasonably introspective, just like a self–hosting Forth. It is possible to inspect and modify machine code and data state while running, execute arbitrary code, and compile and upload code on–the–fly. This is an essential element of a Forth development system and should not be lost due to target size limitations or the absence of an on–target interpreter.

2  The Purrr Language

2.1  How Forth?

A Purrr program consists of a sequence of words. There are two classes of words. A procedure word refers to a program fragment that is represented as an individually executable chunk of machine code instructions. A macro word is a function that represents a compile time action, which eventually results in machine code. In this manual we abbreviate these names to word and macro respectively.

: increment  \ n -- n+1
    1 + ;

: double-increment \ n -- n+2
    increment ;

The words macro and forth switch between macro word and procedure word definitions respectively. In the code above, increment is a macro while double-increment is a procedure word. The backslash character \ is used to start line comment.

Following Forth tradition, Purrr’s procedure words have a low–level concrete semantics. Purrr is essentially a macro assembler. There is a fairly direct relationship between a Purrr program text and compiled machine code.

The low–level semantics is complemented with a powerful macro language. The programmer can influence the relationship between source code and native machine code by writing new meta–programming constructs, in the form of purely functional composable macros. Compared to a traditional macro assembler, macros do not only expand to asembly code, they also recombine with previously generated assembly code.

In the example above, the procedure word double-increment corresponds to the code

       addlw  (1 1 +)
       return 0

Purrr is special compared to standard, explicitly meta–programmed Forth, because its metaprogramming through macro composition can be understood as partial evaluation. Compared to standard Forth, Purrr thus uses a simplified implicit metaprogramming syntax. Standard Forth uses explicit metaprogramming in the form of the words [ and ] which switch between compile and interpret mode. In Purrr, the programmer does not explicitly indicate which code will run at compile time.

The example above illustrates the interplay between partial evaluation and the concrete semantics of Purrr (its relationship to machine code). The double occurence of the word increment has been partially evaluated to the machine operation addlw (1 1 +). The code between parenthesis indicates a function that can be evaluated at compile time, here producing the numeric value 2. The machine instruction addlw ADDs its Literal argument to the Working register representing the top of the data stack.

Partial evaluation is an optimization technique often used in the implementation of functional programming languages. This approach works for Purrr because it is possible to interprete a subset of the procedural Forth dialect as a purely functional compositional language. The time at which function evaluation by composition occurs then becomes a parameter to play with: this makes it possible to move some of the evaluation to compile time, as is shown in the example above.

The metaprogramming power lies in this compile time evaluation. Let’s illustrate this for arithmetic by going back to the example (1 1 +) above. The integer operation + when it is done at compile time has infinite precision. The same goes for the other integer arithmetic operations. In order to be able to represent the result on the target, results of computations need to be truncated to the data word size, which in case of Purrr18 is 8 bits for data and 16 bits for code addresses. This technique enables the use of arithmetic operations that are not available at run–time in a way that is fairly transparent: it is possible to read source code looking only at the high level meaning of code, without worrying whether constructs are compilable.

In order to effectively write programs, the programmer does have to worry about whether a certain construct is compilable. In practice however, this is quite straightforward. One way of looking at the approach is to view procedural Purrr as the projection of a clean purely functional, compositional, high–level language, onto a restricted procedural semantics. See the Brood paper[3] for a formal treatment of this relation.

Summarized, the important property of macros is that they can be composed, and such compositions can be partially evaluated to yield compilable constructs. The partial evaluation of arithmetic expression is but one example of this powerful construct. By relaxing the requirement that all macros need to be compilable in isolation, one can use macros to construct language idioms. Idioms are sequences (compositions) of words that yield some compilable construct. A non–compilable construct is called ephemeral. An example of an ephemeral macro is begin. It is not compilable without a balanced again or until. This approach enables the use of very high level compile–time operations as long as they eventually lead to constructs representable in low–level form, or can be reduced to some representable construct, as is the case for numbers.

