Old Released version 0.3.3. 2000-10-26 Updated aewm license info by request. XK_Insert does same as XK_KP_Insert - may have to rethink that as it's a 4-key chord on a happy hacking. Almost as bad as emacs! Alt+Tab warps account for border width 2000-10-27 Cleared out // comments. Now gets the border the right size when a window resizes itself. First window gets an active border now. 2000-10-31 Updated aewm license info again ;) Released version 0.3.4. 2000-11-06 Some code tidyups. Looked into the gravity code and made it more right. 2000-11-07 Divide XxY display by increments if bit set whilst resizing/moving. Released version 0.3.5. Shaved some bytes off by grabbing keys in a loop. -bw option to change border width. Also changed all other options to single - due to making more sense 2000-11-08 Stop remembering the name of the window. Fixed that daft "last window's gone, can't do anything" bug Realised we don't care if window is transient - nothing happens anyway. Use some simple fork/exec code instead of system() ... but managed to save space elsewhere just by altering the logic 2001-01-15 Merged the virtual window manager hack in - edit Makefile to include -DVWM to use. It should be noted that at the moment for any "official" packages, I'd prefer this was left out... Released version 0.3.7. 2001-01-22 -DSOLIDDRAG now enables.. er.. solid drags. Which look nice but wouldn't be splendid on a slow machine. 2001-01-25 Removed atdot address from docs. 2001-01-31 -DSTDIO is needed to include various error/help messages. Basically I looked at swm and saw one of its methods of shaving bytes. INSTALL file provided to explain all the -Ds. If a window tries to start itself iconised, map it. That way we shouldn't get some weirdnesses (tho it might be rude). With minimal options, evilwm now comes out to <15K under Linux :) 2001-02-04 Released 0.3.8. 2001-02-08 move() takes extra parameter indicating new location has already been set. Thus, new coords are set in event handler for key commands. This gets rid of my dodgy XPutBackEvent hack. 2001-02-10 Fixed unfocused Alt+Tab again. Colourmap handling optional, only needed for non-truecolour displays. Rolled event loop up into main() where it belongs (I reckon) Released 0.3.9. 2001-02-11 Added maximise/vertical maximise. Looked at solid resize - decided it was a pretty terrible idea. Made mouse control optional(!) 2001-02-14 Rewrote the README. Realised I didn't have to translate virtual desktops into 0-7, I can just use the keysym value. 2001-02-16 Found the bug that was indirectly causing infinite loops with virtual desktops enabled. XNextEvent raising an X error - hmm, doesn't say that could happen in the docs. I don't like the current fix, which is flag handle_xerror to ignore during that call. 2001-02-17 Ah. After switching desktops, unmapping one window could cause an enter event for another. By the time the handler is called, that window is also unmapped, so anything you try and do to handle the event causes the xerror. Sorted :) 2001-02-18 Released 0.3.10. 2001-02-21 Received code from Peter Bailey to implement Ctrl+Alt+[Left|Right] vdesk switching. Opinion around the office is that this is a Good Thing, but not to let it cycle around (eg, from vdesk 8 to vdesk 1). So that's what I've put in. Unfortunately reintroduces dependancy on XK_1-XK_8 being contigious. 2001-05-24 Received a patch from Dave Holland to fix the ordering problem with virtual desktops. Works well, but I think an extra parameter to unhide() is tidier, so I've done that instead. Much thanks anyway :) Did some research into Wayne Myers' inane crash. Another spurious XError. So far I've turned the crash into a bug - a 17x17 square remains on the screen. Weird. 2001-06-02 Well, by simply setting up to ignore the XError, I've "fixed" the bug. Strange. Tempted to blame GTK+ for now. Changed default Makefile to build virtual desktops in, as that's what seems to break most frequently; and enable solid drags, as that's what I use. Released 0.3.11. 2001-07-13 Added -V option. Start the run up to 1.0. Hopefully this will involve solving the IE bug, but right now I'm not very concerned about it. 2001-08-24 Grab everything with Mod3Mask as well - this should circumvent the NumLock problem. 2002-01-03 If an app maps itself (EVIL! EVIL! EVIL!), switch to the virtual desktop it's on before raising it. 2002-01-22 (vatten@users.sourceforge.net) Added support for vdesk - an external virtual desktop manager that works by iconifying windows and mapping them back again. 2002-01-24 (vatten@users.souceforge.net) Added support for the combination of vdesk and the internal virtual desktop manager. 2002-01-25 Move all the key bindings out into a separate include file and add a line in Makefile to override KILL key (for cygwin). 2002-02-28 Released 0.99.4. 2002-03-04 A window that changes size to be >= width/height of screen with x=0 or y=0 is probably trying to fullscreen, so shift it left/up by border width in those cases. 