#lang scheme/base (require (lib "pretty.ss") (lib "match.ss") (lib "process.ss") ;; system ) (provide read-byte-timeout with-output-to-file/safe with-output-to-string write-tree file-in-path resolve-path-list filename->path file->syntax-list port->syntax-list when-file ) ;; GENERIC PORT IO ;; TODO: abstract this in a 'lazy-open' library. ;; False if timeout. Input ports are synchronizable events in plt ;; scheme. This predicate guarantees read-byte will not block. (define (port-ready? timeout port) (sync/timeout timeout port)) ;; Read a byte from port with timeout in seconds. (define (read-byte-timeout port timeout) (let again () (if (port-ready? timeout port) (read-byte port) (begin (error 'time-out "~a" timeout) )))) ;; Darcs-friendly saving of data file. Using the pretty printer ;; seems to be friendly enough. (define (write-tree . args) (apply pretty-print args)) ;; Lookup a file in a search path. (define (file-in-path path filename) (let next ((p path)) (if (null? p) (error 'file-not-in-path "~a ~a" filename path) (let ((full (format "~a/~a" (car p) filename))) (if (file-exists? full) full (next (cdr p))))))) ;; Remove a file if it exists. (define (delete-if-exists file) (when (file-exists? file) (delete-file file))) ;; Save to a file, but do it safely. (define (with-output-to-file/safe file thunk) (define (add-suffix f s) (string-append (path->string (build-path f)) s)) (let ((file.bak (add-suffix file "~")) (file.tmp (add-suffix file ".bak"))) ;; In case thunk fails, first write to a temp file. (delete-if-exists file.tmp) (let ((value (with-output-to-file file.tmp thunk))) ;; Cycle backups. (delete-if-exists file.bak) (when (file-exists? file) (rename-file-or-directory file file.bak)) (rename-file-or-directory file.tmp file) value))) (define (with-output-to-string thunk) (let ((p (open-output-string))) (parameterize ((current-output-port p)) (thunk)) (close-output-port p) (get-output-string p))) ;; By default use the abs-file path (which is constructed using ;; load-relative). If that doesn't exist, find the rel-file in the ;; search path. (define (resolve-path-list rel-file path-list) (cond ((file-exists? rel-file) rel-file) ((absolute-path? rel-file) (error 'not-found "~a" rel-file)) (else (let next ((lst path-list)) (if (null? lst) (error 'file-not-found "~a" rel-file) (let ((file (build-path (car lst) rel-file))) ;; (printf "path: ~a\n" file) (if (file-exists? file) file (next (cdr lst))))))))) (define (port->syntax-list [port (current-input-port)] [stx #f]) (let slurp () (let ((atom (read port))) (if (eof-object? atom) '() (cons (datum->syntax stx atom) (slurp)))))) (define (file->syntax-list filename [stx #f]) (port->syntax-list (open-input-file filename) stx)) (define (filename->path filename) (let-values (((path _ __) (split-path filename))) (when (eq? path 'relative) (set! path (current-load-relative-directory))) (unless (complete-path? path) (set! path (path->complete-path path))) ;; (printf "P: ~a\n" path) path)) (define (when-file f fn) (when (file-exists? f) (fn f)))