In some sense, this projection turns the Purrr language into a leaky abstraction: the programmer has to be aware of what functionality is lost in this projection. Purrr can be seen as an instance of the human compiler anti–pattern: the programmer deals with the reduction of the high level Purrr macro semantics to low level compilable constructs, by deciding which operations are to be implemented as procedure words. In exchange for this manual labour, one gets direct access to hardware in an environment that enables a lot of highlevel programming constructs in slightly restricted form. This idea is almost entirely stolen from PreScheme[2]. Procedural Purrr is to macro Purrr what PreScheme is to Scheme.

2.2  Tool Chain

In the Purrr tool chain, the meta–programming and code generation occurs on a system which is different from the one executing the final machine code. Two computer systems are involved: the host system runs a compiler program to produce compiled programs from source code while the target system eventually executes these compiled programs. The main reason for this distinction is of course the lack target resources to support the tool chain.

The host–target distinction is important from the point of interaction. Procedure words exist physically on the target chip in the form of machine code, and can be executed interactively. Macro words exist only in the translation phase from source code to machine code, and have no direct representative as an accessible code word, and as such cannot be executed. However, Purrr includes the possibility of executing macros that produce constant values, as if they were present in compiled form. Similarly, some basic arithmetic operations are simulated if they are not instantiated as machine code.

2.3  Why Forth?

The most compelling property of Forth is its ease of performing composition: syntactically, a program is merely a concatenation of the names of sub–programs, represented as words. If a sequence of words occurs in more than one place in a program, one can give a name to the sequence, and substitute the occurrence of the sequence in the source code by the newly defined name. This technique of program evolution is called (re)factoring, and is essential for controlled growth. In short, when a pattern emerges in the source, it is time to increase the abstraction level and provide some correctness preserving program transformations to isolate the code patterns and give them a name. In Forth this usually means to change the order of some words so a sequence can be cut out and replaced by a single name referencing a procedure or macro.

Additionally, procedure words are important because they allow physical (on chip) code reuse, which limits the necessary target code space. Forth is famous for doing a lot with a little, exactly because of its high affinity for factored code. Some say Forth is a compression algorithm.

Highly factored macro words are important because they allow the construction of language features that are not expressible as a composition of procedure words. In Purrr, macro words can be composed just as easily as procedure words. A category of words necessarily implemented as macros are control words which change the flow of control to something else than the default sequential word execution. Another example is optimization; some macros can be combined to code that is simpler or has more efficient representation than the sum of the parts. A third example in Purrr is the use of idioms, which are sequences of macro words that behave as if they were simply composed words, but have only a meaning when combined in a certain way, allowing the expression of constructs that are impossible to express as procedures. In Purrr, compile time computations have access to a type system that is substantially richer than the raw machine words used at run time. This type system is Scheme’s. Notable types are infinitely precise integers and rational numbers.

3  The Purrr Programming Model

Purrr is a compiled language, and works without a run–time kernel. A Purrr program is defined in terms of composable macros. Compilation of a Purrr program is a function which maps a source file and a dictionary to an updated dictionary and a chunk of binary machine code. It is factored into the following steps:

The dictionary is used as a representation of an abstract collection of procedures. These procedures operate on the machine state, and contain a functional subset operating on a parameter stack. They are implemented as executable native machine code. Purrr’s programming model is strictly bottom–up and early bound. Purrr programs are strictly layered, with layers being compiled separately. Upper layers cannot influence functionality in lower layers, unless this is explicitly permitted by some late binding mechanism (implemented as an add–on).

Purrr uses partial evaluation as an interface to the metaprogramming system. This is implemented using greedy macros.

4  Two Kinds of Macros

Essentially, there are two kinds of primitive macros. Those that operate on the compilation stack and those that operate on the macro stack.

4.1  Partial Evaluation

In order to see how partial evaluation works, it is a good idea to look at how it is implemented. In the transcript below I show the effect of incremental compilation. Compilation works by pushing data on a compilation stack. The data on this stack is typed, with the type indicated by a symbolic prefix.

We start with entering a number

>> 1
        qw      1

The first line is the compilation input, the remaining lines are the contents of the compilation stack, which is printed using the command pa. The type qw indicates a Quoted Word. In order to be compilable, the word needs to be reducable to a numeric value. We go on by entering another number.

