Wisp628 communication protocol
The communication protocol used by the Wisp628 programmer
conforms to the WBus definition,
but the multi-drop feature of WBus is not used.
This is the reason for some concepts and commands
(like the 'activation' of the programmer)
that might seem a bit out of place in a one-to-one communication protocol.
The protocol uses the asynchronous serial format, 8 data bits, no parity,
1 stop bit, at 19200 baud. Only three lines (ground, transmit, receive)
are used. No hardware handshake signals are used.
The highest (MSB) bit of received data is ignored.
The programmer's serial interface uses a female DB9 connector,
which can be plugged directly into a PC's male DB9 connector.
When (more likely) a serial cable is used it must be
a straight ('extension') cable, not a crossed ('null modem') cable.
The protocol requires the PC to send only the digits '0' .. '9'
and the letters 'a' .. 'z'. The digits '0' .. '9' and the letters 'a' .. 'f'
are used for data, the other letters are commands.
The data that applies to a command is sent before the command.
The protocol requires that (with a few exceptions) the programmer
echoes each character sent by the PC, and the PC sends the
next character only when it has received the echo for the previous one.
The programmer converts the character to uppercase
and clears the highest (MSB) bit before echoing it.
The programmer echoes a command character after it
has succesfully completed a command. When
a command fails a '?' character is echoed
instead to indicate the failure.
To get data from the programmer a command is sent that instructs the
programmer to put the data in a buffer.
Next a sequence of next commands
is used to retrieve the data, character by character, from the buffer.
The data can contain any printable character.
The programmer can be in three states:
sleep, attention, active, and passthrough.
The sleep state is supported by the programmer but has no function
for one-to-one communication.
A break condition on the serial line forces the programmer
from the sleep or passthrough state to the attention state.
The hello command forces the programmer to the active state,
which is the state required by most commands.
The passthrough command sets the programmer in
passthrough state. This state can only be left by a serial line break.
The passthrough state is used to 'connect' the serial line directly
to the target PICmicro, for instance for debugging.
In this state the programmer itself ignores the data
on the serial line completely, except that a break
condition ends the passthrough.
The communication between the host and the target PICmicro can use
any data format and baudrate, except that
| |
a break condition must be avoided
| |
baudrates above 19k2 might not be reliable because passthrough is implemented in software.
For experimenting, debugging etc.
the wisp.exe program has the talk command that activates the programmer
and then presents a simple interface to the user where he can type characters
to be sent to the programmer and see the response.
The relevant commands are described, with the states in which the command is recognised
by the programmer. When the letters 'a' .. 'f' appear in the format they
stand for data values, as explained with the command. All other letters
in the format stand for themselves.
command | break |
format | break condition |
states | sleep, passthrough |
A break on the serial line of at least 80 ms forces the programmer
from the sleep or passthrough state to the attention state.
After a break the programmer will respond to a hello command.
command | go |
format | 0000g |
states | active |
A go command causes the programmer to end programming
the target and to release the targets /MCLR (reset) line,
thus causing the target to start running it stored program.
command | hello |
format | 0000h |
states | attention, active |
A hello command forces the programmer to the active state,
provided that it was either in the active or attention state.
(Use a break to get the programmer into one of these states.)
Depending on the state of the programmer the characters
of the hello command can either be echoed by the programmer
or not. When no echo is received an interval of
at least 80 ms must be observed between sending the characters
of the hello command.
command | increment |
format | i |
states | active |
An increment command causes the programmer to
increment the current location.
This command is best used with the programming algorithms 1 and 2
when sequential locations are programmed.
For programming algorithm 3
the read and write commands are auto-incrementing.
The jump command can be used (and must be used with algorithm 3)
to select a random address
(instead of incrementing up to the desired address).
command | jump |
format | abcdefm |
states | active |
An jump command causes the programmer to
set the current location to the value 'abcdef'.
This command is supported only by algorithm 3.
For algorithms 1 and 2 the increment command
must be used to change the current addrees.
command | lazy write |
format |
a..fl (note: the last character is the letter l, not the number)
states | active |
A lazy write command causes the programmer to
read from the target the data at the current location.
If it is equal to the specified data nothing is done.
If it is not equal
the data is written to the current location (see write command).
A lazy write command requires a previous program command.
Lazy writing can speed up programming of when programming algorithm 1, 2 or 4 is used.
For programming algorithm 3 a lazy write behaves the same as a normal write.
The current firmware handles lazy write as a normal write.
This might change in the future.
command | next |
format | n |
states | active |
The next command is used to retrieve the next data character
from the programmer's data buffer.
The programmer responds with the next data character.
This command is used after a command that stores data in this buffer.
When a string is retrieved from the data buffer it can either be
preceded by a space and be terminated by a space (both spaces are
not considered part of the string), or
start with a non-space, and be exactly four characters in length.
command | passtrough |
format | 00abp |
states | active |
The passthrough command is used to put the programmer in passthrough mode.
