;; The badnop compiler word set. (module badnop mzscheme (require "utils.ss" ;; words "base.ss" ;; load base words ;; utilities "lex.ss" ;; string -> forth "forth.ss" ;; forth -> compositional "ihex.ss" ;; intel hex file stuff "usb.ss" ;; usb support code "platform.ss" ;; platform specific (serial port config) "forth.ss" ;; symbolic forth -> compositional macro transformer "direct.ss" ;; direct threaded utils "interactive.ss" "assembler.ss" "target.ss" ;; target dictionary object ;; cat "composite.ss" "primitive.ss" "ns-base-stx.ss" "ns.ss" "ns-utils.ss" ;; "debug.ss" "rpn-eval.ss" "documentation.ss" "config.ss" "rep.ss" "gnuplot.ss" (lib "match.ss") (lib "pretty.ss") ) (provide badnop:) ;; The (badnop) namespace collects words from the files in the ;; dependencies, so we don't need to pollute the (base) namespace, ;; and can keep the files above free of namespace code. ;; (ns-new '(badnop)) (ns-base-stx (badnop:) ((badnop) (base))) ;; delegate to (base) (rpn-modules "badnop.ss" ;; debugging? "macro.ss") ;; essential for compiler (snarf as-push (badnop) ((dict tag) (dict-find-code dict-find-data)) ((dict tag item) (dict-set-data)) ((dir component) (load-project)) ((port rate) (serialconfig)) ((lst) (bin->chunks chunks->ihex bin?)) ((lst a) (chunk-align-bits list->table)) ((lst a b) (split-chunk join-nibble-list)) ((number) (word->string byte->string)) ((device-descriptor) (usb-compile-device)) ((forth-source) (vm->native/compile)) ((path file) (file-in-path)) ;; lex.ss ;; Read a file or string with forth syntax into a list. ((string) (forth-string->syntax)) ((filename path) (forth-load-in-path)) ;; forth.ss ;; Convert a list with forth syntax to macro syntax. ((forth) (forth->macro.code)) ;; interactive.ss ((code) (live->prj live/vm->prj)) ((str log) (log-line)) ;; assembler.ss ((nam) (eval-macro)) ((n l) (number->chunks)) ) (compositions (badnop) badnop: (forth->code/macro forth->macro.code unswons) (words->bytes (0 8 split-chunk) map) (bin->ihex bin->chunks words->bytes ;; config-bits '() cons append chunks->ihex) (print-ihex bin->ihex (display) for-each) ;; Compile symbolic refs ;; NOTATION: words starting with colon always generate ;; compiled/bound (executable) code. Other words operate on lists ;; only. (:macro 'macro: rpn-compile) (:macro-prim 'macro-prim rpn-compile) (:prj 'prj: rpn-compile) (:live live->prj :prj) (:live/vm live/vm->prj :prj) ;; WARNING: this ignores macros! (:forth forth->code/macro drop :macro) ;; read one atom from file (read-file-first open-input-file dup read swap close-input-port) ;; Load forth files in path, and compile them into executable ;; macros. (file/path->code/macro forth-load-in-path ;; tokenize from file tree forth->code/macro) ;; parse into code / macro lists (string->code/macro forth-string->syntax forth->code/macro) (check-bin dup bin? ('assembly-failed swons throw) unless) (scrap-dict '()) ;; '((code . 0) (data . 0)) ;; Update assembly object from filesystem. ;; asm file path -- asm+ (asm+=file/path :path/load! run) ;; Similar, but without update. ;; file path -- asm (file/path->asm :path/load! '() swap run) ;; Update dictionary from filesystem + return binary code. ;; file path dict -- bin dict+ (file/path/dict->bin/dict (file/path->asm) dip asm/dict-post asm/dict->bin/dict+) ;; ( asm dict -- binary dict+ ) (asm/dict->bin/dict+ (reverse) dip assemble ;; view asm as binary code + updated dict (check-bin) dip) (asm/dict-post (post) dip) ;; Compilation (macro-effects! '() swap run drop) ;; run a macro for side-effects ;; debugging (prun/empty '() swap run reverse print-asm) (pmacro :macro prun/empty) (pforth forth-string->syntax forth->macro pmacro) ;; print macro source (msee '(macro) cons reverse ns-ref print-word) ;; FIXME ) ;; COMPILATION POST PROCESSOR ;; some things are easier done in multiple passes. this driver will ;; run some macro, feeding it the assembler code, one opcode at a ;; time. (define-word compile-post (macro reverse-asm . stack) (let next ((in (reverse reverse-asm)) (s (pack '() stack))) ;; empty asm buffer (if (null? in) s ;; done (let ((in+ (cdr in)) (asm+ (cons (car in) (car s))) (s+ (cdr s))) ;; (printf "ASM: ~s\n" asm+) (next in+ (apply macro (pack asm+ s+))))))) (compositions (badnop) badnop: (opti-passes ('() cons :forth compile-post) for-each) ) ;; RUNTIME MACRO DEFINITIONS ;; This extends the compiler from a source description. The default ;; is compositional macros using ( .