>> 2
        qw      1
        qw      2

There are now two numbers on the compilation stack. Next we enter an operation.

>> +
        qw      (1 2 +)

The result is a quoted word, where the word can be reduced to a number by evaluating a computation. This is the simplest example of a compile–time computation.

When a compilation is done, all the data left on the compilation stack needs to represent a compilable program. In this case, we have a single quoted number 3, which is certainly compilable. Let’s start over with a clean compilation stack and type just the operation.

>> +
        addwf   POSTDEC0, 0, 0

This is quite different. What is present on the compilation stack is an assembly program that will perform the computation +. It works by adding the second word on the run time data stack to the working register, and then popping off the second word. Popping is done by a post–decrementing read: read the value pointed to, then decrement the pointer. This is equivalent to popping the 2 top numbers, adding them and pushing the result.

These two examples illustrate how partial evaluation is implemented: by inspecting the compilation stack, the macro + knows what code to generate: either the value can be computed at compile time, and the resulting program just quotes the resulting number, or the computation has to be postponed till run time, in which case the appropriate machine instruction is generated.

In the case of the binary operator + there is a third possibility: one of its operands might be known at compile time. Starting with a clean compilation stack, providing only one argument yields

>> 1 +
        addlw   1

which adds the number 1 to the working register, which implements the top of the data stack. The resulting code is still an operation, but it is less general than the one before. The composition 1 + has been evaluated to a single machine instruction.

4.2  Nested Constructs

Because forth is merely a succession of words, creating nested structures requires some kind of stack. For procedure words nesting, this is the return stack which is active at run–time. It records where to continue after terminating the current procedure.

For nested language structures created using macros, this stack is called the macro stack and is accessible at compilation time (macro execution time) using the macros >m and m>. All words that implement nested structures are defined in terms of these two words. For example

: begin  sym dup >m label ;
: again  m> goto ;

The macro begin creates a new symbol, duplicates it and places a copy on the macro stack before creating an assembler label using that symbol. The word again pops the symbol from the macro stack, and uses it to compile a jump instruction. As long as there is a balancing again for every begin, the resulting code is compilable.

Too many occurences of begin lead to non–compilable constructs because the macro stack is not empty. Too many occurences of again lead to non–compilable constructs because of macro stack underflow: m> will be evaluated without values on the stack.

In the definition of begin there is the word sym, which creates a new symbol. In an of itself sym is not compilable, because the symbol value is not representable on the target system. However, the words label and goto will consume symbol values to yield constructs that are compilable: assembler labels and jump instructions.

It is legal to use >m and m> anywhere in macro code as long as the eventual use is balanced. A typical use is in metaprogramming constructs which use a literal value multiple times. For example, a macro that converts a number to a two byte value can be written as

: lohi    \ number -- low high
    dup >m 
      #xFF and
      8 >>> ;

This will take a literal value, duplicate it and put one copy on the macro stack. The low byte literal is computed by applying a bitmask. The high byte literal is computed by retreiving the value from the macro stack, and shifting its bits to the right by 8. Note that the shift operator >>> is only defined at compile time and is thus an ephemeral macro. If the macro lohi occurs in a code composition after a computation that yields a literal value, the composition is compilable. The computation runs at compile time so the intermediate results use infinite precision: there is no 8–bit limit for data representation.

Direct access to the compilation stack is convenient, but not always necessary. In the example above swap could be used just as well. The following code is equivalent since all its components can be evaluated at compile time.

: lohi  
    dup #xFF and swap 8 >>> ;

5  Language Features

This section deals with Purrr features that are significantly different from the classic Forth approach.

5.1  Booleans

In Purrr all predicates are macros that can be optimized into efficient machine language conditional branch and skip instructions. By convention macros that produce boolean values are postfixed by a question mark ? character. The macro if can consume these ephemeral boolean values and generate the appropriate conditional jump instruction. Take a (simplified) example from serial.f the serial port driver

: rx-ready? \ -- ?
    PIR RCIF high? ;

: receive   \ -- byte
    begin rx-ready? until
    RCREG @ ;

The macro rx-ready? generates an ephemeral boolean derived from the bit at position RCIF (ReCeive Interrupt Flag) in the special function register PIR (Peripheral Interrupt Register). This boolean is consumed by the until macro word, which is eventually implemented in terms of the if macro word. This code illustrates a pattern often used in the Purrr code: abstract each condition in a macro, naming it appropriately to make the code that uses the condition more transparent.

