#define NUM_CONFIGURATIONS 1 #define NUM_INTERFACES 1 #define NUM_STRINGS 2 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 8 ; maximum packet size for low-speed peripherals is 8 bytes, for full-speed peripherals it can be 8, 16, 32, or 64 bytes ; Define the states that the USB interface can be in #define POWERED_STATE 0x00 #define DEFAULT_STATE 0x01 #define ADDRESS_STATE 0x02 #define CONFIG_STATE 0x03 ; Define the states for Control EndPoints #define EP_IDLE_STATE 0x00 #define EP_SETUP_STATE 0x01 #define EP_DISABLED_STATE 0xff #define ENDPT_DISABLED 0x00 #define ENDPT_IN_ONLY 0x12 #define ENDPT_OUT_ONLY 0x14 #define ENDPT_CONTROL 0x16 ; enable for in, out and setup #define ENDPT_NON_CONTROL 0x1E ; enable for in, and out #define INT_STAT_MASK_RESET 0x01 #define INT_STAT_MASK_ERROR 0x02 #define INT_STAT_MASK_TOKEN_DONE 0x04 #define INT_STAT_MASK_SLEEP 0x08 #define INT_STAT_MASK_STALL 0x10 #define TOKEN_OUT (0x01<<2) #define TOKEN_ACK (0x02<<2) #define TOKEN_IN (0x09<<2) #define TOKEN_SETUP (0x0D<<2) ; Define buffer descriptor table register mapping for no ping-pong buffers #define BD0OST 0x0400 #define BD0OBC 0x0401 #define BD0OAL 0x0402 #define BD0OAH 0x0403 #define BD0IST 0x0404 #define BD0IBC 0x0405 #define BD0IAL 0x0406 #define BD0IAH 0x0407 #define BD1OST 0x0408 #define BD1OBC 0x0409 #define BD1OAL 0x040A #define BD1OAH 0x040B #define BD1IST 0x040C #define BD1IBC 0x040D #define BD1IAL 0x040E #define BD1IAH 0x040F #define BD2OST 0x0410 #define BD2OBC 0x0411 #define BD2OAL 0x0412 #define BD2OAH 0x0413 #define BD2IST 0x0414 #define BD2IBC 0x0415 #define BD2IAL 0x0416 #define BD2IAH 0x0417 #define BD3OST 0x0418 #define BD3OBC 0x0419 #define BD3OAL 0x041A #define BD3OAH 0x041B #define BD3IST 0x041C #define BD3IBC 0x041D #define BD3IAL 0x041E #define BD3IAH 0x041F #define BD4OST 0x0420 #define BD4OBC 0x0421 #define BD4OAL 0x0422 #define BD4OAH 0x0423 #define BD4IST 0x0424 #define BD4IBC 0x0425 #define BD4IAL 0x0426 #define BD4IAH 0x0427 #define BD5OST 0x0428 #define BD5OBC 0x0429 #define BD5OAL 0x042A #define BD5OAH 0x042B #define BD5IST 0x042C #define BD5IBC 0x042D #define BD5IAL 0x042E #define BD5IAH 0x042F #define BD6OST 0x0430 #define BD6OBC 0x0431 #define BD6OAL 0x0432 #define BD6OAH 0x0433 #define BD6IST 0x0434 #define BD6IBC 0x0435 #define BD6IAL 0x0436 #define BD6IAH 0x0437 #define BD7OST 0x0438 #define BD7OBC 0x0439 #define BD7OAL 0x043A #define BD7OAH 0x043B #define BD7IST 0x043C #define BD7IBC 0x043D #define BD7IAL 0x043E #define BD7IAH 0x043F #define BD8OST 0x0440 #define BD8OBC 0x0441 #define BD8OAL 0x0442 #define BD8OAH 0x0443 #define BD8IST 0x0444 #define BD8IBC 0x0445 #define BD8IAL 0x0446 #define BD8IAH 0x0447 #define BD9OST 0x0448 #define BD9OBC 0x0449 #define BD9OAL 0x044A #define BD9OAH 0x044B #define BD9IST 0x044C #define BD9IBC 0x044D #define BD9IAL 0x044E #define BD9IAH 0x044F #define BD10OST 0x0450 #define BD10OBC 0x0451 #define BD10OAL 0x0452 #define BD10OAH 0x0453 #define BD10IST 0x0454 #define BD10IBC 0x0455 #define BD10IAL 0x0456 #define BD10IAH 0x0457 #define BD11OST 0x0458 #define BD11OBC 0x0459 #define BD11OAL 0x045A #define BD11OAH 0x045B #define BD11IST 0x045C #define BD11IBC 0x045D #define BD11IAL 0x045E #define BD11IAH 0x045F #define