;; Running BROOD under snot. Simply 'load' this file from within ;; snot, i.e. in ~/.snotrc (require "console.ss" ;; console actions without host && target state (lib "sandbox.ss")) ;; with-limits ;; state is separated into 3 things: ;; (T) target state = microcontroller flash memory ;; (M) target metadata = target dictionary + run time stack ;; (H) host state = transparently cached from source files ;; The idea is that we should be able to replace (H) without affecting ;; (T) and (M). In order to do this, both need to be separate. (T) is ;; external to the system, so we can ignore it and assume it's always ;; in sync with (M). ;; We store (M) here. (define *target* (init-target)) ;; We manage (H) in a sandbox using snot's "box" language, and use ;; "console.ss" to manage (M) outside of that sandbox. (define (*host* expr) (with-limits #f #f ;;10 100 (language-eval 'box expr))) (define (brood-file str) (format "~a/~a" (brood-home) str)) (define (brood-reload) (set! *target* (strip *target*)) (box-module-file (brood-file "host") (brood-file "host/box.ss")) ;; boot: call prj-rep directly to avoid snot prompts. (set! *target* (prj-rep *target* *host* "revert-macros")) (*host* `(current-directory ,(brood-file ""))) ;; (language-rep 'prj "revert-macros") ) ;; Convenience (define (brood-target) (brood) (snot-repls '(live macro prj))) (define-syntax rep (syntax-rules () ((_ delegate) (lambda (str) (set! *target* (delegate *target* *host* str)))))) (define (make-ns-completer . args) args) (define ((not-implemented tag) . args) (error 'not-implemented "~a ~a" tag args)) ;; BASE (register-language 'base "base> " (lambda (expr) (base-eval *host* expr)) (rep base-rep) (make-completer (base-wordlist *host*))) ;; PROJECT (register-language 'prj "prj> " (not-implemented 'prj-eval) (rep prj-rep) (make-completer (prj-wordlist *host*))) ;; MACRO (register-language 'macro ">> " (not-implemented 'macro-eval) (rep macro-rep) (make-completer (macro-wordlist *host*))) ;; LIVE (register-language 'live "> " (not-implemented 'live-eval) (rep live-rep) (make-completer (live-wordlist *host*))) ;; LIVE/VM (register-language 'live/vm "_> " (not-implemented 'live/vm-eval) (rep live/vm-rep) (make-completer (live/vm-wordlist *host*))) ;; MACRO (register-language 'macro/vm "_>> " (not-implemented 'macro/vm-eval) (rep macro/vm-rep) (make-completer (macro-wordlist *host*))) ;; JOY ;; ;; just a toy. load the "joy.ss" module in the sandbox for this to work. ;; (define (joy-rep str) ;; (let ((expr (base-eval `(,str lex-line)))) ;; (prj-update! ;; `(',expr i)))) ;; (register-language 'joy "joy> " ;; (not-implemented 'joy-eval) ;; joy-rep ;; (make-ns-completer '((joy) (base)))) (repls '(image box box-macro base prj live macro live/vm macro/vm)) (run brood-reload) ;; (printf "BROOD loaded..\n")