5.2  Tail Call Optimization

In Purrr a procedure word followed by the ; or exit instruction is translated into a jump. This allows for the use of recursion to write loops, without overflowing the return stack. The following code does the same as receive in the previous example by calling itself recursively until the condition becomes true. This example has multiple exit points (see below).

: receive
      not if receive ; then
    RCREG @ ;

5.3  Predicates for Inspection

Purrr contains a collection of predicates that will just load a flag on the stack, instead of consuming a couple of arguments. This contrasts with some standard Forth predicates. These predicates are named by appending a question mark ? to the standard Forth name. For example:

=   \ a b -- ?
=?  \ a b -- a b ?

5.4  Multiple entry and exit points

Since Purrr procedure words are just assembler labels representing machine code addresses, and straight line Purrr code is translated to straight line machine code, there is no reason for a word not to have multiple entry points. In fact, this can be quite convenient. This code

: double-increment
    1 +
: increment
    1 + ;

defines two words. The second one increments the top of stack value by one, while the first one increments the top of stack value by two. The code in the first definition just falls trough to the last definition as if the sequence “: increment” wasn’t there. Similarly, a procedure word can have multiple exit points. In the code

: safe-turn-on
    problem? if ; then turn-on ;

the word turn-on is executed if the problem? condition is false. If the condition is true however, the word exists trough the ; word inbetween if and then.

5.5  Indirect memory access

The PIC18 architecture has separate instruction and data memory spaces. Purr18 uses two pointer registers to access these memories: the a register accesses volatile RAM, and the f register accesses non-volatile Flash memory. Indirect addressing using the @ and ! words is only supported for variables, which are literal addresses. However, it is possible to implement single–byte indirect addressing using the pointer registers.

To read from RAM memory, the words @a, @a+, @+a and @a- can be used to access the 4 addressing modes on the PIC18: indirect, postincrement, preincrement and postdecrement. Similarly the words !a, !a+, !+a and !a- are defined for the corresponding write operations.

5.6  Effective 8–bit Programming

This part is specific to the 8–bit Purrr variants, of which there is only one at the moment: Purrr18. Nothing limits Purrr to be implemented on larger word sizes. However, Purrr is organized in a way to make 8–bit data cells practical, while retaining a larger (machine specific) return stack size.

The ANS Standard explicitly prohibits an 8–bit cell size, setting the minimum size at 16 bits. It requires data stack elements, return stack elements, addresses, execution tokens, flags, and integers to be one cell wide. While Purrr is non–standard for a lot of different reasons, this requirement really kills it. However, it is my opinion that an 8–bit Forth has a reason of existence, despite the limitations of different code and data cell sizes.

Purrr contains some 16–bit library routines, but using them can be cumbersome. The Brood distribution contains a direct threaded 16–bit virtual machine written on top of Purrr which does enable a more standard Forth approach. It comes with its own interaction system, similar to Purrr’s. This language is substantially different from Purrr and is more true to standard Forth practice. It is however still incomplete.

In Purrr for the PIC18 the 21 bit wide hardware return stack is used. Purrr only uses the low 16 bits, leading to a representation of a procedure word as a two cell value. Because of its larger size and fixed depth (only 31 words), a separate byte stack called the x stack or auxilary stack is used. I.e. this stack is used to store the loop counter in for ...next loops. It can be used as an alternative to the return stack for temporary value storage.

Working with 8 bit words effectively is all all about sufficiently factored abstract representations, and hierarchical management of large quantities of space and time. The problem points can be identified as limited precision for mathematical operations, limited practical data buffer sizes, limited loop size, and difficulty of representing code as data.

