running PF inside Pure Data. ---------------------------- there are 5 pd objects [pf ] run a PF script inside PD [dsp2pf~ ] convert dsp blocks to PF matrix events.. [pf2dsp~] .. and back [array2pf ] read contents of PD array into PF matrix packet .. [pf2array ] .. and write back the last 2 are really straightforward: they simply convert data. the first one is what you need to do proper embedding. * a class is implemented as a PF file. for example, see the "puredata/extra/pf_console.pd" abstraction, which uses the PD object [pf pd-console], implemented by "script/". (or anything in the PF load path called "") * all selectors sent to a [pf] object are prepended with "pd-". this is to avoid most 'random exection' since method handles are implemented as plain forth words. * the class implementation in PF uses the following words: class define a new class. name refers to constructor. method declare a word as method (probably starts with "pd-") handles set the behaviour of a method * to interface scripts you usually would run at the command line or inside emacs, use the objects [pf_console] to get a the PF console where you can type commands [pf_tick] to create the time base of animations pd words -------- make-outlet # -- make-inlet # fromsymbol tosymbol -- send # atom symbol -- outlet # atom index -- done # ... -- message protocol ---------------- sending messages from PF -> PD uses the 'send' and 'outlet' words. the list (boo 1 2 3) corresponds to the message |boo 1 2 3< message reception works like this: suppose the [pf ] object gets a PD message |blabla 1 2 3< this will result in the execution of the 'pd-blabla' word, which is passed the remaining aruments in a list, so the sending is equivalent to the forth code "(1 2 3) pd-blabla". the 'done' word clears the data stack, (back to a predictable state), and signals PD to continue execution. (implementation detail: it does so by using a low-level message protocol implemented in puredata/src/pdobj.c which interprets the empty list as return. you can use this protocol to do a bit more fancy stuff, for example implementing pd objects as proper tasks for sequencing without using state machines. see script/ for more info) remarks ------- it's probably not a good idea to create lots of small objects: it's probably easier to create some PF words and glue them together in a larger object. this is how i use it, but who am i to judge usage.. i am not going to implement a 'PD wrapper around PF', as i once planned (a new version of PDP/3DP). anyone who wants to do so, please go ahead. one piece of advice though: if you do want to create a set of wrappers, don't create a bunch of text files in the style of script/ since wrappers are probably a lot easier to generate automaticly.