Python Logic Analyzer ===================== Streaming data analyzer for Saleae logic[1] based on Saleae SDK[2][3]. Currently supports the 8-port version. Support for other aquisition modules is possible. (Send me some hardware!) Basic ideas ----------- - Python's generators are a nice abstraction for working with data streams. - Most protocols allow for a large data rate reduction in the first processing step. This can be written in C++ while the rest can be done easily in Python. - SWIG makes it easy to write C++ modules that can be used in Python - CMake allows straightforward cross-platform development - The Saleae Logic is a neat little device! This is a work in progress. Code is carefully designed to make it modular with minimal dependencies. An idea is to be able to reuse the C++ frontend code on a bare-bones microcontroller. Currently supports ------------------ - C++: Synchronous serial, Asynchronous serial, De-duplication - Python: all C++ code wrapped as Python generators for ad-hoc processing. Some examples include console dump ASCII, HEX. - Python: composition of C++ modules - Simple Serial chaining - Parallel/Serial chaining (RPN dataflow programs) Planned ------- - Cross-platform Qt GUI tools in Python PySide Hacking ------- To add a processing class, take the measurement module as an example. - Add a set of header / code files to create a new module. ( It might be more appropriate to add to an existing header / code file. ) touch measure.h measure.cpp git add measure.h measure.cpp - Add the new C++ file `measure.cpp` file to `CMakeLists.txt` in the variable `SWIG_ADD_MODULE`. - Add the new header file `pylacore.i` as `#include "measure.h"` at the top and `%include "measure.h"` at the bottom. - Define a new class in `measure.h` as `class frequency : public frontend`. The `frontend` class is in `pylacore.h`. - Add `%shared_ptr(frequency)` to `pylacore.i`, indicating to SWIG it needs to look inside the `shared_ptr` object to expose `frequency` methods. - If the constructor of the new object has no arguments (which is preferred), add a line `wrap(frequency)` in `shared.h`. Otherwise write a manual wrapper following the examples in at the bottom of the file. Also add `#include "measure.h"` to `shared.h` Your new object is now available in python: import pyla f = pyla.frequency() Memory management ----------------- The choice was made to keep memory management separate from the definition of the processing classes. Memory management in the form of `shared_ptr` is implemented explicitly in `shared.h`. For each class `CLS` we manually create a `static inline` factory function `shared_CLS` that constructs a `shared_ptr` oject. Code in `` performs additional Python wrapping automatically, making the extended object available as `pyla.CLS`. It seems that Swig does not handle `shared_ptr` wrapping automatically, hence some extra annotation in `pylacore.i` is needed. Links ----- [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]