Python tricks Entry: Getting back to python Date: Thu Sep 12 11:08:32 EDT 2013 It's been a long time - about a decade. Much has changed since then it seems. Some things I find interesting: - More functional features, i.e. - copy instead of inplace operations - list comprehensions Entry: Return the object please! Date: Thu Sep 12 11:11:37 EDT 2013 list([1,2,3]).append(4) -> NoneType In general it seems that most functions do this properly, allowing dot-chaining of operations. Why doesn't append return the object? Answer: The functional append is the '+' operator. Some more info here[1]. [1] Entry: List comprehensions Date: Thu Sep 12 11:12:54 EDT 2013 >>> [x*2 for x in [1,2,3]] [2, 4, 6] Entry: Python web scraping Date: Thu Sep 12 13:20:01 EDT 2013 Very interesting presentation by Asheesh Laroia[1] mechanize urllib urllib2 request lxml BeatifulSoup [1] Entry: Python TCP console Date: Thu Sep 12 14:17:39 EDT 2013 [1] [2] [3] Entry: PySide Date: Thu Feb 13 15:14:23 CET 2014 Is it necessary to keep a reference? Something the code below doesn't work if the object 'h' isn't saved somewhere. Does a bound method not keep a GC reference to its object? btn = QtGui.QPushButton('button') h = myHandler() # instance self.hs.append(h) # need to keep a reference! btn.clicked.connect(m.handle) Entry: DIY property based testing Date: Sat Mar 29 10:02:45 EDT 2014 Interesting problem. Is a type a sequence (generator) of values or a generator of a sequence (generator) of values? The extra indirection seems like a good idea from the concept level, but because everything is random, it doesn't seem that it really matters. So this seems to work: def a_range(min, max): while True: yield random.randint(min, max) a_byte = a_range(0, 255) def a_list(el_type, min=0, max=10): while True: len = random.randint(min, max) yield [el_type.__next__() for i in range(len)] def a_tuple(*el_types): while True: yield tuple([t.__next__() for t in el_types]) def forall(n, f, *arg_types): for i,args in zip(range(n), a_tuple(*arg_types)): f(*args) Entry: Adding a "phone home" option Date: Mon Oct 6 19:23:38 CEST 2014 Problem: no inbound ssh allowed. Solution: use an outbound ssh connection to connect to console. Several options: - operator types command to set up ssh tunnel to local ports. local ports run console - operator types command to set up ssh connection to remote host ssh -> socat -> unix socket listen + socat unix socket client For the console [1][2]: import code code.interact() [1] [2] Entry: Phone home Date: Sun Oct 12 08:39:29 EDT 2014 I'd like to find a way for a python application to 'phone home', i.e. attach to a remote management console. I tried the combination of pexpect + ssh's command= + socat which works well, but does not work on windows without cygwin installed. This raises two questions: - On windows, how do you connect pipes to a program, like Git's ssh.exe (mingw). - Is there a simple way to set up a secure tcp connection not piping through ssh? Let's use ssh to setup the tunnel and use sockets on localhost. Entry: pexpect ssh support phone home Date: Sun Oct 12 16:12:30 EDT 2014 import pexpect # import os class channel: def __init__(self): self.px = False self.connect() def connect(self): # the other end is a 'command=' line in .ssh/authorized_keys # starting socat on a unix socket. # to test this can be run here directly # command = "socat - UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/channel.sock" command = "ssh -q -F python/support.config support" print("%s" % ['connect',command]) self.px = pexpect.spawn(command) self.px.setecho(False) def next(self): self.px.expect('\r\n', timeout=60*60*24) return(self.px.before) def loop(self): while True: cmd ="utf8") print("%s" % ['command',cmd]) val = eval(cmd) msg = '%s' % ['value',val] print(msg) self.px.sendline(msg) def start(self): while True: try: self.loop() except pexpect.EOF: msg = '%s' % ['error','EOF'] print("%s" % msg) self.connect() except Exception as e: msg = '%s' % ['error',e] self.px.sendline(msg) print("%s" % msg) ## support.config is a ssh config file containing something like: ## support_key and are rsa keys # Host support # Port 443 # User supportuser # Hostname # PasswordAuthentication no # IdentitiesOnly yes # IdentityFile ./support_key