;; syntax streams ;; For a concatenative language it makes sense to process syntax as a ;; stream instead of a tree. (module stx-stream mzscheme (require "stream.ss" "utils.ss") (require-for-syntax "utils.ss") (provide (all-defined)) ;; Convert read-syntax + port combo -> stream. (define (read-syntax/port->stream read-language-syntax file port) (let next () (lazy (let ((thing (read-language-syntax file port))) (if (eof-object? thing) (begin (close-input-port port) @null) (@cons thing (next))))))) (define (@unroll-stx stream number) (let-values (((head tail) (@pop stream number))) (values (datum->syntax-object #f head) tail))) ;; Similar to @match, but using syntax-case. The unrolling binds ;; the tail of the stream separately to the specified identifier. (define-syntax @syntax-case (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ stx-stream tail literals (pattern expr) . clauses) (let ((n (stx-length #'pattern))) #`(let-values (((head tail) (@unroll-stx stx-stream #,n))) (syntax-case head literals (pattern expr) . #,(if (stx-null? #'clauses) #'() #'((anything (@syntax-case stx-stream tail literals . clauses))))))))))) ;; Convert syntax to syntax stream (define (@stx stx) (lazy (syntax-case stx () ((a . b) (@cons #'a (@stx #'b))) (() @null)))) ;; A 'primitive parser' is a syntax stream processor that produces 2 ;; output streams: the processed stream, and the remainder of the ;; unprocessed stream. This can be used by a driver (equiped with a ;; primitive parser dictionary) to provide either depth-first or ;; breath-first expansion. (define (@parsed stx-fragment stream+) (values (@stx stx-fragment) stream+)) (define (@parse-just-copy stream) (@parsed #`(#,(@car stream)) (@cdr stream))) (define (@apply-parsers name->parser code) (lazy (if (@null? code) code (let ((@parser (name->parser (->datum (@car code))))) (let-values (((out code+) ((or @parser @parse-just-copy) code))) (@append out (@apply-parsers name->parser code+))))))) ;; A syntax-rules style way for defining parser bodies. ;; (parser-rules () ;; ((_ a b) (a a b b))) (define-syntax parser-rules (syntax-rules () ((_ literals (pattern template) ...) (lambda (stream) (@syntax-case stream s+ literals (pattern (@parsed #`template s+)) ...))))) ;; This entry point consumes and produces lists of symbols instead ;; of syntax streams. (define (apply-parsers find code) (@unfold (@map ->datum (@apply-parsers find (@stx (->syntax #f code)))))) ;; This macro creates a finite function: atom -> parser, which can ;; be used as an argument to 'apply-parsers'. For an example of the ;; use, have a look at 'interactive.ss' (define-syntax predicates->parsers (syntax-rules () ((_ (pred/sym (pattern template) ...) ...) (lambda (atom) (cond (((as-predicate pred/sym) atom) (parser-rules () (pattern template) ...)) ... (else #f)))))) (define (as-predicate thing) (if (procedure? thing) thing (lambda (x) (eq? x thing)))) ;; ;; Create a collection of membership predicates. Useful in ;; ;; combination with the previous macro. (see interactive.ss) ;; (define-syntax with-member-predicates ;; (syntax-rules () ;; ((_ ((effect . ops) ...) body) ;; (let ((effect ;; (lambda (op) ;; (case op (ops op) (else #f)))) ...) ;; body)))) ;; Chunking / collecting. Used as preprocessor for s-expression ;; based matching. ;; HACK: let it accept strings in addition to symbols. (define (as-symbol name) (if (symbol? name) name (string->symbol name))) (define (@stx-unflatten stream name) (let ((sym (as-symbol name))) (@unflatten stream (lambda (x) (eq? (->datum x) sym))))) ;; Util (define-syntax @pop! (syntax-rules () ((_ stream) (set! stream (@cdr stream))))) )