#lang scheme/base (require scheme/match scheme/dict) ; Parse an MPASM INC file and spit out the constants as a Scheme ; module. ; I'm using a file-based approach instead of parsing the file from a ; macro, as I guess it's not allowed to distribute the original ; headers. In a compiled form this shouldn't be a problem. ; Quick and dirty. I didn't feel like thinking too much.. (define (parse-inc port dict [printf void]) (define (value str) (match (regexp-match #rx"H'(.*)'" str) ((list _ hex) (format "#x~a" hex)) (else str))) (define (equ command comment) (match (regexp-split #rx" +EQU +" command) ((list name val) (let ((pval (value val)) (sname (string->symbol name))) (printf "(~a ~a) ; ~a\n" name pval comment) (dict-set! dict sname pval))) (else (if (zero? (string-length command)) (printf "; ~a\n" comment) (printf "; NOT PARSED: ~a ; ~a\n" command comment) )))) (for ((line (in-lines port))) (match (regexp-split #rx" *; *" line) ((list-rest command comment) (equ command (apply string-append comment))) (else (error 'line-parse-error line) (void))))) (define (print-dict dict) (printf "#lang scheme/base\n") (printf "(require (planet zwizwa/staapl/pic18/define-constants))\n") (printf "(provide (all-defined-out))\n") (printf "(define-pic18-const-unit\n") (printf " pic18-const^\n") (printf " pic18-const-id^\n") (printf " pic18-const@\n") (for (((k v) (in-dict dict))) (printf "(~a ~a)\n" k v)) (printf ")\n")) (define (process-inc header) (define dict (make-hash)) (parse-inc (open-input-file header) dict) (print-dict dict)) (define (test) (define dict (make-hash)) (define (mplab inc) (string-append "/opt/xc/mplab/8.60/MPASM Suite/" inc)) (define header (mplab "P18F2550.INC")) (process-inc header)) (define (script) (let ((args (current-command-line-arguments))) (when (zero? (vector-length args)) (error 'no-script-args)) (let ((filename (vector-ref args 0))) (process-inc filename)))) (script)