#lang scheme/base ;; Simplified wrapper around c.plt for C code analysis and synthesis. ;; FIXME: There is another variant of this file in libprim. (require (planet dherman/c:3:2) scheme/control scheme/pretty scheme/match "cpp.ss") (define (parse-cpp . args) (parse-program (apply open-input-cpp args))) (require (for-syntax scheme/base)) ;; Some simplified pattern matching syntax, ignoring the source ;; location, with implicit `struct' and one level of parens removed. (define-syntax (cmatch stx) (define (tx-pattern stx) (syntax-case stx () ((tag . args) #`(struct tag (src #,@(map tx-pattern (syntax->list #'args))))) (var #'var))) (syntax-case stx () ((_ in (pat expr) ...) #`(match in #,@(for/list ((p (syntax->list #'(pat ...))) (e (syntax->list #'(expr ...)))) (list (tx-pattern p) e)) (error 'cmatch "~s" in))))) ;; Naive pretty-printing: all expressions are printed in nested form ;; on one line. Statements are printed one per line. Each block ;; indents. All built-in operations have explicit parenthesis to ;; avoid precedence problems. (define (ast-emit ast [emit display] [tab-spacing " "]) (define (string x) (emit (format "~a" x))) (define-syntax emit/call (syntax-rules () ((_ (op . args)) (op . args)) ((_ datum) (emit datum)))) (define-syntax-rule (e: it ...) (begin (emit/call it) ...)) (let down ((ast ast) (tab "")) ;; `es' means emit substructure (define (es x) (down x tab)) (define (es/tab x) (down x (string-append tab-spacing tab))) (define (es/sep lst [sep ", "]) (let ((n (length lst))) (when (> n 0) (es (car lst)) (when (> n 1) (for ((l (cdr lst))) (emit sep) (es l)))))) (cond ((symbol? ast) (emit (symbol->string ast))) ((number? ast) (emit (number->string ast))) ((list? ast) (for-each es ast)) ((not ast) (void)) (else (cmatch ast ((id:var name) (es name)) ((id:op name) (es name)) ((type:primitive name) (es name)) ((expr:int val _) (es val)) ((expr:float val _) (es val)) ((expr:ref id) (es id)) ((expr:postfix e op) (e: "(" (es e) ")" (es op))) ((expr:assign v op e) (e: "(" (es v) " " (es op) " " (es e) ")")) ((expr:call fun args) (e: (es fun) "(" (es/sep args ", ") ")")) ((expr:array-ref a i) (e: (es a) "[" (es i) "]")) ((stmt:for i c u s) (e: tab "for (" (es/sep (list i c u) "; ") ")\n" (es s))) ((stmt:return expr) (e: tab "return " (es expr) ";\n")) ((stmt:block items) (e: tab "{\n" (es/tab items) tab "}\n")) ((stmt:expr expr) (e: tab (es expr) ";\n")) ((expr:binop l op r) (e: "(" (es l) " " (es op) " " (es r) ")")) ((type:function r fs) (e: (es r) "(" (es/sep fs ", ") ")")) ((init:expr init) (e: " = " (es init))) ((decl:declarator i t =) (e: (es i) (es t) (es =))) ((decl:formal _ t d) (e: (es t) " " (es d))) ((decl:vars _ t d) (e: tab (es t) " " (es/sep d ", ") ";\n")) ((decl:function _ _ rt dec _ body) (e: (es rt) " " (es dec) " " (es body))) ))))) (define (test-ast) (parse-cpp "test.c")) (define (test) (ast-emit (test-ast))) ;; ) (test) ;(define (pf file) ; (parse-cpp file "-I/home/tom/packetforth")) ;; Simplified functions for AST generation in terms of Scheme symbols ;; and constants. (define c-src (make-parameter (lambda () #f))) (define (function type name formals body) (make-decl:function ((c-src)) #f #f type (declarator (variable-id name) (make-type:function ((c-src)) #f formals)) #f body)) (define (formal type name) (make-decl:formal ((c-src)) #f type (declarator (variable-id name)))) (define (declarator id [type #f] [init #f]) (make-decl:declarator ((c-src)) id type init)) (define (block lst) (make-stmt:block ((c-src)) lst)) (define (variable-id name) (make-id:var ((c-src)) name)) (define (primitive-type sym) (make-type:primitive ((c-src)) sym)) (define (var type name [init #f]) (make-decl:vars ((c-src)) #f (primitive-type type) (list (declarator (variable-id name) #f (if init (initializer init) #f))))) (define (vars type names) (make-decl:vars ((c-src)) #f (primitive-type type) (for/list ((n names)) (declarator (variable-id n) #f #f)))) (define (initializer expr) (make-init:expr ((c-src)) expr)) (define (int i) (make-expr:int ((c-src)) i '())) (define (float f) (make-expr:float ((c-src)) f '())) (define (idop op) (make-id:op ((c-src)) op)) (define (binop op a b) (make-expr:binop ((c-src)) a (idop op) b)) (define (assign op a b) (make-expr:assign ((c-src)) a (idop op) b)) (define (postfix a op) (make-expr:postfix ((c-src)) a (idop op))) (define (vref x) (make-expr:ref ((c-src)) x)) (define (se expr) (make-stmt:expr ((c-src)) expr)) (define (return expr) (make-stmt:return ((c-src)) expr)) (define (aref name index) (make-expr:array-ref ((c-src)) name index)) (define (loop i n s) (make-stmt:for ((c-src)) (assign '= (vref i) 0) (binop '< (vref i) (vref n)) (postfix (vref i) '++) s)) ;; TEST (define (codegen-test) (define src #f) (define void (primitive-type 'void)) (define int (primitive-type 'int)) (define _ (primitive-type '_)) ;; FIXME ;; Dynamic types (libprim/pf) (define (function/dt name fs body) (function _ name (for/list ((f fs)) (formal _ f)) body)) (function/dt 'foo '(a b) (block '()))) ;; (ast-emit (codegen-test)) ;; ** SSA C-code generator ** ;; Produce C code fragments in serialized dataflow form (SSA). ;; This representation is a stx object containing a number of ;; name.expr bindings. The last one is the value of the expression ;; (compiled to `return' or possibly later a GCC ({ ... }) form. ;; Next to simple nested expression trees, the SSA form can represent ;; DAGs / memoization. It is executable by a serial machine and ;; allows straightforward recovery of the DF graph. (define (ssa->c stx [T (primitive-type 'float)]) (syntax-case stx () (((name expr) ...) (let ((ns (syntax->datum #'(name ...))) (es (syntax->list #'(expr ...)))) (block (append (list (vars T ns)) (for/list ((n ns) (e es)) (se (assign '= n (stx->c-expr e)))))))))) ; Maybe not so useful ;; (define (let*->c stx [T (primitive-type 'float)]) ;; (syntax-case stx () ;; (((name expr) ...) ;; (let ((ns (syntax->datum #'(name ...))) ;; (es (syntax->list #'(expr ...)))) ;; (block ;; (append ;; (for/list ((n ns) (e es)) ;; (var T n (stx->c-expr e))) ;; (list ;; (return (vref (car (reverse ns))))))))))) (define (in-stx stx) (in-list (syntax->list stx))) (define (c-binop? stx) (case (syntax->datum stx) ((+ - * / ==) #t) (else #f))) (define (c-unop? stx) (case (syntax->datum stx) ((- ~ & *) #t) (else #f))) (define (stx->c-stmt stx) (define (stx->block stx) (block (for/list ((s (in-stx stx))) (stx->c-stmt s)))) (syntax-case stx (in-range for begin) ;; Only a subset ((begin . stmts) (stx->block #'stmts)) ((for ((i (in-range n))) . stmts) (loop (syntax->datum #'i) (syntax->datum #'n) (stx->block #'stmts))) (else (se (stx->c-expr stx))))) (define (stx->c-expr stx) (define (bin fn op a b) (fn (syntax->datum op) (stx->c-expr a) (stx->c-expr b))) (syntax-case stx (ref set!) ((ref array index) (aref (stx->c-expr #'array) (stx->c-expr #'index))) ((set! a b) (bin assign #'= #'a #'b)) ((op a b) (c-binop? #'op) (bin binop #'op #'a #'b)) ;; ((op a) (c-unop? #'op) (error 'ni)) (else (let ((x (syntax->datum stx))) (cond ((symbol? x) (vref x)) ((inexact? x) (float x)) ((exact? x) (int x))))))) ;; (ast-emit (let*->c #'(let* ((a 123) (b 345)) foo))) ;; ** ARRAYS and LOOPS ** (require "../algebra/z.ss" "../algebra/stx.ss") ;; (ast-emit (stx->c-stmt (tilde->ref #'((a (+ (~ c 1) (~ c 0))) ((~ x 0) (* a a)))))) ;; (ast-emit (stx->c-stmt (tilde->ref (dfl/z #'((a (+ (z c) c) (x (* a a))))))))