LIST ; P16F871.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.00 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST ; This header file defines configurations, registers, and other useful bits of ; information for the PIC16F871 microcontroller. These names are taken to match ; the data sheets as closely as possible. ; Note that the processor must be selected before this file is ; included. The processor may be selected the following ways: ; 1. Command line switch: ; C:\ MPASM MYFILE.ASM /PIC16F871 ; 2. LIST directive in the source file ; LIST P=PIC16F871 ; 3. Processor Type entry in the MPASM full-screen interface ;========================================================================== ; ; Revision History ; ;========================================================================== ;Rev: Date: Reason: ;1.00 08/07/98 Initial Release - cloned from 16F873 ;========================================================================== ; ; Verify Processor ; ;========================================================================== IFNDEF __16F871 MESSG "Processor-header file mismatch. Verify selected processor." ENDIF ;========================================================================== ; ; Register Definitions ; ;========================================================================== W EQU H'0000' F EQU H'0001' ;----- Register Files------------------------------------------------------ INDF EQU H'0000' TMR0 EQU H'0001' PCL EQU H'0002' STATUS EQU H'0003' FSR EQU H'0004' PORTA EQU H'0005' PORTB EQU H'0006' PORTC EQU H'0007' PORTD EQU H'0008' PORTE EQU H'0009' PCLATH EQU H'000A' INTCON EQU H'000B' PIR1 EQU H'000C' PIR2 EQU H'000D' TMR1L EQU H'000E' TMR1H EQU H'000F' T1CON EQU H'0010' TMR2 EQU H'0011' T2CON EQU H'0012' CCPR1L EQU H'0015' CCPR1H EQU H'0016' CCP1CON EQU H'0017' RCSTA EQU H'0018' TXREG EQU H'0019' RCREG EQU H'001A' ADRESH EQU H'001E' ADCON0 EQU H'001F' OPTION_REG EQU H'0081' TRISA EQU H'0085' TRISB EQU H'0086' TRISC EQU H'0087' TRISD EQU H'0088' TRISE EQU H'0089' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PIE2 EQU H'008D' PCON EQU H'008E' PR2 EQU H'0092' TXSTA EQU H'0098' SPBRG EQU H'0099' ADRESL EQU H'009E' ADCON1 EQU H'009F' EEDATA EQU H'010C' EEADR EQU H'010D' EEDATH EQU H'010E' EEADRH EQU H'010F' EECON1 EQU H'018C' EECON2 EQU H'018D' ;----- STATUS Bits -------------------------------------------------------- IRP EQU H'0007' RP1 EQU H'0006' RP0 EQU H'0005' NOT_TO EQU H'0004' NOT_PD EQU H'0003' Z EQU H'0002' DC EQU H'0001' C EQU H'0000' ;----- OPTION_REG Bits ---------------------------------------------------- NOT_RBPU EQU H'0007' INTEDG EQU H'0006' T0CS EQU H'0005' T0SE EQU H'0004' PSA EQU H'0003' PS2 EQU H'0002' PS1 EQU H'0001' PS0 EQU H'0000' ;----- INTCON Bits -------------------------------------------------------- GIE EQU H'0007' PEIE EQU H'0006' T0IE EQU H'0005' INTE EQU H'0004' RBIE EQU H'0003' T0IF EQU H'0002' INTF EQU H'0001' RBIF EQU H'0000' ;----- PIE1 Bits ---------------------------------------------------------- PSPIE EQU H'0007' ADIE EQU H'0006' RCIE EQU H'0005' TXIE EQU H'0004' CCP1IE EQU H'0002' TMR2IE EQU H'0001' TMR1IE EQU H'0000' ;----- PIR1 Bits ---------------------------------------------------------- PSPIF EQU H'0007' ADIF EQU H'0006' RCIF EQU H'0005' TXIF EQU H'0004' CCP1IF EQU H'0002' TMR2IF EQU H'0001' TMR1IF EQU H'0000' ;----- PIE2 Bits ---------------------------------------------------------- EEIE