#lang racket/base (require "tools.rkt" "prim.rkt" "stream-syntax.rkt" racklog) (provide ai-linpar) ;; Type inference for linear functions: split nodes into linear ;; variable (L) and multiplicative constant parameter (P) partitions. ;; List versions of %and and %or (define-syntax-rule (%and* gs) (for/fold ((a %true)) ((g gs)) (%and g a))) (define-syntax-rule (%or* gs) (for/fold ((a %false)) ((g gs)) (%or g a))) ;; Basic operations constrain node types. (define (constr-add c a b) (%and (%= c a) (%= c b))) (define (constr-mul . ts) (%or (%= ts '(L L P)) (%= ts '(L P L)) (%= ts '(P P P)))) (define (constr-div . ts) (%or (%= ts '(P P P)) (%= ts '(L L P)))) ;; Nonlinear nodes do not participate in the analysis. (define (constr-same . ts) (define Ps (map (lambda _ 'P) ts)) (define Ls (map (lambda _ 'L) ts)) (%or (%= ts Ps) (%= ts Ls))) ;; OC is not necessary; the input program is a DAG. ;; (use-occurs-check? #t) (define (ai-linpar program [in-types '()] [out-types '()]) (define nodes '()) (define constraints '()) (define (make-node) (push! nodes (_)) (car nodes)) ;; FIXME: Make sure literals expand to (ai-literal) in ;; stream-syntax.rkt then remove this hack. (define (annotate-number n) (if (number? n) (let ((n (make-node))) (push! constraints (constr-same n)) n) n)) (define (prim constr) (lambda (sem . in) (let* ((in (map annotate-number in)) (out (make-node))) (push! constraints (apply constr out in)) out))) (define semantics (make-ai #:add (prim constr-add) #:sub (prim constr-add) #:mul (prim constr-mul) #:div (prim constr-div) ;; #:cmp (prim constr-same) )) (define (i/o-constraints nodes types) (for/fold ((lst '())) ((n nodes) (t types)) (case t ((L P) (cons (%= n t) lst)) (else lst)))) (let* ((nb-in (ai-function-arity program)) (in-nodes (for/list ((_ (in-range nb-in))) (make-node))) ;; Abstract-interpret program, registers nodes and ;; constraints as a side-effect. (out-nodes (values-list (apply (ai-function-proc program) semantics in-nodes))) ;; Construct clauses for generate and test. (clauses (%and (%and* (for/list ((v nodes)) (%member v '(L P)))) (%and* constraints) (%and* (i/o-constraints in-nodes in-types)) (%and* (i/o-constraints out-nodes out-types)) )) ;; Run logic program (results (%find-all (in out) (%and clauses (%= in in-nodes) (%= out out-nodes))))) results))