updated: Wed Jan 11 12:30:23 CET 2006 3DP is on hold for a while. ---- some quick notes about 3dp threads no multithreading. basta. i am completely sick and tired of trying to get it to work. if you need audio/video independence, use 2 pd instances. i'm planning to add shared memory support to libpf so at least 2 pds can sniff each other's packets. serial 3dp is serial. it is represented by a tree. the tree is rooted at the window context, and traversal of the tree is done in standard pd way: rightmost outlets first. it is much simpler than it used to be: all 3dp operations expect a '3dp' message on the left inlet as a synchronization means. the drawing happens to the current context. accumulation because of the explicit serial nature (incremental drawing) the order of operations is important. 3dp behaves different as pf: if you connect 2 obects to one outlet, the order of the operations is unspecified.