#lang scheme/base ;; C code generator ;; generates a small subset of C language constructs ;; for C BNF see ;; http://lists.canonical.org/pipermail/kragen-hacks/1999-October/000201.html ;; since C code is nested, it doesn't fit the flat assembler code ;; generation framework in BADNOP. however, it is easy to use just a ;; small subset on top of this abstraction that is flat, and can be ;; used as an assembler target language. ;; both EXPRESSION and STATEMENT sublanguages are organized as: ;; - a minimal set of syntax -> string formatting primitives ;; - a symbolic set of syntax -> syntax transformers on top of that ;; the formatter uses an s-expression interpreter interpreter defined ;; in the 'interpreter' macro. ;; note that the extension mechanism (s-expr only) is different from ;; the definition mechanism 'c-code-generators'. ;; This uses syntax objects for the convenience of 'syntax-case' over ;; 'match' only: lexical information is not used. ;; (set-selective-display 3) (require "../tools/stx.ss" scheme/control ) (provide ;; default functionality statement->string expression->string ;; util map-stx transformer ;; extensions statements expressions ) ;; FMT ;; INDENTATION (define (spaces->string spaces) (let loop ((n spaces) (l '())) (if (< n 1) (list->string l) (loop (- n 1) (cons #\space l))))) (define (no-tab x) x) (define (default-tab x) (+ 2 x)) (define tab (make-parameter default-tab)) (define depth (make-parameter 0)) (define (indent . args) (string-append (apply indent/n args) "\n")) (define (indent/n . args) (string-append (spaces->string (depth)) (apply format-stx args))) (define (indented e) (parameterize ((depth ((tab) (depth)))) (statement->string e))) (define (not-indented e) (statement->string e)) (define (expression-statement exp) (indent "~a;" (e exp))) (define (expand-statements stx) (apply string-append (map-stx not-indented stx))) ;; ENTRY POINTS (define (expression->string s-exp) (transform expression s-exp simple-expression)) (define (statement->string s-exp) (transform statement s-exp expression-statement)) ;; The namespaces are managed in a hash table. Note: this should be such ;; that later extension to prefixed namespaces is easy to do. (define expression (cons 'expression (make-hash))) (define statement (cons 'statement (make-hash))) (define table-name car) (define table-hash cdr) (define (resolve table name [not-found (lambda () (error 'undefined (format-stx "~a ~a undefined" (table-name table) name)))]) (hash-ref (table-hash table) (->sexp name) not-found)) (define (register table name value) (when (resolve table name (lambda () #f)) (error 'already-defined (format-stx "~a ~a already defined" (table-name table) name))) (hash-set! (table-hash table) name value)) (define (transform table expr [default (lambda (stx) (error 'invalid-syntax (format-stx "~a in ~a" (table-name table) stx)))]) (if (not (syntax? expr)) expr ;; done (transform table (prompt (syntax-case expr () ((id . args) ((resolve table (->sexp #'id) (lambda () (abort (default expr)))) #'args)) (e (abort (default #'e))))) default))) (define-syntax-rule (transformer . clauses) (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () . clauses))) (define-syntax-rule (transformers table ((name . formals) body ...) ...) (begin (register table 'name (transformer (formals body ...))) ...)) (define-syntax-rule (statements . args) (transformers statement . args)) (define-syntax-rule (expressions . args) (transformers expression . args)) ;; EXPRESSION FORMATTER ;; using short names since they are used a lot. expressions are not ;; indented: they are nested on one line. ;; 2 entry points: ;; e : expression ;; pe : parenthesized expression if infix ;; for symbol classes (define-syntax-rule (member-tests (thing? lst) ...) (begin (define thing? (let ((symbols (map string->symbol lst))) (lambda (x) (and (member (syntax->datum x) symbols) #t)))) ...)) (member-tests (c-keyword? '("return" "goto" "break" "continue")) (nospace? '("->" ".")) (infix? '("+" "-" "*" "/" "&" "|" "&&" "||" "<<" ">>" ">" "<" "<=" ">=" "!=" "==" "=" "+=" "-=" "|=" "&=" "<<=" ">>=" "->" "." ))) (define (e exp) (expression->string exp)) (define (pe exp) (parameterize ((paren do-wrap-paren)) (e exp))) (define (join separator args) (if (null? args) "" (apply string-append (cons (format-stx "~a" (car args)) (map (lambda (arg) (format-stx "~a~a" separator arg)) (cdr args)))))) ;; default expression formatter ;; need to wrap infix operators in parens if they are not toplevel. (define (do-wrap-paren x) (format-stx "(~a)" x)) (define (dont-wrap-paren x) x) (define paren (make-parameter dont-wrap-paren)) (define (simple-expression exp) (syntax-case exp () ((op left right) (infix? #'op) (let ((space (if (nospace? #'op) "" " "))) ((paren) (format-stx "~a~a~a~a~a" (pe #'left) space #'op space (pe #'right))))) ((op . args) (format-stx "~a~a" #'op (format-stx (cond ((c-keyword? #'op) " ~a") (else "(~a)")) (join ", " (map-stx e #'args))))) (var ;; not a list -> literal/variable ;; this needs to be '~s' instead of '~a' to enable literal strings (format-stx "~s" exp)))) (expressions ((post op arg) (format-stx "~a~a" (e #'arg) #'op)) ((pre op arg) (format-stx "~a~a" #'op (e #'arg))) ((index name i) (format-stx "~a[~a]" (pe #'name) (e #'i))) ((if test yes no) (format-stx "~a ? ~a : ~a" (pe #'test) (pe #'yes) (pe #'no))) ;; downward let using gcc extension "Statements and ;; Declarations in Exressions". ((let (decls ...) body ...) (format-stx "({\n~a~a" (indented #`(statements (vars decls ...) body ...)) (indent/n "})"))) ) ;; STATEMENT FORMATTER ;; statements are indented. (define (null->void lst) (if (null? lst) '("void") lst)) (define (declaration d) (syntax-case d () ((type name) (format-stx "~a ~a" #'type #'name)))) (define (declarations lst) (null->void (map-stx declaration lst))) (statements ((statements . body) (expand-statements #'body)) ;; ((append str) #'str) ((label-head name) (indent "~a:" #'name)) ((comment str) (indent "// ~a" #'str)) ((line str) (indent "~a" #'str)) ((fun-head terminator fn . args) (format-stx "~a(~a)~a" (declaration #'fn) (join ", " (declarations #'args)) #'terminator)) ((indented . statements) (apply string-append (map-stx indented #'statements))) ((for-head . exp-lst) (indent "for (~a)" (join "; " (map-stx e #'exp-lst)))) ((var type name . vallist) (indent "~a ~a~a;" (e #'type) #'name (syntax-case #'vallist () (() "") ((v) (format-stx " = ~a" (e #'v))))))) ;; TRANSFORMERS ;; highlevel statement/expression transformers (statements ((def (decls ...) . body) #`(statements (fun-head "\n" decls ...) (block . body))) ((decl decls ...) #`(fun-head ";\n" decls ...)) ((label name . body) #`((label-head ,name) (indented ,@body))) ((vars decl ...) #`(statements (var . decl) ...)) ((for (exp ...) . body) #`(statements (for-head exp ...) (block . body))) ((bind (decls ...) . body) #`(block (vars decls ...) . body)) ((block statement ...) #`(statements (line "{") (indented statement ...) (line "}")))) ;; TEST (define (pstat expr) (display (statement->string (datum->syntax #f expr))))