EQU H'0004' ;----- PIR2 Bits ---------------------------------------------------------- EEIF EQU H'0004' ;----- PCON Bits ---------------------------------------------------------- NOT_POR EQU H'0001' NOT_BO EQU H'0000' NOT_BOR EQU H'0000' ;----- TRISE Bits --------------------------------------------------------- IBF EQU H'0007' OBF EQU H'0006' IBOV EQU H'0005' PSPMODE EQU H'0004' TRISE2 EQU H'0002' TRISE1 EQU H'0001' TRISE0 EQU H'0000' ;----- EECON1 Bits -------------------------------------------------------- EEPGD EQU H'0007' WRERR EQU H'0003' WREN EQU H'0002' WR EQU H'0001' RD EQU H'0000' ;----- T1CON Bits --------------------------------------------------------- T1CKPS1 EQU H'0005' T1CKPS0 EQU H'0004' T1OSCEN EQU H'0003' NOT_T1SYNC EQU H'0002' T1INSYNC EQU H'0002' ; Backward compatibility only T1SYNC EQU H'0002' TMR1CS EQU H'0001' TMR1ON EQU H'0000' ;----- T2CON Bits --------------------------------------------------------- TOUTPS3 EQU H'0006' TOUTPS2 EQU H'0005' TOUTPS1 EQU H'0004' TOUTPS0 EQU H'0003' TMR2ON EQU H'0002' T2CKPS1 EQU H'0001' T2CKPS0 EQU H'0000' ;----- CCP1CON Bits ------------------------------------------------------- CCP1X EQU H'0005' CCP1Y EQU H'0004' CCP1M3 EQU H'0003' CCP1M2 EQU H'0002' CCP1M1 EQU H'0001' CCP1M0 EQU H'0000' ;----- TXSTA Bits --------------------------------------------------------- CSRC EQU H'0007' TX9 EQU H'0006' NOT_TX8 EQU H'0006' ; Backward compatibility only TX8_9 EQU H'0006' ; Backward compatibility only TXEN EQU H'0005' SYNC EQU H'0004' BRGH EQU H'0002' TRMT EQU H'0001' TX9D EQU H'0000' TXD8 EQU H'0000' ; Backward compatibility only ;----- RCSTA Bits --------------------------------------------------------- SPEN EQU H'0007' RX9 EQU H'0006' RC9 EQU H'0006' ; Backward compatibility only NOT_RC8 EQU H'0006' ; Backward compatibility only RC8_9 EQU H'0006' ; Backward compatibility only SREN EQU H'0005' CREN EQU H'0004' ADDEN EQU H'0003' FERR EQU H'0002' OERR EQU H'0001' RX9D EQU H'0000' RCD8 EQU H'0000' ; Backward compatibility only ;----- ADCON0 Bits -------------------------------------------------------- ADCS1 EQU H'0007' ADCS0 EQU H'0006' CHS2 EQU H'0005' CHS1 EQU H'0004' CHS0 EQU H'0003' GO EQU H'0002' NOT_DONE EQU H'0002' GO_DONE EQU H'0002' ADON EQU H'0000' ;----- ADCON1 Bits -------------------------------------------------------- ADFM EQU H'0007' PCFG3 EQU H'0003' PCFG2 EQU H'0002' PCFG1 EQU H'0001' PCFG0 EQU H'0000' ;========================================================================== ; ; RAM Definition ; ;========================================================================== __MAXRAM H'1FF' __BADRAM H'13'-H'14', H'1B'-H'1D' __BADRAM H'8F'-H'91', H'93'-H'97', H'9A'-H'9D', H'C0'-H'EF' __BADRAM H'105', H'107'-H'109', H'110'-H'11F' __BADRAM H'185', H'187'-H'189', H'18E'-H'19F', H'1C0'-H'1EF' ;========================================================================== ; ; Configuration Bits ; ;========================================================================== _CP_ALL EQU H'0FCF' _CP_OFF EQU H'3FFF' _DEBUG_ON EQU H'37FF' _DEBUG_OFF EQU H'3FFF' _WRT_ENABLE_ON EQU H'3FFF' _WRT_ENABLE_OFF EQU H'3DFF' _CPD_ON EQU H'3EFF' _CPD_OFF EQU H'3FFF' _LVP_ON EQU H'3FFF' _LVP_OFF EQU H'3F7F' _BODEN_ON EQU H'3FFF' _BODEN_OFF EQU H'3FBF' _PWRTE_OFF EQU H'3FFF' _PWRTE_ON EQU H'3FF7' _WDT_ON EQU H'3FFF' _WDT_OFF EQU H'3FFB' _LP_OSC EQU H'3FFC' _XT_OSC EQU H'3FFD' _HS_OSC EQU H'3FFE' _RC_OSC EQU H'3FFF' LIST