About the http://zwizwa.be web logs. CONTENT Over the years I've come to see simply writing about problems as I encounter them very productive. I put these thoughts online in order to increase the probability of serendipitous exchanges. Please do note that this collection of posts contains a lot of unfinished ideas. I do my best to try to indicate the quality where possible, and stick to a single idea or process per post. REPLY I enjoy the high signal to noise ratio of private conversation. The posts have a reply button for email. I'm also on Twitter @tom_zwizwa if that's your thing. CURRENT I have a _lot_ of side projects. I cycle through them whenever I get stuck or run out of steam. Currently I'm mostly working on: - Various "tools" libraries: http://zwizwa.be/software.html - EXO, an exercise in integration and incremental development: https://github.com/zwizwa/erl_tools/blob/master/doc/exo.org - Exploring Rust no_std async and writing some audio and MIDI code Entry: Patreon Date: Sat May 9 10:47:15 EDT 2020 Last week I created a patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/zwizwa I managed to delete my first "cheese code" post, and I cant find a way to restore it. I've replaced it with just a pointer page. It was up for a week. No likes, comments and 24 views. It doesn't look like this is the way to go and because it just made me feel uncomfortable. I'm reverting to my old blog setup and tweeting when the urge arises. Entry: Analog synth Date: Sat May 9 23:07:10 EDT 2020 Yesterday I made the ladder filter work that was literally gathering dust on my top shelf for 6 years. Basically, the circuits do something meaningful, but the passives need some tuning: http://zwizwa.be/archive/ladder-201406.pdf http://zwizwa.be/archive/pic_saw-v2-201405.pdf