The a value selects the lines
(of the programmers target DB15M connector) and polarity used for the communication
between the programmer and the target PICmicro.
| |
ab = '00' : line 3 for programmer-to-target, line 4 for
target-to-programmer, RS232 polarity (used when the PICmicro would
connect to
the RS232 lines without an inverting buffer)
| |
ab = '01' : line 3 for programmer-to-target, line 4 for target-to-programmer, TTL polarity (as used by the PICmirco UART)
| | ab
= '02' : line 7 for programmer-to-target, line 8 for
target-to-programmer, RS232 polarity (used when the PICmicro would
connect to
the RS232 lines without an inverting buffer)
| |
ab = '03' : line 7 for programmer-to-target, line 8 for target-to-programmer, TTL polarity (as used by the PICmirco UART)
When the PICmicro communicates using its UART the passthrough command
should be 0011p, line 7 should be connected to the target's UART RxD pin,
and line 8 to the target's UART TxD pin.
The passthrough command can also be used to switch the programmer to a different
baudrate, without entering the passthrough mode.
The confirmation (the 'p') will be sent back at the new baudrate.
A break (framing error) will switch the baudrate back to the default.
| |
ab = '04' : switch to 9k6
| |
ab = '14' : switch to 19k2 (which is the power-up default)
| |
ab = '24' : switch to 38k4
| |
ab = '34' : switch to 57k6
| |
ab = '44' : switch to 115k2
command | program |
format | aabcx |
states | active |
The program command causes the programmer to start programming.
It applies the Vpp (programming enable) voltage to the target PICmicro
so the target enters programming mode.
A suitable (c, d or f) program command must be used before
a read or write command is used.
The value of c selects the memory region that is programmed.
The current location is set to the first location of the selected region.
| |
c = 'c' : enter programming mode for code memory
| |
c = 'd' : enter programming mode for eeprom data memory
| |
c = 'e' : erase the target (needed to remove copy protection)
| |
c = 'f' : enter programming mode for configuration memory (device ID, fuses)
The value of b selects the programming (read and write) algorithms.
| |
b = '0' : read and write algorithms for 16x84, 16f62x and 16f87x,
works for reading 16f7x, 16f87xA, 16f81x, 12fxxx
| |
b = '1' : read, write, erase algorithms for 16f7x (writes one location at a time)
| |
b = '2' : read, write, erase algorithms for 16f87xA (writes one location at a time)
| |
b = '3' : read, write, erase algorithms for 18fxxx (writes 8 bytes at a time)
| |
b = '4' : read, write, erase algorithms for 12fxxx
| |
b = '5' : as '0', but reads 4 locations = 8 bytes at a time, auto-increments on read
| |
b = '6' : as '3', but reads 8 locations = 8 bytes at a time, auto-increments on read
| |
b = '7' : read, write, erase algorithms for 16f81x (writes 4 locations = 8 bytes at a time, autoincrementing)
The value of aa selects (where appropriate) the delay used.
| |
aa = '00' : use a suitable default that will work but might be somewhat slow
| |
aa = ... : for writes this is interpreted as the write delay (two hex nibbles),
for other commands it is ignored.
command | read |
format | r |
states | active |
The read command causes the programmer to read,
form the target, the value at current location,
and copy its value (as hexadecimal nibbles)
to the data buffer, from which it can be retrieved by next commands.
A read command requires a previous program command.
The number of bytes read depends on the programming algorithm and the memory area.
EEPROM data memory is always read one byte at a time.
Algorithms 1 and 2 read program and configuration memory 14 bits at a time.
Algorithm 3 reads program and configuration memory one byte at a time.
For algorithms 1 and 2 the current location is not affected by a read
command. For algorithm 3 the current location is incremented by the amount of data read.
command | type |
format | t |
states | active |
The type command causes the programmer to copy its type name
string (Wisp628)
to its data buffer, from which it can be retrieved by next commands.
command | version |
format | v |
states | active |
The query command causes the programmer to copy its version string
to its data buffer, from which it can be retrieved by next commands.
command | write |
format | a..fw |
states | active |
A write command causes the programmer to
write the value a..f (interpreted as hexadecimal nibbles)
to the current location in the target.
A write command requires a previous program command.
The number of bytes written depends on the programming algorithm and the memory area.
EEPROM data memory is always written one byte at a time.
Algorithms 1 and 2 write program and configuration memory 14 bits at a time.
Algorithm 3 writes configuration memory byte wise,
but writes program memory 8 bytes at a time.
For algorithms 1 and 2 the current location is not affected by a write
command. For algorithm 3 the current location is incremented by the amount of data written. |
Below a typical program - run sequence is shown.
Note that only the data sent by the host is shown (in bold).
Copyright (c) 2002 Van Ooijen Technische Informatica / Wouter van Ooijen
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