# makefile for 452 forth compiler & dev station VERSION = 0.3 PACKAGE = badnop-$(VERSION) IDIR = ../$(PACKAGE) all: badnop app_clean: rm -f a.* app: ./badnop build.f app16: ./badnop build16.f sim: ./build.f gpsim -pp18f452 a.hex # NOTE: the header file is from Microchip's assembler. # I suppose I'm not allowed to redistribute it, though # there is no licence information in the file itself. # This distribution includes the derived forth files only. macro: P18F452.INC ./const.pl 18f452.f ./const_mac.pl 18f452_mac.f clean: app_clean rm -f a.out rm -f badnop badnop.exe rm -f *.LST *.HEX *.ERR *.COD *~ */*~ rm -f *.lst *.hex *.err *.cod mrproper: clean rm -f 18f452.f 18f452_mac.f badnop: make -C src