For math, you’re basically out of luck and need to resort to tricks. Purrr has some 16–bit math routines, but math–intensive applications usually work better on larger word size (real or virtual) machines, and as such are not considered part of the application domain of straight Purrr code. Building a VM on top of Purrr is the way to go here.

On the other hand, don’t forget that logic is your friend! A lot of problems can be solved by creatively using and, or, xor, -, + and the shift and rotate operations together with the carry flag. Purrr exposes the these low level machine details to give you the means to create your own abstractions on top of them, using either procedure or macro words. Note that hexadecimal numbers are specified like #xF0, and decimal numbers like #x11110000. Purrr does not use a base word: all numbers are decimal, unless they are indicated as hexadecimal or binary. Also note that the PIC18 contains a hardware multiplier for 8 × 8 → 16 unsigned multiplication, which can be used to build your own multiplication abstraction. Purrr18 contains some code for a 24 unsigned MAC operation to implement digital filters.

The problems caused by large data buffer sizes can usually be avoided by proper abstraction. In addition the intended target chips usually have small memory sizes, so large buffers are rare. When they do occur, it is usually easier to perform buffer management on a byte and a block level: adding hierarchy to a solution can often not only solve a word size problem, but also bring up solutions that are easier to write down. The same argument goes for limited loop sizes. If you need a for ...next loop that executes more than 256 times, just nest two of them. Even better: put the inner loop in a separate word and try to see if the code now tells you why you’re better off using this hierarchical solution in the first place.

For the problem of effectively representing code as data, byte codes bring a simple solution. A byte code can represent up to 256 different words. The easiest way to do this is to use the word route to construct a jump table. Here is a code fragment from the boot interpreter taken from the pic18/interpreter.f file. It interprets numbers (tokens) ranging from 0 to 15 by mapping them to code.

\ ( token -- )
: interpret #x0F and route
             ; receive ; transmit ; jsr    ;
     lda     ; ldf     ; ack      ; reset
     n@a+    ; n@f+    ; n!a+     ; n!f+   ;    
     chkblk  ; preply  ; ferase   ; fprog  ; 

The route here is used to perform something akin to procedure table lookup. The word takes a single argument n and jumps to the n–th machine word following itself. The table above contains 16 machine word entries. To make sure jumps remain inside the table, before route the top 4 bits of the token are chopped off using and. All words in the table, except the empty one and reset, revert to procedure words, for which which the idiom receive ; compiles to a single machine word jump instruction.

The first slot is empty: a ; word by itself compiles to the RETURN instruction, which in a route table acts as a no–op. The reset word is a macro that compiles to the RESET instruction, also taking a single machine word slot.

6  Live Interaction

Next to macro and procedure words, there is a class of words only defined for live interaction. Two of these interactive commands prints out documentation for words.

see  <WORD>
msee <MACRO>

it is possible to inspect the target or macro code associated to a certain word. A procedure word is always compiled machine code: all information about the source code has been lost.

> see receive

        btfss  158, 5, 0
 (106)  bra    receive
 (108)  btfss  171, 1, 0
 (110)  bra    118
 (112)  bcf    171, 4, 0
 (114)  bsf    171, 4, 0
 (116)  bra    receive
 (118)  movwf  236, 0
 (120)  movf   174, 0, 0
 (122)  btfss  171, 2, 0
 (124)  bra    130
 (126)  movf   237, 0, 0
 (128)  bra    receive
 (130)  return 0

A macro word is either a composition of other macros,

> msee begin
(sym dup >m label)

a primitive assembler pattern matching macro,

> msee +
((((qw a) (qw b) +)       ((qw (wrap: a b '+))))
 (((addlw a) (qw b) +)    ((addlw (wrap: a b '+))))
 (((qw a) +)              ((addlw a)))
 (((save) (movf a 0 0) +) ((addwf a 0 0)))
 ((+)                     ((addwf 'POSTDEC0 0 0))))

or one of the few CAT primitives with state: syntax.

> msee m-dup


[1]   Purrr, 2007.

[2]   KELSEY, R. Pre-scheme: A scheme dialect for systems programming.

[3]   SCHOUTEN, T. Brood, 2007.

Last modified: Saturday, October 20th, 2007 6:30:06pm