#lang scribble/doc @(require scheme/sandbox scheme/enter scribble/manual scribble/eval) @(define scat-eval (make-base-eval)) @(define-syntax ex (syntax-rules () ((_ () . args) (interaction #:eval scat-eval . args)) ((_ . args) (defs+int #:eval scat-eval . args)))) @(define (indented strs) (apply string-append (map (lambda (x) (string-append " " x)) strs))) @(define-syntax-rule (forth-code . strs) (verbatim (indented 'strs))) @(define-syntax-rule (forth . a) (verbatim 'a)) ;; Find a way to properly quote forth code. @title{Macro Forth for PIC18} @section{Introduction} Staapl is a framework for metaprogramming and code generation which glues together the Scheme and Forth programming paradigms. This document describes the @emph{base language}, a dialect of the Forth programming language, heceforth called ``The Forth''. The Scheme metaprogramming facilities are intentionally left out of the main text of this document to provide a clear view of the bottom layer of the Staapl system. Remarks about the meta system are tucked away in the appendix, which can be safely ignored. This text aims in the first place at firmware engineers with a good understanding of assembler and/or the C programming language. The main advantages of Forth as a programming language is its quite direct link to machine code, while retaining a fairly highlevel feel. One could think of it as a kind of macro assembler, but with a built-in optimizer. The highlevel feel comes from the use of a @emph{stack} to pass parameters from procedure to procedure, or from macro to macro. @section{The Forth Idea} Forth is based on three simple principles. The first one is the direct use of a @emph{parameter stack} to store intermediate values. For example, the procedure @forth[+], which adds two numbers, takes the two numbers it needs as input from a parameter stack. To place numbers on the parameter stack, they just need to be entered. This leads to the following code that performs an addition: @forth-code{ 42 1 + } This way of arranging numbers and operators is called Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). To see how Forth code gets interpreted, just read it from left to right. The code above reads: ``Push the number 42; push the number 1; pop two numbers then add them together and push the result.'' The second principle is that of @emph{words}. Because Forth reads from left to right and does't need parenthesis for parameter passing, as is for example used in the C programming language, it is easy to give sequences of words a new name. For example, if you assign the name @forth[inc] to the code sequence @forth[inc], the code above can be replaced by @forth-code{ 42 inc } The syntax for defining new words is @forth-code{ : inc 1 + ; } where the colon indicates that the next word @forth[inc] is to be an alias for the code that follows it @forth[1 +], with the semicolon indicating the end. The third principle is that of @emph{memory}. The code to store the number @forth[42] in the memory location @forth[100] is: @forth-code{ 42 100 ! } This means that @forth[!] takes two numbers from the stack. The first one is the address, while the second one is the value to store at the address. The code to get numbers back out of memory is: @forth-code["\n100 @\n"] The word @forth[x] takes the address of the stack, fetches a number from memory and pushes that number to the stack.