2002-03-12 Alerted to the fact that BSD make doesn't support static pattern rules, but checked with a BSD user that 'make allinone' does in fact work. Included a note to the effect that BSD users should use that. Ok, noticed that this functionality isn't even required, so made it into something that works on both :) Made move/resize raise the window before doing anything. 2002-03-25 Set a global variable while quitting. Changed way spawn() works - it now fork()s twice. 2002-03-26 Wait until pointer has moved at least 6 pixels before starting to move a window - hopefully will mostly eliminate my nicely aligned windows becoming silghtly crooked just because I raised one. 2002-08-19 Released 0.99.7. Received patch from Dave Holland to adjust position of *new* windows trying to fullscreen. 2002-08-21 Finally applied kludge from David Flynn that fixes the IE bug. IE is basically doing some *REALLY BAD THINGS*, and neither of us know why, but he traced it down to generating a single specific xerror which we can happily ignore. 2002-08-22 Manpage updates. 2002-09-25 When removing a window, map it before destroying its parent (the border). This should stop things disappearing if you quit evilwm while using virtual desktops. (Thanks to Paul Whittaker) Changed default font to 'variable' which should exist even if 'lucidasans-10' doesn't. (Thanks to Paul Whittaker and Dan Field) 2002-09-27 Fix non-soliddrags (broken since 2002-03-26 edit, it seems). 2002-10-17 Add a new window information banner (displayed while moving, resizing or holding down Ctrl+Alt+I). Enabled with -DINFOBANNER. Turn off autorepeat while Ctrl+Alt+I is held down. Released 0.99.8. 2002-11-07 Fix potential divide-by-zero for clients that misreport their geometry divisors. Released 0.99.9. 2002-11-09 Add a call to setsid() to put spawned xterms into their own process group. Should finally stop them disappearing on wm exit. Fullscreen fixes, tested with xv ('m') and mplayer ('f'). 2002-11-10 Hopefully fixed the "grey squares" problem by seeing if an XError occurred before we got to set up a new client window. -DINFOBANNER and -DINFOBANNER_MOVERESIZE are now separated so you can enable it for Ctrl+Alt+I but disable it for move/resize where it would slow everything down. When a window is removed, don't reset current window unless this *was* the current window. This means all background windows should grey out properly now. Released 0.99.10. Documentation updates. Added -DMWM_HINTS (code taken from aewm) as a way of determining if a border is required for a client. 2002-11-11 Using -display will also set an environment variable DISPLAY= to be inherited by children. Hopefully stop the NumLock related bug reports once and for all by figuring out which modifier is attached to XK_Num_Lock and grabbing all keys with that, caps lock and both. Shifting which modifier Num_Lock is bound to with xmodmap seems to show this working. 2002-11-12 Released 0.99.11. Fix a small memory leak (and free another allocation that wouldn't leak). Make vdesk-changing "autowarp" an option after realising how annoying it was. Abstracted out the change-border-colour code into a separate function. This is tidier and results in a smaller binary. 2002-11-18 Fixed Alt-Tab-into-nowhere bug that I think would cause an infinite loop if you tried Alt-Tab on an empty virtual desktop. Extended the NumLock keyboard fixes to the mouse button grabs. 2002-11-19 Ripped out most of the VDESK_BOTH code (which didn't work) and replaced it with code that just calls the 'vdesk' application (which does). 2002-11-20 Abstract a couple more grabs out into macros - code tidy. 2002-11-23 Fix small problem with border colours in new code. Documentation updates. Re-fix multihead "support". 2002-11-24 Better multihead support - entering managed screen will grab keyboard events, leaving will deselect "current" window. Documentation updates. Released 0.99.12. Argh! Only set focus to PointerRoot on entering root window if we don't have a current window (I'd killed sloppy focus...) 2002-11-26 Released 0.99.13. First draft proper multihead support - looks like it's working, needs a bit of testing. 2003-01-15 No complaints so... Released 0.99.14. 2003-06-10 Warp mouse to topleft before bottomright for small viewport users. Fix the xpdf problem (started up in tiny window), hopefully doesn't break anything else (XSizeHints manpage suggests width/height hints are obsolete). 2003-06-27 Applied Larry's identifier shadowing changes, and malloc return value checks. 2003-06-29 Released 0.99.15. 2003-07-23 Dave Holland sent a patch to fix some Alt+Tab misbehaviour. 2003-09-18 Fixed "losing control of windows" problem when switching desktops rapidly on slow machines. Released 0.99.16. 2003-09-25 Hopefully *really* fix that bug. Testers suggest to me that it is now really gone. 2003-10-15 Integrated a patch from Neil Drumm to implement snap-to-border. Run evilwm with -snap num to enable the behaviour (num specifies the proximity in pixels to snap to - 10 is quite nice). It's worth noting that Per Weijnitz sent a similar patch a while ago, but I never got around to using it :( Released 0.99.17.