BD12OST 0x0460 #define BD12OBC 0x0461 #define BD12OAL 0x0462 #define BD12OAH 0x0463 #define BD12IST 0x0464 #define BD12IBC 0x0465 #define BD12IAL 0x0466 #define BD12IAH 0x0467 #define BD13OST 0x0468 #define BD13OBC 0x0469 #define BD13OAL 0x046A #define BD13OAH 0x046B #define BD13IST 0x046C #define BD13IBC 0x046D #define BD13IAL 0x046E #define BD13IAH 0x046F #define BD14OST 0x0470 #define BD14OBC 0x0471 #define BD14OAL 0x0472 #define BD14OAH 0x0473 #define BD14IST 0x0474 #define BD14IBC 0x0475 #define BD14IAL 0x0476 #define BD14IAH 0x0477 #define BD15OST 0x0478 #define BD15OBC 0x0479 #define BD15OAL 0x047A #define BD15OAH 0x047B #define BD15IST 0x047C #define BD15IBC 0x047D #define BD15IAL 0x047E #define BD15IAH 0x047F #define USB_Buffer 0x0480 ; Register location after last buffer descriptor register #define UOWN 0x07 ; offsets from the beginning of the Buffer Descriptor #define BYTECOUNT 0x01 #define ADDRESSL 0x02 #define ADDRESSH 0x03 ; standard descriptor types #define DEVICE 1 #define CONFIGURATION 2 #define STRING 3 #define INTERFACE 4 #define ENDPOINT 5 ; HID class descriptor types #define HID 0x21 #define REPORT 0x22 #define PHYSICAL 0x23 ; offsets from the beginning of the setup data record #define bmRequestType 0x00 #define bRequest 0x01 #define wValue 0x02 #define wValueHigh 0x03 #define wIndex 0x04 #define wIndexHigh 0x05 #define wLength 0x06 #define wLengthHigh 0x07 ; Standard USB requests #define NO_REQUEST 0xFF #define GET_STATUS 0x00 #define CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01 #define SET_FEATURE 0x03 #define SET_ADDRESS 0x05 #define GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06 #define SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07 #define GET_CONFIGURATION 0x08 #define SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09 #define GET_INTERFACE 0x0A #define SET_INTERFACE 0x0B #define SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C ; HID Class requests #define GET_REPORT 0x01 #define GET_IDLE 0x02 #define GET_PROTOCOL 0x03 #define SET_REPORT 0x09 #define SET_IDLE 0x0A #define SET_PROTOCOL 0x0B #define GET_STRING_DESCRIPTOR 0x66 #define HID_SET_REPORT 0x21 #define VEND_SET_MEMORY 0x80 #define SVCUSBINT 0x01 << 2 #define SVCTOKENDONE 0x02 << 2 #define SVCRESET 0x03 << 2 #define SVCSLEEP 0x04 << 2 #define SVCSTALL 0x05 << 2 #define SVCERROR 0x06 << 2 #define SVCACTIVITY 0x07 << 2 #define TOKENOUT 0x08 << 2 #define TOKENIN 0x09 << 2 #define TOKENSETUP 0x0A << 2 #define CLEARFEATURE 0x0B << 2 #define GETCONFIG 0x0C << 2 #define GETDESCRIPTOR 0x0D << 2 #define GETINTERFACE 0x0E << 2 #define GETSTATUS 0x0F << 2 #define SETADDRESS 0x10 << 2 #define SETCONFIG 0x11 << 2 #define SETFEATURE 0x12 << 2 #define SETINTERFACE 0x13 << 2 #define FINISHSETADDRESS 0x14 << 2 #define COPYDESC2EP0 0x15 << 2 #define COPYSTRINGDESC2EP0 0x16 << 2 #define ZEROLENPACKET 0x17 << 2 #define EP0 0x00 << 3 #define EP1 0x01 << 3 #define EP2 0x02 << 3 #define STANDARD 0x00 << 5 #define CLASS 0x01 << 5 #define VENDOR 0x02 << 5 #define RECIPIENT_DEVICE 0x00 #define RECIPIENT_INTERFACE 0x01 #define RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT 0x02 #define DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP 0x01 #define ENDPOINT_HALT 0x00