#lang scheme/base (require scheme/promise scheme/control) (provide (all-defined-out)) ;; The code in this file connects traversal functions (map), generator ;; thunks, sequences, lazy lists and zippers. ;; Definitions: ;; ;; * traversal function: higher order function that visits all ;; elements of a data structure in sequence and possibly ;; constructs an updated version. (map: update, for-each: simply ;; visit) ;; ;; * generator: a thunk with internal state, which generates a new ;; value every time it is invoked. it is associated to a ;; predicate done? that can distinguish the end-of-sequence value. ;; ;; * acor: a function parameterized by the "produce" and "end" ;; continuations (asymmetric coroutine). ;; ;; * sequence: plt scheme's abstraction used in sequence ;; comprehensions (for) ;; ;; * lazy list: list constructors (cons x y) | '() wrapped in a ;; promise. ;; ;; * zipper: a two-way generator = a traversal function (map) turned ;; inside-out (a coroutine). ;; *** LAZY LISTS *** ;; The base representation used is the lazy list. Generators, ;; acors, sequences and (read-only) traversal functions are ;; related to this base form. ;; Convert generator to lazy list (define (generator->lazy-list g done?) (let next () (delay (let ((item (g))) (if (done? item) '() (cons item (next))))))) (define gen->ll generator->lazy-list) (define (values* x) (apply values x)) (define (pass . args) (values* args)) ;; Convert lazy list to sequence. (define (in-lazy-list ll [output pass]) (make-do-sequence (lambda () (define (ll-car x) (output (car (force x)))) (define (ll-cdr x) (cdr (force x))) (define (ll-more? x) (pair? (force x))) (values ll-car ll-cdr ll ll-more? void void)))) (define in-ll in-lazy-list) ;; Composition. (define (sequence->list seq) (for/list ((el seq)) el)) (define seq->l sequence->list) (define (generator->list gen done?) (seq->l (in-gen gen done?))) (define gen->l generator->list) (define (in-gen gen done?) (in-ll (gen->ll gen done?))) ;; map -> find (define (find mapper el/false collection) (prompt (mapper (lambda args (let ((el (apply el/false args))) (if el (abort el) #f))) collection) #f)) ;; Macros for converting a sequential program -> lazy list. ll-begin ;; marks the generating context and produces the empty list when it ;; terminates, and ll-produce generates the next list element. (define-syntax-rule (ll-begin . body) (reset (begin . body) (delay '()))) (define-syntax-rule (ll-produce x) (shift k (delay (cons x (k #f))))) (define (ll-end) (abort (delay '()))) ;; Wraps these macros in a HOF that converts a generator body ;; parameterized by 'produce and 'end into a lazy list. ;; The 'produce continuation by default only takes one value. (define (ll-acor task-body [pack values*]) (define (produce . xs) (ll-produce (pack xs))) (ll-begin (if (eq? 1 (procedure-arity task-body)) (task-body produce) (task-body produce ll-end)))) ;; Direct bridge between sequences and acors, able to transfer ;; multiple values through 'produce. (define (in-acor task-body [unpack values*]) (in-ll (ll-acor task-body pass) ;; pack values in list unpack)) ;; LL from sequence. This also accepts lists, strings and vectors. ;; Due to multiple values this needs apply. (define (sequence->lazy-list seq [pack values]) (let-values (((more? next) (sequence-generate seq))) (ll-begin (let loop () (when (more?) (ll-produce (call-with-values next pack)) (loop)))))) (define seq->ll sequence->lazy-list) (define (seq->list-ll seq) (seq->ll seq list)) ;; These can be used to transform any collection with associated map ;; function into a lazy list. A lazy list is like a zipper, but it's ;; uni-directional and memoized (It is derived from for-each, not ;; map). (define (map->ll map collection) (ll-begin (map (lambda (el) (ll-produce el)) ;; return value is not used! collection))) ;; Sequence from map. (define (in-map map collection) (in-ll (map->ll map collection))) ;; List from lazy list (define (lazy-list->list ll) (seq->l (in-ll ll))) (define ll->l lazy-list->list) ;; comprehension to lazy list (define-syntax-rule (for/lazy-list clauses . body) (ll-begin (for clauses (ll-produce (begin . body))))) (define-syntax-rule (for/ll . a) (for/lazy-list . a)) ;; Map over lazy list (define (ll-map fn ll) (for/ll ((e (in-ll ll))) (fn e))) (define (ll-uncons x [make-fake-tail (lambda () (error 'll-uncons-null))]) (let ((p (force x))) (if (null? p) (ll-uncons (make-fake-tail)) (values (car p) (cdr p))))) ;; Bind a number of elements of a lazy list. (define-syntax ll-let (syntax-rules () ((_ (rest) expr . body) (let ((rest expr)) . body)) ((_ (e es ...) expr . body) (let-values (((e tail) (ll-uncons expr))) (ll-let (es ...) tail . body))))) ;; For convenience, an (infinite) fake tail can be appended to the ;; list to make sure the function succeeds. (define (ll-take in-n in-ll [make-fake-tail (lambda () (error 'll-take-underflow))]) (let next ((n in-n) (ll in-ll) (acc '())) (if (<= n 0) (values (reverse acc) ll) (let-values (((e ll+) (ll-uncons ll make-fake-tail))) (next (sub1 n) ll+ (cons e acc)))))) (define (in-append . seqs) (in-ll (apply ll-append (map seq->list-ll seqs)) ;; pack values as list values*)) ;; unpack list as values (define (ll-append ll . lls) ;; (printf "lls: ~a\n" lls) (delay (let ((l (force ll))) (if (pair? l) (let ((e (car l)) (ll+ (cdr l))) (cons e (apply ll-append ll+ lls))) (if (null? lls) '() (force (apply ll-append lls))))))) ;; ZIPPER ;; A zipper is to map what a lazy list is to for-each. ;; A zipper is represented by a data structure containing the current ;; element and a continuation which takes the replacement of that ;; element. This continuation returns either a new zipper or the ;; final data structure. (define-struct zipper (element yield)) ;; fixme: sum type! (define (map->zipper collection [map map-list]) (reset (map (lambda (el) (shift k (make-zipper el k))) collection))) (define (map-list fn lst) (map (lambda (el) (or (fn el) el)) lst)) ;; A file descriptor interface. See: ;; http://okmij.org/ftp/papers/context-OS.pdf ;; "open" could be polymorphic based on type of c which associates a ;; default traversal function. (define zipper-open map->zipper) (define (zipper-read z) (zipper-element z)) (define (zipper-write z x) ((zipper-yield z) x)) ;; The proper way to do this is to not use "in-band" data (#f) to ;; signal absence of update, but let the continuation accept a Maybe ;; type. (define (zipper-close z) (let next ((z z)) (if (zipper? z) (next (zipper-write z #f)) z)))