load-opengl # load opengl drawing support 512 512 display # create a display (window) 2d # switch it to 2D mode drawing # switch to drawing mode (as opposed to animation mode) # turtorial functions # motion : up 1. transy ; : down -1. transy ; : left -1. transx ; : right 1. transx ; # objects : box .9 square ; # screen management: restart drawing : clean clearscreen # clear the screen .1 scale ; # set the drawing scale # colors : red 1 0 0 rgb ; : green 0 1 0 rgb ; : blue 0 0 1 rgb ; : white 1 1 1 rgb ; # rotation : clockwize -90. rotz ; # more elaborate drawing : fence >r r for up box next r for left box next r for down box next r for right box next rdrop ; "try to type 'box' after using the following commands." . cr tab "up, down, left, right, red, green, blue, white" . cr clean # start with a clean screen interactive # connect interactive console